1/64 Model Collectors Thread

  • Thread starter SVX

Do you take your cars out of the blisters?

  • Yes.

    Votes: 320 51.0%
  • Kinda, I open most of them.

    Votes: 128 20.4%
  • Nope.

    Votes: 92 14.7%
  • Yes and no. I buy a second for opening/customizing.

    Votes: 125 19.9%

  • Total voters
Yep, Gran Turismo really did influence me with my car collection since the first two and including NFS and Test Drive as well. Even to this day cars like the Lotus Elise GT1, Venturi Alantinque 300/400 and the Speed 12 I'm still trying to find those from playing GT2! :D

But to think of it and all these years of finding the Skyline R34 (Had several R34s before my HW one) in 2010 HWs Lineup and I was hoping HW would make one since '99 (but I have several R32s including the FE 2002 GTR R32 :D)!

And don't get me started on Test Drive with the Caterhams, I was after the Super 7s along with the GTRs from TD5 and TD6! And then years down the line and MB makes the R500!!!
Got out of school and thought to myself, why not stop by the flea market. Though carrying many doubts that there would be any new items. But there was! Not much though, the grab bags are back with more interesting cars! No more of five cheapo knock-offs with ONE hot wheels. It's back to three hotwheels/matchbox in one bag for $1. Anyways, all the "main" pegs were still close to empty as always with nothing new. However, as I was walking up a ramp (they have an upper and lower floor), I noticed a plastic bin on the side of the walkway. And there was a bunch of diecast cars all dumped in there. So I decided to rummage around hoping to find something interesting... And...

Bugatti Veyron! Finally!!! :D
Maserati MC12!
Saleen S7!
and...MB Nissan 350Z.

Also found a 'Tooned Enzo and a Lotus Elise. There were several Jada cars, including some of the usual disproportionate tuner cars like an IS300, Supra, RX-7, Celica, and Evo. Also found a cartoony Nissan Skyline that had the F&F style modifications. Said Mattel on the bottom, but was definitely bigger, maybe Muscle Machines kind of size? Also some Muscle Machines in there and 1:43-1:24-ish scale models. Cheap Maistos and knock-offs. Might go back there for the Tuner stuff... Worth it? 50 cents each! Though probably not for the scale models.
Worth it? 50 cents each!

Dude why are you even asking this? Those were north of $5 when new, grab them, put them on E-Bay, make a buck, OR grab them, dissassemble them, use wheels and other elemnts for doing stuff, OR grab them and keep them, OR grab them and send them to me!
Dude why are you even asking this? Those were north of $5 when new, grab them, put them on E-Bay, make a buck, OR grab them, dissassemble them, use wheels and other elemnts for doing stuff, OR grab them and keep them, OR grab them and send them to me!

Was never into the F&F based tuning diecast cars. I used to have some as a kid, but they obviously never grew on me. So I wasn't sure if it was worth going after them. Plus I only had $3 on me.

I believe they were like this:

Well, if you say so, I'll go back next time I get some more cash.
Oh, I had a five pack of those cars. All I remember is the yellow Focus, a silver Supra, and I remember a Celica but not what colour it was.
Bugatti Veyron! Finally!!! :D
Maserati MC12!
Saleen S7!
and...MB Nissan 350Z.
Nice! Lucky you :cheers:

Meaty Flam
Also found a 'Tooned Enzo and a Lotus Elise. There were several Jada cars, including some of the usual disproportionate tuner cars like an IS300, Supra, RX-7, Celica, and Evo.
See if you would just set up a paypal account, I'd ask you to buy it for me... with a tip included of course.
I'm gonna have a bunch of cars up for trade/sale starting on Monday. Only trading for specific castings, otherwise what I have will be up for sale. Pics on Monday.
I'm gonna have a bunch of cars up for trade/sale starting on Monday. Only trading for specific castings, otherwise what I have will be up for sale. Pics on Monday.

I have a thread for that. I look forward to seeing the list.
Basically eliminating anything that's not Japanese or high end. (Boulevard, etc) So I should have a bunch of European cars (Ferrari, Lambo) and American cars (Vette's, Challengers, Mustangs, etc) that I need to get rid of.

If anyone wants to purchase the whole lot, I could make you a good deal. :)

So I'm limiting my collection to:

- Mainline Japanese
- Some other mainline sport compact (Ford Focus, etc)
- High End castings that I like (Garage, Boulevard, Hot Ones)
I should limit my collection to specific ranges.

is what I said last year. :P

Seriously though, I should, and fortunately, I have...been resisting silly fantasy cars and now even "recycling the crummy rides by trading them off, selling it or dissecting them for goodies.
It's like you guys got me into a money-reaping addiction and now I'm in recovery from it.

Yes I just blamed you all for my own incapability to control my spendings. :P
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:D i have to say GT and NFS do influence my purchases a bit.

Medigo, that MB Z33 is awesome! loved it when matchbox used mesh wheels. If i remember correctly don't they also have raised lettering on the tires? Was watching old episodes of Top Gear and was truly wondering where my MC12 was from yesteryear lol. Good finds!

I get next saturday offa work so maybe franks... i really wanna find some more good old stuff.
I'm at my local antique store and they have some new cars.
Here are the four larger MBs they have.
I want this $15 Lesney MB firetruck so bad, but I don't have that much cash on me. It's in superb condition.

And here are some Tomica, Majorette, and Corgi firetrucks. You can see the prices, but im not sure if they're worth that much. :eek:

was browsing google images to show my friend the new WRX, and holy hell i found this


Someone bought it for 14 bucks on ebay, but man is that sexy
I'm at my local antique store and they have some new cars.
Here are the four larger MBs they have.
I want this $15 Lesney MB firetruck so bad, but I don't have that much cash on me. It's in superb condition.

And here are some Tomica, Majorette, and Corgi firetrucks. You can see the

They are all fair prices, and to be honest, the $15 Lesney trcuk is a FREAKING STEAL. That thing is worth much more than that.
That is CG picture, right? Sometimes, I first visit the first page, and I love seeing your avatar in of course, the very first post. Good colors!

Thanks! :cheers:

What's a CG picture? I got it from the Imports thread.
"Computer-generated", full term is CGI "Computer-generated Image", but that's usually used to describe CAD work, 3d digital models like characters and cars ina video game or movie effects. If it's a still-image that's been edited on image-editing programs like photoshop, I rather it be called photo-manipulation since that better describes it than CGI since CGI more or less means something you make from scratch.
Exactly. The car looks real, but background looks CG. Either way, it's very cool. Can you point me to the post SVX?

On-topic, I've been checking for the Hot Ones, but yeah, no luck around here. I never check Target, but they seem to pay some attention to that series, so I might check them out sometime. Walmart's been hopeless on those. I still haven't seen Toyota truck either, actually. No Supra or Brat yet. Boulevard's gone cold last few weeks, also.

I got my eBay stuff, but I got screwed on the Super TH S2000. It said something about small creases on the card, but it should still be near-mint, 'you be the judge'. I got it for $20(free ship), which is the going rate. The card is nowhere-mint. Crease is on both sides of the card, and they are small, as in...... I won't go there, but I've been had. 👎

That Supra Medigo posted, was I the only one who recognized from Harry's post? :lol:
Did you catch that he mentioned you while looking at the Supra? :lol:

Funny enough, I did notice that, though after I commented on the video. :lol: Something that wasn't expected. We did talk about his wife's Supra for a little bit.

Nice! Lucky you :cheers:

Didn't think I'd find it so soon. Glad I thoroughly searched the bin! :D

I believe that's one of the JADA Tracksters:


Now that I look at it, they didn't exactly look like those. They had plastic front mount intercoolers sticking out and some of the cars like the RX-7 had fixed headlights that were plastic as well as the taillights. They seem smaller than those Tracksters...

That Supra Medigo posted, was I the only one who recognized from Harry's post? :lol:

It is? I just looked it up on google!

I heard about this large yard sale event thing happening...somewhere. A co-worker was talking about going, even though he barely knew anything about it and just heard it on the radio. Might do some research on it. Said to be $5 for admission though...
Since I don't have a car anymore, stopped at a couple stores on the way home. Nothing at either, but found a bunch of people selling Hotwheels and other diecast in the parking lot of the grocery store. Guess they do that every Friday night. A lady had a car I need for $5 so I'll go back next week and get it.