I kinda expected you did considering how you know quite a bit about the other series as well. But then I remembered you don't collect US cars.
Anyway, I'm treating the Flying customs like the Hot Ones... made to look like the old casts- repackaged. I honestly am not big on the Hot Ones but you guys flip out crazy about them so I ended up doing it too.
As for saving Dooblewasaurus, a very good way to keep yourself in the hobby without spending a fortune is to strictly limit what you won't collect. If you get too carried away by everything you see, you'll end up grabbing way too many cars and recolours, and regret it later. If you want to save your money, then you should really tighten up your restrictions; be picky about the castings you see. If you don't like a certain colour on a certain car, don't buy it. Hate that livery print it has? Don't buy it. Don't like the car whatsoever? Don't buy it. Too much than you're willing to spend? Don't buy it.
This year, call it a new year's resolution, I'm going to be even more strict on what I'm buying. I've been buying recolours of a lot of castings all year, only to end up with a pile of cars with shabby colours and liveries. Once I take photos of all my cars, I'm going to write up a blacklist of cars I have a bunch of colours of, but going to cut off the "2013-and-later" list. I've already cut off the Retro-Active recently, and will continue to cut more cars off. It's going to be super difficult to cut off next casts considering how spotting and buying new castings has become intuitive to me. I might just create a count of how many cars I pick up and put down starting January.