I'm checking in bunch of cars I received today, all these posts to read & reply are slowing me down!
It works now..
Good job! Very cool car! 👍
Release date for this is on August 2. It's basically the one that will be shown in the upcoming Initial D movie.
(In short, that's the early version)
Basically, it's just black hood versus the white? All that suspense over a hood color!
Ok so, Tomicas, eh?
I don't own a single Limited (altough I plan to change that pretty soon, it's jus that freaking Kyoshos keep crossing my way dammit), but I have a bunch of the older ones made in Japan, so they're worth something and are quite collectible. Like this thing here:
That's a Tomica!? Very different.
I have yet to buy a single F-Series Tomica.
I've nearly bought an F-series Tomica..
Is this considered F-Series?
I paid $30 for this exact color(more expensive), because it was one of the earliest minicar I remember owning as a toddler, if not the oldest. In fact, I had just begun collecting, and it was by far the most expensive car I had bought. I wish that was still the case, but no.
This mint thing cost me a buck at a flea market. Love when that happens.
I ran into this thing on a google search just the other day, I didn't even want to know how much it was worth. I'm gonna go on eBay now with my one dollar.
*gets handgun and shoots himself at the head*
I hear you. So hear you.
I don't have the red CR-X, but I just shot an email to Japan Booster asking if they do. I will let you know.
I was thinking about emailing, also. Great minds think alike?

Let me know what they say!
Here, have another one that also cost me 80 cents, bought it with the same guy I bought the Skyline. Also Japan-made... bozosoku bike, mang!
7-Eleven bike?
I like looking at these mint, rare items I wouldn't add to my collection in a million years. Won't hurt my wallet.
Indeed. This one is still japanese.
Me, too. I've come close to turning American, but not yet bro.
Damn people, 3 pages over night?
All these replies I've typed up, I'm probably only about half way thru.
Might be good time to remind you all about double-posting. I know that it can be a pain, but double posting is against forum rules!
I actually remember seeing this carrier. One of my friends must have had one.
I have somewhere about 30 old (similar vintage to these) Hot Wheels and Matchbox cars. But I can't for the life of me think of where they are.
I know exactly where mine ended up. The dump. Of course, if
the witch my mom was evil enough to claim that she dumped all of my Tomicas in the trash, she's probably evil enough to give them away to her friends' kid or something. Seriously, I don't know how I ever got over that, I was still fairly young.
1998 Racing Champions Nascar Legends #32 Dick Brooks '70 Superbird
So. Money. 👍
Lies, damn lies.
I'd never lie. Not about this.
Edit: Taken the Lamley blog. 510 wagon Super on it's card.
I've never found a Super Treasure Hunt so attractive.

Good thing I quit though. I'd hate to spend a zillion dollars for it on eBay!