You aren't some kind of 'stealth' mod are you?

Then, again, your modding is quite visible. I'm so glad you weren't around when these were posted:
Hi Guys! Here's some of my Micros, as well as 1/64's:
Yup. I`ve had that like forever.
It is. Pure tactile pleasure, too.
Yeeeeahh! The Reventon gets heavy use. Its actually an R/C car. and shouldn`t even be in here. My bad. Anyway - its going to be heavily modded soon. I may just take your advice, though . . .
I`ve managed to browse 25 pages already - wow! What great collections in here! Still a long way to go before I catch up with you guys.
I`m expecting a huge haul for Father`s day. Most everybody I know in real life knows Im nuts about wheels.
Thought I`d make a few more pics for you:
The Maisto`s have screws. Easy to mod! Can even change the tires (tyres):
Bye for now. Will be back soon with more pix!
Thanks for sharing!
I'll remove the picture, though, if it offends you and, make sure it ends up in the most appropriate discussion. 👍
Wow, thanks for going to all that trouble to find that out for me! I didn't realise you would have to fish it out of 'the die cast storage facility'

, sorry about that!
No apology needed - respect for a guy who has been in here since page #1.

Many have moved on for one reason or another, whether burnt out or just losing interest or maybe even 'outgrowing' the passion, but we are here to stay.
Unfortunately by page #2 it became a 'customising' thread; by page #3 the drills were out and boring.
Isn't it amazing how many 'likes'
@SVX got in his OP from 'collectors'?

About seven I think, starting with me.
It's a cool looking concept car 👍 I like how Maisto did quite a few 1:64 concepts.
Talking about Maisto's concept cars - yeah - they have the most weird concept cars ever and a range of them. I have models by them that I cannot find made by any other manufacturer - weird cars that I thought were fantasy cars till I flip them over and see that it is a car from a real automaker.

I have a boxful of Maistos - and I'll get around to showing them here soon.
Don't worry - we'll go 'lalalalala' when the Maisto-bashers dive in.

Maisto, like Hot wheels also got into the fantasy car market, and made stuff like this:
Those exposed front wheels remind me of what they did with the Mazda LM55.
I know you are as keen on MBXs as I am, too - and I still have a vast collection to show off but I'll do that in the appropriate place, as well as place a few of the 1:64s (and related small-scale sizes) in here.
Okay - on to some fun - the kind we used to have in here:
A 'no prize' for anyone who guesses the car that came with this set, and the manufacturer:
No googling!

There's a clue in the pic.