askia47now lets get a translation on all of this now! so much info!
NavyADwell like the thread title says.
I just scanned 10 more pages of brand new pics.
Rohanmalveahey can someone please post all the pictures for me as a image and not as a link beause they dont seem to work for me
Look at page 4Rohanmalveahey can someone please post all the pictures for me as a image and not as a link beause they dont seem to work for me
Yeah, that should be Suzuka based on the circles on the right side (from our perspective) of the track.GTXLRanyone recognize the track with the Takata NSX?
Video?GILLETDamn, great video NavyAD
NavyAD, I have the chinese covered. Maybe if you help me with the rest we'll get somewhere.... 👍NavyADi can read the basics
just not kanji, which is chinese.
Lotus ESPIRIT (not the 350?)CheshyrkatNice scans.
What is the car in the pic with the backfire?
cjrciadtLotus ESPIRIT (not the 350?)
While I can't read it, that just looks like some suggestions for new players.mclaren777Page 9 makes it look like we'll be forced to use B-spec at some point during the game. And that = suck.