10 reasons why Ferrari Challenge is better than GT5P

  • Thread starter Biggles
It is? Why does NFS Shift have less cars than Prologue? Is that a demo also?

when did i ever imply that? exactly i did not. When did i say the amount of cars decided if the game was a demo or not? I did not. I call it a super demo why? BECAUSE IT ENDS WITH PROLOGUE, if your actually trying to imply you would take prologue as a full game, you are out of your mind.

Honestly, I'm reluctant to get drawn back into this discussion. Anybody with half a brain in their heads can see that there have been many thoughtful, analytical, detailed, unpartisan posts made in this thread. It's become clear to me through following this thread & the ridiculous anti-Forza comments made in the GT5/FM3 thread, that there are some people on GTplanet twho are just unable to accept any critical comments about GT. For them, GT is like a religion - the be-all-&-end-all of racing sims :bowdown:.

Fine, continue to play GT5P endlessly until GT5 appears. Leave F1CE, FC, Shift, SCC & FM3 (!)to the heretics & unbelievers... :cheers:
Honestly, I'm reluctant to get drawn back into this discussion. Anybody with half a brain in their heads can see that there have been many thoughtful, analytical, detailed, unpartisan posts made in this thread. It's become clear to me through following this thread & the ridiculous anti-Forza comments made in the GT5/FM3 thread, that there are some people on GTplanet twho are just unable to accept any critical comments about GT. For them, GT is like a religion - the be-all-&-end-all of racing sims :bowdown:.

Fine, continue to play GT5P endlessly until GT5 appears. Leave F1CE, FC, Shift, SCC & FM3 (!)to the heretics & unbelievers... :cheers:

+1 Gotta love the delusional fanboys :lol:
loving this heart-to-heart here, but the correct place to do it is the bedroom or even PMs :)
Sorry guys, guess my opinion is different than yours.... oh well.
I've played most every driving game that's come out since I got my PS2, and played quite a few for PS1 as well.
Fact is, just because you can drive off the track, or spin tires doesn't mean great physics. It feels like a 90's video arcade games, and has the graphics to compliment.
Ok maybe I was a little harsh on this game. I origonally tried it with my wheel and It was terrible but after using the controller It's not bad. I only use the wheel with grand turismo. Is there special setup for using the wheel with ferrari challenge?
Ok maybe I was a little harsh on this game. I origonally tried it with my wheel and It was terrible but after using the controller It's not bad. I only use the wheel with grand turismo. Is there special setup for using the wheel with ferrari challenge?

Make sure you have downloaded the update which goes a long way to fixing the wheel deadzone issue (as well as improving a lot of other aspects of the game). Personally, I play FC with the wheel sensitivity, pedal sensitivity & FFB settings on "medium".

FC does look very "arcadey" compared to GT5P - I'm convinced this is the major reason many people (including myself) find it disappointing at first. The physics are actually very good, & the FFB is the best in any console racing game IMO, BUT the fact that it is so different from GT5P means it does take a while to get used to the different feel.
I used my Gamestop money to buy this game, and I don't really recommend it. It is a decent game (6/10), but the single player is laughable. Oh yea, and the online is dismal at best. You don't even have to qualify to win a race in single player mode. It's a waste to qualify though. It's too long and boring; I refer to the races and the qualifying sessions. Though the races are repetitive, the tracks and cars themselves look good. I feel it could have been so much better, though. 6/10 game.
both fc and gt5p are different games,however i want the isle of man tourist trophy track in gt5,its even harder than the legendary nurburgring
Well, Ferrari Challenge isn't the best game in the world, but is one of the only two serious driving games on PS3. So, for people like us, hungry of simulation driving experiences is not bad choice.

both fc and gt5p are different games,however i want the isle of man tourist trophy track in gt5,its even harder than the legendary nurburgring

And dangerous :scared: Those concrete urban corners... ugh, are something to fear.
Well, Ferrari Challenge isn't the best game in the world, but is one of the only two serious driving games on PS3. So, for people like us, hungry of simulation driving experiences is not bad choice.

And dangerous :scared: Those concrete urban corners... ugh, are something to fear.

I feel sorry for the guys at PD who have to Map out 37 miles of track in photorealism. It will have its own blueray. lol
Really have to give +100 to Biggles who has put this game in its rightful context from the very start of this thread (and continues to do so after 500+ replies!)

I bought Ferrari Challenge about 3 weeks ago and was initially very impressed - the feel and force feedback were rough, raw and surprisingly "realistic". The loss of feel due to understeer is a star feature, the FFB seems to be working constantly and the gritty feel of it translates extremely well. Diamond in the rough?

You bet!

One of the biggest issues that I've had about Gran Turismo is that PD polish their final product too much, their search for perfection ends up with a perfect car - perfect sound, perfect looks, perfect handling. But anyone who's raced any sort of car in real life will attest to nothing being quite so surreal. PD need to learn how to introduce an element of octane into their product, they need to envelop themselves in some serious down and dirty race environments where the stink of burning rubber hurts their nostrils, the smell of unburnt fuel stings their eyes and the crackle of open exhausts make their eardrums bleed.

The circuits on FC (I have not driven them all) are surprisingly good - perhaps not as accurate as a PD model, but you'd have to be paying ludicrously close attention or know the track in great detail to notice the difference. Some of the backdrops are gorgeous, the detail is rather impressive and for a developer like System 7 (with no backing from MS or Sony) to pull this game out of the bag.... it's well worth a looksee.

Perhaps it's just my inexperience with the game, but I'm finding offline (arcade) to be very difficult. Running a 5 lap race around Monza, starting from last and finishing 4th constantly is tiring, hehe. But that's just my own ineptitude I guess. Still though, you'd expect beginner level (ha!) to be a bit easier!

Ferrari's do become tiring. But they are great fun. I've noticed that the 348 has a terrible gearbox that redlines during every shift and takes about a week to engage in gear, hehe. I wonder if this is true of all 348's that are driven flat out?

BTW, I won't venture online until I've conquored offline properly and I'm confident enough of being able to race side-by-side without ruining another persons racing experience!

The circuits on FC (I have not driven them all) are surprisingly good - perhaps not as accurate as a PD model, but you'd have to be paying ludicrously close attention or know the track in great detail to notice the difference
And there are you completely wrong.
The tracks have HUGE differences with their real-life counterparts, i would say the Nürburgring (DLC) is the worst example.

they need to envelop themselves in some serious down and dirty race environments
This is also quite wrong because the PD team is very often at all kind of racing events, filming, taking pictures of cars and tracks and even driving the cars for themself.
both fc and gt5p are different games,however i want the isle of man tourist trophy track in gt5,its even harder than the legendary nurburgring

Er......how? The Nurburgring has much harder corners, and it's just as bumpy as the Isle of Man TT track. For a video game, the Nurburgring would have to be harder - as the isle of man track is usually straight(ish) sections. Maybe the thiness of the road, and the fact most of the larger corners are after a huge straight will contribute to the Isls of man track being harder in real life, but in a video game, it would be much easier IMO - even if it is longer.
Er......how? The Nurburgring has much harder corners, and it's just as bumpy as the Isle of Man TT track. For a video game, the Nurburgring would have to be harder - as the isle of man track is usually straight(ish) sections. Maybe the thiness of the road, and the fact most of the larger corners are after a huge straight will contribute to the Isls of man track being harder in real life, but in a video game, it would be much easier IMO - even if it is longer.

You havent played the Isle of man TT track on GPL then.
Nurburgring in FC lacks more pronounced elevation changes, but overall I find it to be accurate. I have no data to compare FC's Hockenheim to the real thing.

Spa looks good, Montreal and Monza also. These are the tracks I know best and are portrayed in the game.

In FC I find the tracks to be narrower than most other games I have played. But maybe I am spoiled by Gran Turismo, where usually the tracks are very wide (The Nordshleife in GT4 was noticeably wider than in Enthusia or the more recent GTR EVo version).
Really have to give +100 to Biggles who has put this game in its rightful context from the very start of this thread (and continues to do so after 500+ replies!)

I bought Ferrari Challenge about 3 weeks ago and was initially very impressed - the feel and force feedback were rough, raw and surprisingly "realistic". The loss of feel due to understeer is a star feature, the FFB seems to be working constantly and the gritty feel of it translates extremely well. Diamond in the rough?

You bet!

One of the biggest issues that I've had about Gran Turismo is that PD polish their final product too much, their search for perfection ends up with a perfect car - perfect sound, perfect looks, perfect handling. But anyone who's raced any sort of car in real life will attest to nothing being quite so surreal. PD need to learn how to introduce an element of octane into their product, they need to envelop themselves in some serious down and dirty race environments where the stink of burning rubber hurts their nostrils, the smell of unburnt fuel stings their eyes and the crackle of open exhausts make their eardrums bleed.

The circuits on FC (I have not driven them all) are surprisingly good - perhaps not as accurate as a PD model, but you'd have to be paying ludicrously close attention or know the track in great detail to notice the difference. Some of the backdrops are gorgeous, the detail is rather impressive and for a developer like System 7 (with no backing from MS or Sony) to pull this game out of the bag.... it's well worth a looksee.

Perhaps it's just my inexperience with the game, but I'm finding offline (arcade) to be very difficult. Running a 5 lap race around Monza, starting from last and finishing 4th constantly is tiring, hehe. But that's just my own ineptitude I guess. Still though, you'd expect beginner level (ha!) to be a bit easier!

Ferrari's do become tiring. But they are great fun. I've noticed that the 348 has a terrible gearbox that redlines during every shift and takes about a week to engage in gear, hehe. I wonder if this is true of all 348's that are driven flat out?

BTW, I won't venture online until I've conquored offline properly and I'm confident enough of being able to race side-by-side without ruining another persons racing experience!

Thanks for the +s Aero! ;)

I pretty much agree with all your comments. I wouldn't say that the tracks in FC are particularly "accurate", however. That kind of attention to detail really is PD's forte. The arcade look to the graphics & the rather fanciful treatment of the tracks is the thing that puts many people off FC IMO, & leads them to assume that the physics must be similarly arcadey.

With regard to the Single Player in FC: I would definitely stay away from Arcade mode. Arcade puts you in 16th position & then gives you 5 Minutes (not 5 laps) to get to the front (shades of GT :indiff:). This is a recipe for bad racing IMO, since in order to make that even remotely possible it requires the AI to drive like a bunch of morons. Forcing the player to work his way through 4 races in Easy & Intermediate level just to get on to the harder levels is then adding insult to injury. I suspect a lot of people who have complained about the AI in FC may have been stuck in Arcade mode.

I strongly suggest Challenge mode when you are starting out. This puts you in a 430 Challenge car, not by any means my favourite car in FC, however it allows you (in the Options menu) to set a longer time for the races, anything from 5 to 45 (!) mins for each race, allows you to choose the level of AI difficulty, gives you a qualifying session to work your way up the grid before the actual race starts, & allows you to start the second race from the finishing position of the first race. This means you are not constantly having to fight your way up from the back of the pack in a very limited amount of time, gives you more time in each race to learn the tracks, & means you are not constantly racing against slow & moronic AI drivers.

Also, bear in mind that it is possible to unlock most of the other cars just by successfully completing the 3 Challenge series.

The Trophy mode gives you 10 min races, but also allows you to work your way up the grid in each successive race in the series. Quick Race allows you to set the length of the race, the number of opponents, & the level of the AI.

Personally, I set the AI on Expert from the start, gave myself longer races to familiarize myself with the tracks, & by the end of the 3 Challenge series had unlocked most of the cars.

There are a lot of quirky features about the various cars, which you will discover as you unlock them. How true to RL they actually are, I'm not sure, but many of the cars are really interesting to drive & there is a surprising amount of variety there, in spite of the fact that they are all Ferraris.
often at all kind of racing events, filming, taking pictures of cars and tracks and even driving the cars for themself.

What He is saying is that PD's Veiw of the racing world is a very clean almost surgical type world.

You are right PD travel to races and shows and such, But they dont show the nitty gritty of it. Granturismo almost seems like a Nirvanna of such. Where you turn up to the race on your fluffy Cloud. before setting foot into your pristine racecar. When in real life the bumpers are Cable tied on so they can be removed in seconds in case of damage. OIL actualy leaks. And Petrol actualy catches fire.

I see exatly what Aero is saying. And the there isnt much difference in the tracks only slight differences. And yes the nurbergring does feel a little flat. But then again there is no Nurbergring to compare it to in GT5P. only GT4's whitch if you have ever been around the Nordschliefe, you will know that even PD's stab at the track seems flat in comparison.

But and a big BUT. I dont like Ferrari challenge. But saying that Aero is wrong due to PD actualy visiting shows, races and such is garbage if PD dont bring this veiw they get from these races into the game. GT is to pristine for its own good.