10 reasons why Ferrari Challenge is better than GT5P

  • Thread starter Biggles
Whoo hoo, love having subscriptions on youtube. Here is yet more Supercar challenge footage from this user:


Difference to GT5:P:
- Physics are bad, very bad (no oversteer, never?)
- The sound is much better than in GT5
- The camera movement is also better than in GT5

So, just put these sounds and the incar movement into GT5, and it'll be the best racing game so far!

You reffering to GT5P? To my recollection, GT5 is not out yet.
I bought this junker in late April for $10 at Best Buy. I started 'playing' it on May 8, and earned my Platinum Trophy on May 19. I will never touch this awful excuse of a 'racing' game again. There are still way too many glitches even with Patch 2.02, half of the very few cars available cannot be properly controlled with a DFP, the so-called A.D.D. is atrocious, and the game is simply not any fun at all.

A.D.D.=Artificial Dumbass Drivers

In a:
- awful excuse of a game
- with too many gliches,
- half of the cars not properly controlled
- atrocious ADD
- and no fun at all

you got a "Platinum trophy" ???? :eek:

That must have been ... masochistically painful. :crazy:

So ... you enjoyed it, right? :D
For all of the "nay sayers" out there, comparing a full game release like Ferrari Challenge to a Beta game version of Gran Turismo 5 (GT5Prologue), is like comparing "Apples to Oranges". All of the people who think Ferrari Challenge is better need only wait until GT5 is released. They'll change thair minds QUICKLY!
GT Allstar, I think everyone in this thread knows fully well the nature of GT5P (a "prologue" game). And that GT5 will be a HUGE game, that all FC players will eagerly buy. I know I will.

And, rest assured, the vast majority of FC players are or were also GT5P "daily" players, even online. GT5P was the only game I played (and I played it everyday, or everynight) for MONTHS.

So, the fact that GT5P is no more than a "promise" of things to come is of no concern here. We own our PS3s, our wheels, and we play what we get available to play. It happens that we have available for playing a few racing games. From memory, they are:

- F1:CE
- GT5P
- FC

Only one of them is a "Prologue" game, and even then it is considered here (I think that alone says a lot about its quality).

Personally, I don't own and never played F1:CE, so I can't comment on that one. GT5P is great, but it is indeed small and after a few months I wanted something else. FC is great, with a few annoying flaws, but the FFB implementation, the cars and the tracks (and the ability to host your own lobbies, private if that's how you want them) make it an enjoyable experience, both off and online (some disagree, of course). GRID is rubbish, I bought it and shelved it immediately.

Anyway, soon this "status quo" (about racing games available for the PS3) will change drastically. Supercar Chalenge, NFS: Shift, V8 Superstars Racing, and maybe GT5 will be released.

As you say, all we need is to wait. Meanwhile, we play games :)
Well, most all of us here are HUGE GT fans (I certainly am :D) and are anxiously awaiting the release of 5 Full. It is no surprise that you share my enthusiasm for this Title. I have also been a long time supporter of the series...right after I bought GT1. The problem is that I only had a 56k modem until the beginning of 2008 - how stupid of me :banghead: didn't even get here to the planet until July, 2007....Then I didn't do any thing....because I didn't have the HDTV, laptop, and PS3 :dopey: until January 2008 - Santa was VERY good to me :D So, I have to say, "BRING ON 5", so we can "reset the Bar"!:cheers:

Oh, and I have to say IMHO, that while Ferrari Challenge was fun for a while, it didn't hold my interest like GT4, and now GT5P (especially with the online capabilities). I've played GRID, NFSPro Street, Midnight Club LA, NFS Most Wanted, Enthusia, Ferrari Challenge, Midnight Club 3, F1, ToCA3, and Test Drive (I'm probably leaving out a couple of console driving games). But all in all, (arcade games aside) the best has been the GT series.

While I have been a member at the PS Underground for quite a while (over 4 years) I needed to expand my experiences, so I re-activated my account here-and i'm glad i did (I guess I'm just a GT Nut. ;)
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Well, most all of us here are HUGE GT fans

Well, Allstar, I appreciate that it's unlikely you've read through this entire thread & read my "balanced" view, but, no, I'm not a "HUGE GT fan". I suspect many people on this site "grew up" with the GT series & so have an emotional attachment to the series, the same way they might to a football team or a pop group. As GT arrived... err... a bit late for my formative years, I've never felt the need to form an emotional bond with GT, PD or KY!

Since I started playing console racing games about four years ago, I have played & enjoyed a number of them. None of them has been perfect - each has had it's own good & bad points. There's no question that one of the highlights of these gaming experiences was GT4's Nurburgring. There's also no question that GT5P has improved on GT4 in several very significant areas. I'm certainly hoping, like most other people here, that GT5, when it comes out, is an amazing game that provides all the features we've been waiting for, & in the process makes FC & every other racing game, obsolete. I'm hoping for this not because I'm a "huge fan" but because I want (for purely selfish reasons) the best possible game to play!

In the meantime, for anyone not blinded by being a "huge fan" of GT, I think FC provides a really enjoyable racing experience on the PS3, with good physics, great FFB, decent online functionality & a fantastic selection of tracks.
Good to hear ya give GT4 its props Biggles,what an amazing game, not the greatest physics but yes your take on FC is spot on. I keep coming back to the game simply because of the Fantastic selection of tracks. As I have said many times for me the online is the weakest portion of the game. I really enjoy the offline portion so much I only go online rarely just to use the in game chat.
I've actually abandoned FC (and Prologue) completely for the last month for GT4. Although FC has quite a selection of track, and some of them are quite decent yet none is in the same league as the Nordschleife, Le Sarthe or even Grand Valley. Somehow I find that the FFB in GT are fleshed out better if one were to use a PS2 instead of a BC PS3. Although I seldom use R (racing ) tires for GT4 cars, but when I do, I find the FFB to be stronger than Prologue and more consistent than FC. Of course the Physics isn't as convincing as FC but as long as you stick to N tires and at the most S1, the handling can be just as engaging. I might try FC sometime this week which should be interesting because right now I'm shifting between GT4 and arcade MC:LA on the console and once in awhile would fire up GTR2 on my intel macbook. But then again I might just wait till NFS:Shift demo comes along.
Well, Allstar, I appreciate that it's unlikely you've read through this entire thread & read my "balanced" view, but, no, I'm not a "HUGE GT fan". I suspect many people on this site "grew up" with the GT series & so have an emotional attachment to the series, the same way they might to a football team or a pop group. As GT arrived... err... a bit late for my formative years, I've never felt the need to form an emotional bond with GT, PD or KY!

Actually, I said "most of us are Huge GT fans", not all. Secondly, No, you are correct, i did not read through the previous 454 posts in this thread, but rather added my 2 cents, as I am also entitled to an opinion. ;)

In the meantime, for anyone not blinded by being a "huge fan" of GT, I think FC provides a really enjoyable racing experience on the PS3, with good physics, great FFB, decent online functionality & a fantastic selection of tracks.

Please don't misconstrue what I said by labeling me being "blinded" by being a huge Fan of GT. I am over 50, and have been playing Platform games for over 10 years - a lot of 'em. I posted enough experience with different racing games (in my earleier post) that qualifies me (and entitles me) to express an experienced opinion. While I DO share your 'mediocrity' for the most part, (I too am not enamored by PD or KY) They have demonstrated that they have a lot to learn in the "Promotional and Marketing skills" areas here in North America. BUT Overall, The prologue game is pretty "sound"....Yes it has it's glitches,...all games do, but it is the most realistic, IMO. And please keep in mind that I said it is like comparing "Apples to Oranges" in many ways. You cannot compare all of the great tracks in FC to the 6 in Prologue....That's ridiculous.

I also wanted to point out that "GT5Prologue" was not 'rushed' out to the world because of Ferrari Challenge. GT5P was released to hold fans over until the full game is released. Thare was an earlier version of the GT series that presented a "prologue" version, and that was GT4. So there was never a game released by PD that influenced them to "change" any of their strategies. Let's try to keep on a Level playing field here if comparisons have to be made, eh? With all due respect, I remain,
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You reffering to GT5P? To my recollection, GT5 is not out yet.
Yes, I am reffering to GT5P. And in my defense, I don't think PD will recreate all of the engine noises we have in prologue. My best hopes are that they add some realistic clutch noise, tyre squeel and crashing sounds. But don't hope for anything more than that.
Good to hear ya give GT4 its props Biggles,what an amazing game, not the greatest physics but yes your take on FC is spot on. I keep coming back to the game simply because of the Fantastic selection of tracks. As I have said many times for me the online is the weakest portion of the game. I really enjoy the offline portion so much I only go online rarely just to use the in game chat.

I really do concur with your evaluation on GT4, Including the shortcomings on the Physics and understeer. I've not been online with FC, so I can't give an opinion, but I have with GT5P. PD is doing a great job, considering they just entered the online "world" about 16 months ago. Yes, they DO have some "catching up" to do, but they are pretty much well on their way to providing some great online racing. I guess it's time I tried the online with FC.
Just think if PD can put together the fantastic online relialabity of GT5P with the feaures and car physics of Ferrari Challenge, WOW!!!
I think PD could improve their physics a bit if they had more realistic "grip" to their tire characteristics. They just don't have it "down" yet.;)
Well, I ordered FC today mainly because of the promising track selection it offers (the low price tag was nice too, hehe). Anyway, I'm looking forward how Tiff Needell comments my driving lines.. Somehow those clips I've seen from FC remind me of those early TOCA games and not only because of Tiff's voice.
We are getting cut-up on comparing two games as if they are on the same level of completion. The discussion should be about comparing our racing experience with each game. Someone said this is like comparing apples to oranges, but in fact we are comparing apples to apples or oranges to oranges, the problem is that they have different level of maturity. One, is ready to be eaten; the other one, is not but we are eating it anyway. In my opinion, at this time, this comparison is hurting GT5P more than FC. From the sales point of view, it is generating more sales for FC, because a lot of people (like me included) are purchasing the game just for the "better" physics and tracks selection. GT has a solid fans base that will purchase the game no matter what (like me included). If PD made a mistake was by not going all the way with the little material they are selling for almost the price of a full game. In other words, if you are selling only a hand full of tracks, limited features, and almost no tuned-up cars like we are used to, then you must put your best physics engine, best sound, best FFB, etc. as they did with the graphics. I very much prefer quality over quantity. Not to mention that PD has not established the release date of the "full" version yet. I don’t want to think that PD is responding to cars manufacturer’s sponsorship or license agreements more than to the legion of loyal fans that this particular game has (this is another subject for discussion).
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Many people have mentioned that FC has something missing in the physics department. I think that's because the game uses a center axis steering system, it can be off putting for those who hate that kind of thing, which I do. For those who doubt this it can easily be seen in any 3rd person view, meaning the car turns from the center outward be it left or right. You can also feel it in first person view.

I don't think GT5P is the best sim personally (it is a good one and the best looking) but I do know that FC while fun and better at a lot of things(sounds, some FFB) is not in the same league when it comes to physics.

Unless that changes for Supercar challenge, I won't be interested.
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Well, I ordered FC today mainly because of the promising track selection it offers (the low price tag was nice too, hehe). Anyway, I'm looking forward how Tiff Needell comments my driving lines.. Somehow those clips I've seen from FC remind me of those early TOCA games and not only because of Tiff's voice.

I HATE Tiff Needel :lol:

"Brake! Braaaake!!!"

"Power! Power! Power!"

"No, no, no, you got it all wrong ..."

"you could improve your apex-acuracy ..."

"keep it on the black stuff ..."

There are a few nice lines, also ... but I don't remember them. ;)
I HATE Tiff Needel :lol:

"Brake! Braaaake!!!"

"Power! Power! Power!"

"No, no, no, you got it all wrong ..."

"you could improve your apex-acuracy ..."

"keep it on the black stuff ..."

There are a few nice lines, also ... but I don't remember them. ;)

Exactly thats why I muted "voice" in game audio.

there are a lot of differing opinions here!

Many people have mentioned that FC has something missing in the physics department. I think that's because the game uses a center axis steering system, it can be off putting for those who hate that kind of thing, which I do. For those who doubt this it can easily be seen in any 3rd person view, meaning the car turns from the center outward be it left or right. You can also feel it in first person view.

I find this a very puzzling opinion. Are you sure you're not confusing FC with Grid?! FC most definitely does not use a "center axis steering system". In fact it seems the farthest removed from that, as it really emphasizes weight transfer, which is what, together with a very visceral FFB, makes the driving so challenging & enjoyable in FC.

I really do concur with your evaluation on GT4, Including the shortcomings on the Physics and understeer. I've not been online with FC, so I can't give an opinion, but I have with GT5P. PD is doing a great job, considering they just entered the online "world" about 16 months ago. Yes, they DO have some "catching up" to do, but they are pretty much well on their way to providing some great online racing. I guess it's time I tried the online with FC.

GT5P's online is pretty good, but suffers from not having "private room" functionality. It is also suffers, like the offline game, from simply not having enough variety of tracks on offer. You really should try FC online - it's not as smooth as GT5P, but it's really great to be able to set up your own races & run a variety of great tracks with whomever you choose. If you play your cards right, you may even receive an invitation to join the (highly exclusive) FCDA. :sly:

We are getting cut-up on comparing two games as if they are on the same level of completion. The discussion should be about comparing our racing experience with each game. Someone said this is like comparing apples to oranges, but in fact we are comparing apples to apples or oranges to oranges, the problem is that they have different level of maturity. One, is ready to be eaten; the other one, is not but we are eating it anyway. In my opinion, at this time, this comparison is hurting GT5P more than FC. From the sales point of view, it is generating more sales for FC, because a lot of people (like me included) are purchasing the game just for the "better" physics and tracks selection. GT has a solid fans base that will purchase the game no matter what (like me included). If PD made a mistake was by not going all the way with the little material they are selling for almost the price of a full game. In other words, if you are selling only a hand full of tracks, limited features, and almost no tuned-up cars like we are used to, then you must put your best physics engine, best sound, best FFB, etc. as they did with the graphics. I very much prefer quality over quantity. Not to mention that PD has not established the release date of the "full" version yet. I don’t want to think that PD is responding to cars manufacturer’s sponsorship or license agreements more than to the legion of loyal fans that this particular game has (this is another subject for discussion).

I think PD did emphasize quality over quantity - which is why they put out a small game that was perfect in it's own way, rather than putting out a bigger game, like FC, that had a bunch of unresolved issues. However, what is really disappointing is that PD has not released more track content or online functionality over the past year. I agree that what counts is not what PD will provide 6 months (or more :nervous:) from now, it's what is available right now as a "racing experience".
I HATE Tiff Needel :lol:

"Brake! Braaaake!!!"

"Power! Power! Power!"

"No, no, no, you got it all wrong ..."

"you could improve your apex-acuracy ..."

"keep it on the black stuff ..."

There are a few nice lines, also ... but I don't remember them. ;)

He never said something like "no, no, no, you got it all wrong". :crazy:
I found it cool when he told me how good i was driving on the racing line. lol
I find this a very puzzling opinion. Are you sure you're not confusing FC with Grid?! FC most definitely does not use a "center axis steering system". In fact it seems the farthest removed from that, as it really emphasizes weight transfer, which is what, together with a very visceral FFB, makes the driving so challenging & enjoyable in FC.

I don't think that the physics feel like Dirt/Grid. I think the physics are more along the lines of typical Codemaster games. If you know your history about Codies and what they tried to do with Dirt/Grid.

Your typical Codies game is your Toca/Colin McRae Rally. Even though Grid and Dirt were follow ups to those games they were aimed at an arcade crowd. The first TOCA for PSone and even Toca 2/Pro Race Driver/ Toca Race Driver 2 and 3 etc had a central pivot system in what was back then a sim style racer. Ferrari Challenge has these exact physics but more evolved. Again this game be easily seen in any 3rd person view, meaning the car turn from the center outward be it left or right. You can also feel it in first person view... I wish companies would steer away from that but I guess it's much easier to design than to go and actually have a great physics code written/programmed. I pretty much can't stomach this type of turning system so it is the first thing I notice.

That's not saying it's a bad game or it's not a harder sim style game just the physics are not really close to as complicated as GT physics. I actually liked racing at Silverstone in this game but after a while the turning system would bother me too much.
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Well, like Biggles, I'm also puzzled by the fact that you felt FC's physics to use a "center axis steering system".

But, unlike Biggles, I have many hours, in many nights, of online racing with TOCA Race Driver 3.

And one thing I'm sure. FC's physics have nothing to do with TRD's physics.
I don't think that the physics feel like Dirt/Grid. I think the physics are more along the lines of typical Codemaster games. If you know your history about Codies and what they tried to do with Dirt/Grid.

Your typical Codies game is your Toca/Colin McRae Rally. Even though Grid and Dirt were follow ups to those games they were aimed at an arcade crowd. The first TOCA for PSone and even Toca 2/Pro Race Driver/ Toca Race Driver 2 and 3 etc had a central pivot system in what was back then a sim style racer. Ferrari Challenge has these exact physics but more evolved. Again this game be easily seen in any 3rd person view, meaning the car turn from the center outward be it left or right. You can also feel it in first person view... I wish companies would steer away from that but I guess it's much easier to design than to go and actually have a great physics code written/programmed. I pretty much can't stomach this type of turning system so it is the first thing I notice.

That's not saying it's a bad game or it's not a harder sim style game just the physics are not really close to as complicated as GT physics. I actually liked racing at Silverstone in this game but after a while the turning system would bother me too much.

I don't think FC's physics are anything like CM.

I would agree that GT5P's physics seem more detailed, but in compensation FC's FFB is more detailed.

The big difference between the two is that GT (as always) leans more towards understeer, where FC leans more towards oversteer. Switching from one game to the other this is very noticeable.
I would love to agree with you guys because I like parts of the game a lot. Like the gritty visceral feeling the force feedback and especially the sound. I have unlocked most of the cars but for some stupid reason the game won't register my time trial records so I am missing some trophy's and have no desire to play it anymore. I could only play the game in short bursts because of the steering and like I said since I hate that style it is the first thing I look for in a racing game.

It is a updated version of center axis steering I have no doubt and I have seen on other boards that I am not the only one who has noticed. Also when the game was released I had the PS3 version and my friend had the Wii version. He didn't believe it either and we sent Eutechnyx a email about a couple of things like the stupid manual shifting for the Wii and they replied to every question but completely ignored the question if it was a center axis steering. lol
If there is one thing you cant acuse FC of then its having a Center axis physics.

Imo the game is about equal with GT5 P in the physics department.

Both games has their ups and downs.

GT5 P has to few tracks + they are very sterile, and very limited online play.

FC has many and much better tracks, and online functions. But some things are just making it feels like some sort of beta game. The leaderboards are still not working and the whole interface is a bit clumsy to manovour around. However when you take a car out on the actual track the game is easely on par or better than GT5 P.

FC is a great game, especialy considering how cheap it is most places. Its a game to spend the waiting time with until we someday gets the Full GT 5, wich i have no doubt will be much better than both GT5 P, and FC.
Also one guy mentioned he had problems unlocking the time trial trophies.

Just for info if you dont know, you have to beat all the time trials with the same car for the trophie to unlock. Even if you beat all time trials on each track but do it with diferent cars, the trophie wont unlock.

So go and pick your favorite car, and set a record on each track with that car, then it will unlock the trophie.
Well i have been playing FC again now for the past month and it has been worth it. No one trying to push you off the track because if they do they then they take themselves out. The Physics are spot on for the type of game FC is and you really have to use the brake and think about the line your taking to get through the next corner. Online play is is great i think and very challenging with other drivers who just dissapear down the track not making a mistake. Any mistakes made and there is no way you can catch up. On
GT5P in intermediate and Begginers you have catch up which i think spoils it.

Anyway i have bee much happier playing FC and my stress levels have come down, but the moment i start to play GT5P its outright warfare which i'm up for anytime but it gets boring. I love speed and pecision driving at the same time and i can get that only with FC right now. I just know that i like to drive fast cars all the time and some people want to drive 4 door saloons, to each thier own.

Ok chew on that.
I am happy you guys like it, I myself believe it is more fun than GT5P even if the physics are not quite as advanced. I am a fan of the awesome sounds and feel of this game even if parts of it bother me and I wish I could personally enjoy it as much as you guys. I always enjoy learning to drive a difficult car and then racing it against skilled drivers and am not the biggest fan of driving different cars for almost every race like GT5P.

I was just trying to explain why some people might not like it as much. If you look on Eutechnyx's website every game they have made has had some type of center axis steering Ferrari Challenge would be the 1st not to. Also watching the videos it is pretty clear their next game has this same style as FC.
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