We all know that Polyphony Digital has been working on the GT series for over 10 years and besides Motor Toon Grand Prix, there hasn't been anything else on their resume.
After some digging here's what Eutechynx (the developer of Ferrari Challenge) has done so far:
Company Data
Web Site Address:
Developed and Published Games
PlayStation Car & Driver Presents: Grand Tour Racing '98 09/30/97
PlayStation Motor Mash November 1997
PlayStation Total Drivin' 04/23/98
PlayStation Max Power Racing January 1999
PC Test Drive Le Mans 03/31/00
PlayStation Test Drive Le Mans 08/25/00
PlayStation 007 Racing 12/15/00
PlayStation F1 World Grand Prix 2000 2001
PlayStation 2 Big Mutha Truckers 12/06/02
Xbox Big Mutha Truckers 12/06/02
PC Big Mutha Truckers 05/02/03
GameCube Big Mutha Truckers 09/05/03
GameCube Street Racing Syndicate 08/31/04
PlayStation 2 Street Racing Syndicate 08/31/04
Xbox Street Racing Syndicate 08/31/04
PC Street Racing Syndicate 01/18/05
PlayStation 2 Ford Mustang: The Legend Lives 04/19/05
Xbox Ford Mustang: The Legend Lives 04/20/05
Xbox Big Mutha Truckers 2 08/23/05
PlayStation 2 Big Mutha Truckers 2 08/23/05
PC Big Mutha Truckers 2 08/26/05
PlayStation 2 Hummer Badlands 04/13/06
Xbox Hummer Badlands 04/14/06
PlayStation 2 The Fast and the Furious 09/26/06
PlayStation 2 Pimp My Ride 11/21/06
PlayStation 2 Cartoon Network Racing 12/04/06
Xbox 360 Pimp My Ride 12/06/06
PSP Pimp My Ride 04/03/07
PSP The Fast and the Furious 04/24/07
Wii Hot Wheels: Beat That 09/30/07
DS Hot Wheels: Beat That 11/06/07
PC Hot Wheels: Beat That 11/16/07
PSP Ferrari Challenge Trofeo Pirelli 11/23/07
Xbox 360 Hot Wheels: Beat That! 12/07/07
Wii Pimp My Ride 02/19/08
PlayStation 3 Ferrari Challenge Trofeo Pirelli 07/04/08
Wii Ferrari Challenge Trofeo Pirelli 09/12/08
PlayStation 2 Ferrari Challenge Trofeo Pirelli 09/12/08
Playstation 3 Super Car Challenge TBA Q1 2009
Although I don't doubt anyone's ability to rise to the occasion, but to think that on its first attempt at serious sim based racer, it will eclipse the effort a company like PD or simbin is quite outrageous.
I tried FC again over the weekend- yes the patch got rid most of the deadzone. At medium FFB setting, the driving is quite enjoyable. I set the ASM and TCS at 3 each and ABS at 4 and although I tried turning them off but it will take me some time to be able to do that completely (took me almost 1 month of daily use to get rid of driving aids in Prologue). Where in Prologue you get a remarkable sense of weight and the feel of the road, tires and the suspension, in FC while you do get some weightiness but mostly due to the powerful FFB returning the wheel to the centre. You do feel a bit of the suspension but very little sense of the pavement nor the tires. The steering is still vague and ambigious next to the one in Prologue.
The races themselves were quite enjoyable although the AI as always are never aware of your presence. Never did notice this before but the sky in FC actually moves. The cloud and the sky are not the static kind you find in most racing games. And I began to notice that some tracks aren't all that bad looking- Paul Ricard, Homestead, Hockenheim and Virginia are quite stunning (not Prologue stunning but oh so much better that Forza 2). They're even more remarkable in the rain.