10 reasons why Ferrari Challenge is better than GT5P

  • Thread starter Biggles
on lunch break, be back soon :)

Please don't double post and don't use the forums as a chat-room.

At the risk of sounding blunt, we don't need to know that you are going to lunch, nor does it add anything to the discussion.

The AUP (that you agreed to on joining) clearly states that 'off-topic' posting and 'chating' are not permitted.


Please don't double post and don't use the forums as a chat-room.

At the risk of sounding blunt, we don't need to know that you are going to lunch, nor does it add anything to the discussion.

The AUP (that you agreed to on joining) clearly states that 'off-topic' posting and 'chating' are not permitted.



I understand completely, but when reading threads everyone goes off topic. No need for your post to me as i was not using it as a chat room because i hate chatrooms:grumpy:

Sorry if youre offended:indiff:
The more time I spent in FC, the word "simcade" keeps popping in my head. Although the physics is almost equally convincing as Prologue (and I'm not implying that Prologue is the best sim out there), but every aspect of the physics seems slightly exaggerated. Take for example the loosening of traction especially if you brake late into turns. In Prologue, it's more subtle although the effect is just as detrimental. What makes it more believable is that it doesn't feel the same each and everytime you make the mistake. In FC, although the whole sensation is more apparent, it also seems to be the same everytime. It doesn't matter if you make the mistake while going uphill or downhill, off camber or else, it feels the same regardless. This makes it more predictable and less convincing in my book. And while the braking itself seems more challenging in FC, it's due perhaps to the fact that in its current reiteration, you can't switch off the suggested gear indicator in GT5P which makes for a much smoother braking ( no matter how you avoid form looking at it, you can still see the change in your peripheral vision).
And I've been driving the last few days without any driving aids while keeping the ABS at around 3 (I also keep the ABS in Prologue though lower at 1). Other that the somewhat more amplified driving physics and handling, overall I feel that there's more similarities than there are difference between the two games.
The more time I spent in FC, the word "simcade" keeps popping in my head. Although the physics is almost equally convincing as Prologue (and I'm not implying that Prologue is the best sim out there), but every aspect of the physics seems slightly exaggerated.

Not an unreasonable opinion. It's kind of how I felt about FC at first. But I do think a lot of the sense of it being more arcadey than GT5P has to do with the unrealistic graphics & overly dramatic sound.

In FC, although the whole sensation is more apparent, it also seems to be the same everytime. It doesn't matter if you make the mistake while going uphill or downhill, off camber or else, it feels the same regardless. This makes it more predictable and less convincing in my book

I don't this is true, although I also had this sense at first. The physics do feel less complex than GT5P, & possibly they are. However, as time went on & I started to see how little adjustments to my steering, braking, throttle etc. effected my lap times, I began to realize that there was more going on than I originally realized.

In the end, the physics may, in fact, be less complex & detailed than GT5P's, but this is balanced by the fact that the FFB feels more physical & more like real driving & for that reason more satisfying. In any case, the real reason for playing FC is that regardless of whether the physics are better than GT5P's or not, there's no question that they are pretty good & that FC offers a whole range of great new tracks on which to race.
The primary and key reason why FC is NOT better than GT5P is simple: no brake bias adjustments. As far as the physics goes itself, it feels "fake". It feels like something is missing. It feels very unpredictable. GT5P has set a high standard. And much like GRID, something just feels "off" when using a wheel.

The audio is utter crap. Perhaps it's acceptable for the PS2. But, this is the PS3, the audio is down right repugnant.. Graphics are unacceptable by today's "next gen" standards as well. It looks cheeeezy like Sega Rally does.
Come on guys, just get the game and go online so Biggles will actually have someone to race with :)
...The audio is utter crap. Perhaps it's acceptable for the PS2. But, this is the PS3, the audio is down right repugnant....

I've heard several people complain about the sound but nobody has mentioned anything specific. What is it about the audio that you don't like or don't find realistic: the sound of the engine (in/out of car), additional affects (i.e. contact with another car), tire squeel, the music :sly:?

IMO the sound of hitting another car is bloody rubbish. But I always thought the engine sound in and out of the car was pretty good.
The primary and key reason why FC is NOT better than GT5P is simple: no brake bias adjustments. As far as the physics goes itself, it feels "fake". It feels like something is missing. It feels very unpredictable. GT5P has set a high standard. And much like GRID, something just feels "off" when using a wheel.

All these kind of negative comments sound like they come from people who just tried FC for a short time & were put off by the fact that it doesn't look, sound or feel like GT5P. I felt the same way at first, but with time came to appreciate how good FC actually is. The physics are nothing at all like GRID's, & they are not "unpredictable". If they were unpredictable, I wouldn't be consistently beating the slower online racers & consistently getting my butt kicked by those who are faster (and, I might add, consistently having superb, white-knuckle, tight races with online racers whose skill level is close to my own) 👍

For a "casual racer", the choice is clear: get Prologue for the amazing realism of the graphics & deep physics. For a PS3 racing sim enthusiast: you can continue to run the same few tracks of GT5P (when PD lets you) for another 6 months+, or you can try FC & get access to 14 different tracks & a different but equally deep physics model. :)
To me GT5P and FC handle how I would expect a car to handle. I've never raced so I can't really say one is better than the other but I don't really care anyway since both are fun. GRID on the other hand is horrible. It just doesn't feel right. I remember practicing one of the time trials on the European track in the demo and trying to follow the ghost that they supplied. I quickly realized that the fastest way through one of the hairpins was to not use your brakes. That killed GRID for me.
See thats odd people dont like the sound, Thats one of my favorite things. Yeah its a bit over the top, But I love the back fires and the grinding, just the violence of the sound it reminds me alot of the PC racers. All they need now is a shaky cockpit the rattles all the time and a bumpier track.

GT5P is very up tight and sophisticated, It like's to go to fancy dress parties. FC like's to eat meat and potatoes and go to strip clubs.
Yes, there has been some BS with regard to the promises made by the publishers of FC. FC users are quite annoyed about it. However, my judgement is based on the game as it is, rather than what was "promised". I think you'll find GTP_Hun has forgiven & moved on... ;)

Seems like PD also made promises about DLC, private lobbies etc. for GT5P, which haven't (yet) come to pass. Of course, with PD you can never be sure if the promises were actual promises, rumours, or just figments of someone's fevered imagination... :indiff:

Sorry this response is so delayed. I think the main problem with PD & GT5p is how often someone will suggest a possible improvement which is then taken as content definitely coming from PD.

Private rooms/damage have been mentioned but they were never promised by PD on the box of GT5p. Had they explicitly stated "THIS GAME HAS DAMAGE" think how much trouble they would be in. Ferrari Challenge may well be a very good game but if it had become as popular as GT5p I'd like to think the developers (and/or marketing department) would get in a lot of trouble for misadvertising.
i got ferrari challenge the other day and its not a patch on gt5p
also gt5p is just a taster game not the real thing you should wait for gt5 proper before you start comparing games
i got ferrari challenge the other day and its not a patch on gt5p
also gt5p is just a taster game not the real thing you should wait for gt5 proper before you start comparing games

Refer to this post:

Do we really need to hear the "GT5P-is-only-a-demo" argument one more time :rolleyes:

GT5P sold millions of copies, GT5 will sell millions of copies. PD really doesn't need any moral support from anyone here! The point of this thread is not to dump on GT5P - it's to prod fellow GTPers to take a look at FC, which in spite of its shortcomings, is a really worthwhile game. The point is, it's available NOW, unlike GT5.
i got ferrari challenge the other day and its not a patch on gt5p

Don't look at FC as a "rival" to GT5P, look at it is offering some things (especially tracks) that GT5P doesn't. Also give it some time, quite a bit of time, to get used to the different graphics & adjust to the different feel of the physics. Then join us online racing - I think you will find the experience very rewarding. 👍
Why are people dogging on him for the comparison. If GT5P is JUST a "Teaser Demo" why then:

-Does the game title not say the word "Demo" anywhere in it (yes I know it says Prologue and what it means)?
-Did I have to pay $39.99+tax for it?

I feel that if I'm shelling out near full-price for a game then it deserves to be compared to other games we pay good money for. Now the issue of value for money is something else to discuss.

It's obvious that GT5P is "demo" in spirit, but PD made it much more than that when they decided on the price. The updates have made the initial purchase price more justifiable and there is more car selection than several games that cost $60. I still love the game, and it's obvious that the completed GT5 will be so much more than Ferrari Challenge, but for now I have to say I agree 100% with Biggles. Totally fair and thorough comparison.
I think GT5P is a full game, Just with nothing in it :sly:. Its a teaser a taste if you will. So yes you can compare GT5P to anything in the same genera you want.
At $40 GT5P is about 2/3rds the cost of a full game, about 1/2 the size of an decent full game, but about 1/4 of the content that we would expect with GT5. What GT5P is missing is more tracks.

I'm actually surprised that they haven't released any new tracks over the last year & I think if if they had said a year ago that we would be in this position at this point, most GT fans wouldn't have believed it. My expectation, when I bought the game, was that they would add a few free DLC tracks over time, which would have made sense for the $40 IMO. But then, we still have no idea at all when GT5 will appear - perhaps in the next few weeks, for all we know...

I don't mind people "dogging on me" - I'm just hoping to stir up a bit of interest in FC, because I think that most GT5P fans will really enjoy it if they give it a chance.
Well I've played it for a few hours now lol

I think there will be no comparison at all between GT5 and FC but as its available now and GT5 isnt its a good crack.

Its a bit arcady in comparison to GT5P but if you take it for what it is (a game not a sim?) then its well worth picking up if you see it cheap :)
I've tried Fc a good few times now, mainly the f430 and what i don't like about it, is it feels like i'm driving a plate of jelly, it's just too.......wibbly. The stock F430 in gt5p feels far more composed on the track than the supposedly race prepared F430 challenge car in FC. Surely it should be the other way round?

People suggest spending more time with FC to get used to the physics and yes, i could spend more time getting used to it, so the game becomes 'easier' to me, but do i really want to get used to driving a plate of jelly? That coupled with the fact that online doesn't work very well (less well than gt5p) and blatant (criminal?) lies on the box to sell the game, means that i think gt5p is better than FC.
Ive got both games on Ps3 and I think both are good just that Gt5: P feels more epic IMO like the menus etc :P.
but im not going against FC but seriously I think what has disgusted me is System 3's loyailty they pretty much released a half arsed game with less cars then GT5 Prologue and only about 50% of what is on the back cover not to mention them attempting to do a bludge fix of lag which all they did was turn down graphics at 1080p until fans complained and then they did a half effort job.
I dont want people telling me they will release new updates but IMO FC was a good game but system 3 absolutely scammed all the people who bought it and as proof that no updates will come out super car challenge has got work started on and no way in hell am i going to buy that game not because FC was poor but because System 3 is just low company who doing things like this will get even lower.
OK, I'll try this one more time (please bear in mind that I have played GT5P a lot, & while I'm not the fastest driver out there, I'm pretty decent):

after months of playing GT5P, I honestly don't think you can appreciate FC properly after a few hours - I know I didn't. Yes, it feels quite "arcadey" at first - part of this has to do with the arcadey-looking graphics. Yes, it feels "unpredictable" at first - it takes a while to get to understand that the inputs you make, do precisely effect your laps times. After 40 or 50 hours you'll come to know how slight adjustments to the steering, brakes & throttle effect your speed going into, around & out of each apex.

Switching back to GT5P after playing FC a lot, GT5P feels weirdly understeery - as though the car tires don't want to track at all. The "wibbly" feeling in FC is an attempt to model weight-transfer & body-roll, something the GT series has never done well (see GT4 vs Enthusia). In GT5P the car sits squarely on its tires until you push it too hard &, with no real warning, the car starts to slide sideways. You have to learn though practice where the point of loss of traction is.

In FC you can feel the car start to "lean over" its tires - the inside wheels start to lose load & the outside wheels start to "judder" (grip & release) under the increased load - ease off the throttle & you can feel the weight of the car move back from the outside & the tires regain steadier grip. That's the "wibbly". Move through a succession of corners, especially downhill, like at Spa, & you have to control that shifting around of weight & grip back & forth & find the right balance for maximum speed. FC models this much better than GT5P, IMO, but it takes quite a while to get used to the "wibbly" & learn to control it.

Gt5: P feels more epic

Yes, it's a much slicker, more big-budget presentation.

Yes, System 3 misrepresented the game (as opposed to PD who are so uncommunicative about their plans that it would be pretty much impossible for them to "misrepresent" themselves), but it has still given me (& continues to give me) a lot of enjoyment.
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Just a question for you Biggles, or anyone else for that matter that owns Ferrari Challenge. I've been thinking about buying this game for a while, as you say, "to compliment GT5P" while I wait for more content.

The tracks, the cars all look good. I even found an online private racing league that runs a full season, the only thing I need to actually try is the physics. But in Australia the game is still full price and I can't find anywhere to rent it from.
So my question is this. Physics wise, is there a game out there with similar physics, just so I can compare. Say Forza 2, GRID etc.
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Just a question for you Biggles, or anyone else for that matter that owns Ferrari Challenge. I've been thinking about buying this game for a while, as you say, "to compliment GT5P" while I wait for more content.

The tracks, the cars all look good. I even found an online private racing league that runs a full season, the only thing I need to actually tryis the physics. But in Australia the game is still full price and I can't find anywhere to rent it from.
So my question is this. Physics wise, is there a game out there with similar physics, just so I can compare. Say Forza 2, GRID etc.

I can only compare to the games I've played (no PC sims, because I've always been a Mac user :rolleyes: ): PGR2, Forza1, GT3, GT4, CM5, Enthusia, F1CE, DIRT (demo), GRID (demo), & GT5P. I've barely played Forza2. The physics are really not quite like any of these games (certainly nothing at all like GRID). They are more "wibbly" with a strong representation of weight-transfer (as I've tried to describe), which may be a bit reminiscent of Enthusia, but with a much more direct-feeling FFB. Overall, the combination of very raw sound & robust FFB, gives a much more physical feel to the driving than the rather cerebral, detached feel of GT5P.

What about buying from the UK?

I can only compare to the games I've played (no PC sims, because I've always been a Mac user :rolleyes: ): PGR2, Forza1, GT3, GT4, CM5, Enthusia, F1CE, DIRT (demo), GRID (demo), & GT5P. I've barely played Forza2. The physics are really not quite like any of these games (certainly nothing at all like GRID). They are more "wibbly" with a strong representation of weight-transfer (as I've tried to describe), which may be a bit reminiscent of Enthusia, but with a much more direct-feeling FFB. Overall, the combination of very raw sound & robust FFB, gives a much more physical feel to the driving than the rather cerebral, detached feel of GT5P.

What about buying from the UK?


I thought about buying overseas but the Australian Dollar is poor. I think I'll just try and find it local, shouldn't be to hard.
I'm glad the physics are not like GRID:) btw.

Do you by any chance race in the UKOG season, it's sounds alot like PC online racing, very professional.
Well I finally got a chance to put some quality time in with this game, and while the presentation and graphics are nowhere near GT5:P's calibre, gameplay and physics wise it easily rivals GT5:P if not exceeds it.

The cars feel more connected to the road than GT5:P, which still feels a bit artifically floaty and disconnected to me. That said, the physics are only marginally better, whereas the physics in rFactor or Live for Speed have been substancially more realistic than anything on the consoles for years, so it's nothing to write home about.

My favorite part of this game was the variety of real tracks, many of which we will probably never see in a Gran Turismo game. I'd say it's a worthwhile purchase for any Ferrari fan or sim enthusiast.
Well I finally got a chance to put some quality time in with this game, and while the presentation and graphics are nowhere near GT5:P's calibre, gameplay and physics wise it easily rivals GT5:P if not exceeds it.

The cars feel more connected to the road than GT5:P, which still feels a bit artifically floaty and disconnected to me. That said, the physics are only marginally better, whereas the physics in rFactor or Live for Speed have been substancially more realistic than anything on the consoles for years, so it's nothing to write home about.

My favorite part of this game was the variety of real tracks, many of which we will probably never see in a Gran Turismo game. I'd say it's a worthwhile purchase for any Ferrari fan or sim enthusiast.

Thanks for your views mate:tup:, helps me alot in my choice wether to get this fine game or not.
Thanks for your views mate:tup:, helps me alot in my choice wether to get this fine game or not.

Just be aware that the physics between the pal version of game and the na version are different.. The developers never saw fit to release the patch which fixed the physics to us pal users. There is a big dead zone problem when using a wheel (i use a dfp). Maybe to enjoy this sim it's best to play it with a controller.

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