How do you know that they don't have a clear nuclear policy? Has anything in Israel's history suggested to you that their military is particularly disorganised?
It is tautological that Israel, with its policy of nuclear ambiguity, doesn't have a clear policy. Estabilished and coherent, maybe. We have no way to know.
Other countries will more or less openly state how they intend to use their nuclear weapons - for example, French nuclear doctrine allows for the use of nuclear weapons in response to conventional and terrorist attacks, while the US Doctrine for Joint Nuclear Operations allows use of nuclear weapons without provokation, but only against WMD-equipped enemies and/or to quickly conclude a war (a word which has a very specific meaning in policy - the War on Terror, for example, isn't truly a war).
Israel? Hell if we know. They may even have a policy that allows for unprovoked nuclear attacks. While I don't believe this to be very likely, it still is a matter of concern. The only reassurance that this won't be the case is political talk - what if their policy puts control of nuclear weapons in the hands of the military rather than political officials?
But why shouldn't those be at the discretional authority of the countries leaders?
For the same reason that countries leaders can't, say,
commit genocide at their discretion, and the ICC exists to prosecute those who are accused of such crimes. If I have to be honest, I think any world leader foolish enough to strike first with nuclear weapons should be tried for crimes against humanity, and this is one of the few cases in which I'd condone the death penalty.
Of course, Israel is not breaking any law with their nuclear policy. But something being legal doesn't make it right.
So what about Pakistan, who definitely has nukes and definitely would use them as a first strike weapon if need be and isn't an NPT signatory? Or India, whose situation is only mildly different?
Oh, I was not aware that we were talking about the Indo-Pakistan situation (which is even more concerning, seeing that both nations have at least tactical-level nuclear weapons and have gone to conflict several times over the years and, as you said, one of the involved parties has expressed willingness to strike first). Still, sometimes I wonder how Pakistan isn't considered the roguest of rogue States.