11 Lies Netanyahu Told Congress on Iran

  • Thread starter F1jocker12
Saying it was "lost in translations" lets some GTP posters of the hook easy. The "blow of Israel of the map" myth has been debunken so many times (and on GTP) that anyone still telling this story must be actively lying and should be ashamed.
That sounds like a serious breach of the AUP, so I'm sure you will report it and actually attempt to defend the charge.

Because if Israel has nukes, and doesn't have a clear nuclear policy, then those weapons may be used in a first strike against targets whose military legimacy could be considered as doubtful.
So what about Pakistan, who definitely has nukes and definitely would use them as a first strike weapon if need be and isn't an NPT signatory? Or India, whose situation is only mildly different?

Israel, obfuscation about its possession or not, at least said that they wouldn't be the first to use them in the region.
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How do you know that they don't have a clear nuclear policy? Has anything in Israel's history suggested to you that their military is particularly disorganised?

It is tautological that Israel, with its policy of nuclear ambiguity, doesn't have a clear policy. Estabilished and coherent, maybe. We have no way to know.
Other countries will more or less openly state how they intend to use their nuclear weapons - for example, French nuclear doctrine allows for the use of nuclear weapons in response to conventional and terrorist attacks, while the US Doctrine for Joint Nuclear Operations allows use of nuclear weapons without provokation, but only against WMD-equipped enemies and/or to quickly conclude a war (a word which has a very specific meaning in policy - the War on Terror, for example, isn't truly a war).

Israel? Hell if we know. They may even have a policy that allows for unprovoked nuclear attacks. While I don't believe this to be very likely, it still is a matter of concern. The only reassurance that this won't be the case is political talk - what if their policy puts control of nuclear weapons in the hands of the military rather than political officials?

But why shouldn't those be at the discretional authority of the countries leaders?

For the same reason that countries leaders can't, say, commit genocide at their discretion, and the ICC exists to prosecute those who are accused of such crimes. If I have to be honest, I think any world leader foolish enough to strike first with nuclear weapons should be tried for crimes against humanity, and this is one of the few cases in which I'd condone the death penalty.

Of course, Israel is not breaking any law with their nuclear policy. But something being legal doesn't make it right.

So what about Pakistan, who definitely has nukes and definitely would use them as a first strike weapon if need be and isn't an NPT signatory? Or India, whose situation is only mildly different?

Oh, I was not aware that we were talking about the Indo-Pakistan situation (which is even more concerning, seeing that both nations have at least tactical-level nuclear weapons and have gone to conflict several times over the years and, as you said, one of the involved parties has expressed willingness to strike first). Still, sometimes I wonder how Pakistan isn't considered the roguest of rogue States.
Na, it's not o.k. but it's the norm, especially in this sort of situation. It's not exactly ground shaking news though and need not be sensationalized. Two more years of the media milking and egging on this Obama Netanyahu deal :rolleyes:
Why is it so surprising for you that a politician lies?
You cannot afford to have leaders that are openly lying you or lying in your name. Your national security will be on the line. They have the responsibility over classified information and you country military capabilities. Bibi is not just a politician. He is the Prime Minister (executive power) of Israel.
You cannot afford to have leaders that are openly lying you or lying in your name. Your national security will be on the line. They have the responsibility over classified information and you country military capabilities. Bibi is not just a politician. He is the Prime Minister (executive power) of Israel.

You need to learn that that is the way politicians work. They promise A when elections are coming and when that's done, they forget about promise A and do B, because B was on their agenda way before A was even a thought.

That happens in every country. Not just Israel.
You need to learn that that is the way politicians work. They promise A when elections are coming and when that's done, they forget about promise A and do B, because B was on their agenda way before A was even a thought.

That happens in every country. Not just Israel.
I will invite you to remember what happened to the US President Richard Nixon... to start from the top of the tops.
I will invite you to remember what happened to the US President Richard Nixon... to start from the top of the tops.

I am telling you how politicians work and then you try to teach me something?

With Bibi being caught in such a short period of time is the worst because he is no good for his electors (they will say... what the heck Bibi?) and his international partners for the same reasons. Evan if he will be considered a "clever" politician, that lied to the world to protect Israel, people will legitimately argue it was only to keep his power. Lying was detrimental for Israel, because ... let's say the politicians lie, nobody likes to be lied to. So ... it's bad.

off topic... if you want to send me kisses, sorry bro, I am not the type... I like jewish women... no kidding.
There is no comparison between what Nixon left office over and Netanyahu denying Israel spied on Iran/U.S. nuclear talks. Not even close.

Kisses? I prefer flowers :lol:

Iran nuclear talks: 'Framework' deal agreed
Under the deal, Iran will reduce its uranium enrichment capacity in exchange for phased sanctions relief.

US President Barack Obama said a "historic understanding" had been reached with Iran.

The world powers and Iran now aim to draft a comprehensive nuclear accord by 30 June.

The framework agreement was announced by the European Union and Iran after eight days of negotiations in Lausanne.


"Parameters for a Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action" PDF document


This kind of moments make you proud to be an American!
And president Obama calls Bibi to tell him about the deal...
Bibi, you are with us, or against us....

Cheaper oil coming...
Iran nuclear deal to see $20 oil crude market if Tehran floods crude market

Edit -
"The European Union will terminate implementation of all nuclear related economic and financial sanctions. And the United States will cease the application of all nuclear related economic and financial sanctions simultaneously either IAEA verified implementation by Iran of its key nuclear commitments," Federica Mogherini said at a joint press conference with the Iranian foreign minister.

20 years of lies
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