US and Iran Make Breakthrough Nuclear Deal

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Here is another one of those stooges
Bahrain's King Hamad bin Issa al-Khalifa has skipped a Gulf Arab summit with U.S. President Barack Obama, and will instead join Britain's Queen Elizabeth at a horse show and also discuss bilateral relations with her.

Like Saudi Arabia's King Salman, King Hamad has decided to send his crown prince to the United States in his stead, in a perceived snub over Obama's drive to reach a nuclear deal with Iran, the arch-rival of America's traditional Gulf Arab allies.

off topic
"Israel-Saudi connection"
Do you read Time Magazine?
January 8th 2015
On May 26, 2014, an unprecedented public conversation took place in Brussels. Two former high-ranking spymasters of Israel and Saudi Arabia–Amos Yadlin and Prince Turki al-Faisal–sat together for more than an hour, talking regional politics in a conversation moderated by the Washington Post’s David Ignatius. They disagreed on some things, like the exact nature of an Israel-Palestine peace settlement, and agreed on others: the severity of the Iranian nuclear threat, the need to support the new military government in Egypt, the demand for concerted international action in Syria. The most striking statement came from Prince Turki. He said the Arabs had “crossed the Rubicon” and “don’t want to fight Israel anymore.”


And then, the very next day, the Times of Israel reported that Israeli Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman and exiled Palestinian leader Mohammed Dahlan had met privately in Paris. Dahlan has made no secret of his desire to replace Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas; Lieberman is a conservative who has fallen out with Netanyahu and wants to be part of a coalition to replace him. So what on earth were Dahlan and Lieberman talking about?

you can read the rest of it...

I do not feel for those emotional zionist statements inducing the idea of jewish purity - the term "girls", against any ruthless enemy. That is childish and ridiculous. You should have said "virgins" but chose not to. I just underlined your "pedophilic nuance" of the term used... That doesn't mean you are a pedophile, but when you scream and shout about it, shows how you want to victimise yourself. It doesn't work anymore. You are suicidal as long as you will insult members here, because you will loose the right to post comments under that nickname. You need help.... to understand... which does not translates into treatment whatsoever...
Like I said... jumping on illusory conclusions, playing the self victimizing game, personal attacks, deviating from the topic...

By the way... this is an answer to your initial "strange" comments (nice and soft description).
Remember .... Zionism is criminal. And Iran is not a threat.

The wise members here know how what it "kills" you (metaphorically speaking - related to the Israel Iran issue) it's the beauty, not the ugliness.
And as long as you are preaching what are you preaching, I can not even wish you good luck... I am sorry!
With everybody's permission I will deviate a little from the topic - the deal between 5+1 powers and Iran.

What I've mentioned about Iran's society in general was contextual in the sense of the so called fear "created" by Iran in the Middle East. I would say that "fear" is artificially created and fuelled by Israel and few radical Arab states.
Is the Deputy Commander of the Revolutionary Guard a jew from Israel?

“We welcome war with the Americans.” “If they are relying on their aircraft carriers as a source of power they should know these carriers will be destroyed. If they use air bases these will be burned. If they want to fly airplanes they should know that all the skies will be set ablaze.” He added, “We have built our strength for the purpose of long, extended wars … more than for the purpose of peace, compromise, and dialogue with them.”
I do not feel for those emotional zionist statements inducing the idea of jewish purity - the term "girls", against any ruthless enemy. That is childish and ridiculous. You should have said "virgins" but chose not to. I just underlined your "pedophilic nuance" of the term used... That doesn't mean you are a pedophile, but when you scream and shout about it, shows how you want to victimise yourself. It doesn't work anymore. You are suicidal as long as you will insult members here, because you will loose the right to post comments under that nickname. You need help.... to understand... which does not translates into treatment whatsoever...
Like I said... jumping on illusory conclusions, playing the self victimizing game, personal attacks, deviating from the topic...

By the way... this is an answer to your initial "strange" comments (nice and soft description).
Remember .... Zionism is criminal. And Iran is not a threat.

Victimizing myself? I did no such thing. You seem to search for any means to nullify an opposing point rather than answering it.

Zionism is not criminal, unless you are referring to UN 3379, which was repealed twenty years ago. Give me some actual proof.

Give any of us some actual proof. You've yet to manage even that.
Is the Deputy Commander of the Revolutionary Guard a jew from Israel?

I guess your question was related to the term "dangerous". In other words it will be like I said "A Jew from Israel is dangerous"(poor judgement) and actually this Iranian commander is indeed dangerous.
First - a Jew from Israel is not dangerous or, I will add, criminal. Zionism, promoted by the the Israeli leaders, is both - dangerous and proven criminal.

Second - This video doesn't show how Iran is a threat... shows how this commander is repeating Khomeini's words. He can have multiple reasons to do that, which we (the viewers) are not aware of. If I go that avenue, and give him credit I will say is Islamic state propaganda, compared to North Korean propaganda. Realistically, his words have no weight and no reasonable possibility to be translated into reality. This is for radical Islamic Iranians to feel proud about the regime, and for .... how can I put this? .... fearful, puritan, ignorant, highly manipulated, proud of being "good citizen" person (not even only american - no offence), to be.... brrrrr.... scared about. If I will fell for this, I will probably lock myself inside the house and hide under the bed. Paranoid people do that. They also buy a lot of guns... just to have them in case they are being "attacked" by someone, somewhere, somehow.
The real world is different... North Korea has rusted submarines decommissioned buy the soviets in the 60's, and they have a similar approach as this commander has... If you want to understand the danger coming from North Korea, try to find one of their actual cookbooks, figure the North Korean soldiers "diet', impress yourself learning about their vast and impressing "infrastructure". I'll give you this - they have clean air because they do not have any industry and no pollution.... So dangerous indeed!
You are a victim of propaganda, and the sad part is, you try to make us here believe it! The beautiful part of it is how this commander doesn't say a word - not a single one, about attacking America or it's allies. He says they are ready to face a long and harsh war situation.... worse case scenario (which is not Latin by the way, as the translation states it)... but not a word about attacking... How is that dangerous (?), is still a mystery to me!
Do not forget how they got hurt very badly by Iraq in the Iran-Iraq war, and how US Army crushed Iraq in only few days. United States Army has more potential than the next 4 or even 5 next powerful nations combined, so what threat are we talking about here?

Again (and check the history) Iran is not a threat. Never was, never will be. They are not an aggressive attacking nation. But they have the right to exist and be respected.
When did I state clearly that Iran has no right to exist and that I do not respect the accomplishments of the Iranian people? I have not done so at any point.

Furthermore, you have yet to back up the false assertion that zionism is a crime.
Well, I think it's about time we end this farce. I can't separate the discussion from the guy who thinks it's fine to scream an agenda and then abuse other people for not agreeing with it wholesale either, so alongside taking that particular bit of trash out I have to bin the thread too.

If anyone feels like starting a new one on the otherwise interesting titbit that started it off, please do so.
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