Saleen Man
So the players have to wear suits to games? I think it makes the players much more professional, and like you said, they look better. I really don't see the problem with this. I mean, if all NBA players are seen on TV wearing suits, will high school basketball players around the world start wearing suits when they go out?

It's pretty clear that it's going deeper than just the game of basketball, but reaching into the basketball sub-culture, which rap music is a big part of. Who knows though.
I do understand where these players are coming from. If I'm wearing whatever I want at work, I wouldn't like it if the boss comes to me and tells me that I have to abide by the new dress code. What's shockingly stupid of Pierce and Stephen Jackson is that, they call that a racist move. So you can't wear your gold chains with cargo shorts and flip-flops while you're at work. That makes your employer a racist? GIVE ME A BREAK.
Saleen Man
Wait a tick - what did Paul Pierce say about MJ? And when did this happen? How could I not remember this?

Enlighten me, please.
What I heard from a friend(years ago) was that Pierce called MJ a old lady, and can no longer keep up with him. I googled and found this instead:
Dan Patrick: Do you know Stockton is old enough to be your dad?
Paul Pierce: John Stockton?
DP: Yes.
PP: How old is he? Oh, he's 40 now.
DP: Isn't that amazing?
PP: Yes, Karl Malone is 40 too, right?
DP: No, Malone's a year younger. And Michael Jordan is turning 40 in February.
PP: Hey, I'm glad I get to play against him now, you know?
DP: Is it a little strange when you play against him now but you know what he used to be?
PP: Yes.
DP: He's a different player now. Is it like when Larry Holmes was beating up Muhammad Ali, that you don't want to? I mean, Jordan is a guy you probably looked at as an idol.
PP: Yes.
DP: So do you still want to dunk on him?
PP: Oh yes, definitely ... but you still can't erase that I think he's the greatest player of all time.
DP: But you would dunk on an old man.
PP: Oh, yes. Without a doubt.
Hey, he wanted to come back to the game, right?
DP: Yes, all right.
That's just like ... say you've got nine guys on the court and one woman and you take it easy on her. I mean, if she wants to be out there, you've got to give her the same treatment.
DP: So you would have no problem lighting Jordan up for 40.
PP: No, no problem. Hey man, this is our time to give back to him what he did to us five, six, seven years ago.
That friend was the biggest MJ freak, so he probably overreacted to what Pierce had said.

Also, MJ wasn't that great in his years with the Wizards(when Pierce made his comments), but Pierce wasn't that much better IMO. My apology to Paul Pierce for thinking that he was a total loser all this time, but at least he is starting to live up to the rep.