2014 New Zealand / Australia General Discussion

Hi all first time post here due to GT Academy coming to Aust, i am off to the Melbourne F1 to try my luck.

Based on the info from the CLIPSAL 500 using the GTR Black edition and Silverstone short, I am under those times. Not saying how much faster or people might try harder :) not bad for a old dog.

Also I wonder how they are going to deal with older drivers that are much faster than the younger ones or just more experienced, like others im sure, i come from a iRacing background where i am very competitive. I hope that someone in their late 30s is not discriminated against for his age.

I suppose only time will tell, I just hope as long as their driving skills are notable they are considered and that just because they are not in their 20s they are immediately overlooked as a potential winner.

I ask this because I was considering most of the drivers are all very young it makes it look like only YOUNG drivers will make it regardless of how good someone is. IMHO Just because someone is 30-40 years old certainly does not mean they are past their prime since most good drivers are in that age bracket. And using the excuse of since they are young they can be taught how to drive against someone that has already been driving 20+ years compared to a guy in his 20s who has only just got his licence.....

Anyways i hope that fairness is a big factor.

Good Luck All
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Hi all first time post here due to GT Academy coming to Aust, i am off to the Melbourne F1 to try my luck.

Based on the info from the CLIPSAL 500 using the GTR Black edition and Silverstone short, I am under those times. Not saying how much faster or people might try harder :) not bad for a old dog.

Also I wonder how they are going to deal with older drivers that are much faster than the younger ones or just more experienced, like others im sure, i come from a iRacing background where i am very competitive. I hope that someone in their late 30s is not discriminated against for his age.

I suppose only time will tell, I just hope as long as their driving skills are notable they are considered and that just because they are not in their 20s they are immediately overlooked as a potential winner.

I ask this because I was considering most of the drivers are all very young it makes it look like only YOUNG drivers will make it regardless of how good someone is. IMHO Just because someone is 30-40 years old certainly does not mean they are past their prime since most good drivers are in that age bracket. And using the excuse of since they are young they can be taught how to drive against someone that has already been driving 20+ years compared to a guy in his 20s who has only just got his licence.....

Anyways i hope that fairness is a big factor.

Good Luck All

Firstly, CLIPSAL 500 racers were the first to race, so to our advantage and to their disadvantage they probably had no idea what track or car it was going to be so i suspect they only had a few tries before they could post their times. So whilst your time is now below their times I wouldn't get your hopes up. I am not saying you are bad or good, simply saying the information is out, anyone serious will be trying very hard now.

I am not sure why you would think age makes a difference with drivers, I mean if you take the pinnacle of the sport one of the youngest drivers out there (vettel) had just won a few championships didn't he and one of the oldest drivers out there (Webber) in the same team didn't even get close.

I am not not saying older drivers or younger drivers are better but I don't know why you need to discriminate age like that?

Secondly, i saw a stat somewhere recently and isn't the average age of gamers now is 31? So I am not sure how you rocking up will turn heads? I myself am around 30 and I don't think any less of younger gamers or older gamers....we're all on the same side aren't we?

Anyway, knowing the iRacing scene myself I already know some of the guys in the top Aussie iRacing scene will be up there, Madison is one that springs to mind...did you race or compare your times with Madison ?

I also really don't see the point of not sharing times etc. Either way its up to you and to be honest I am not interested. I mean I have raced iRacing and other sims many times and whilst its good to know where the top drivers are, knowing their times doesn't mean you can match it. I personally could never ever match the no.1 drivers in iRacing.

I personally know I will not reach the finals but will be there for fun.

Nothing against you but some of your comments did rub me the wrong way. No hard feelings and best of luck to you.
Not sure how my comments would rub anyone the wrong way. first off im friendly and well to be honest im just dumbfounded by your comments. The fact you pick on points and tear them apart sounds just like the iRacing forums, something i stay out of due to the fact you loose intelligence reading most of the stuff in there.

As far as "that" iRacing crowd im well aware of that group of people, just have to read the forums to get a good idea. Also just because someone is not a part of that special group does not mean there are others out there that are possibly just as good as they are.

At no point did I even say I was going to win, far from it. im just happy with the info I have and my lap times that just maybe get me in the finals. do I think I have a chance of that? based on my past experiences.... yes. And I would be very happy with that as that in itself can open a lot of doors into the racing industry as well as getting to know people in the industry. one of the hardest thing a driver has to do is get sponsorship and to fund his racing career as not all of us can just get a contract, but as most racing drivers its all about the passion for racing and wanting to make it a career and that is not a easy thing to do let alone the sacrifices one must make to dedicate themselves to full time racing. see http://safeisfast.com/sections/11-marketing-and-sponsorship/videos/16-sponsorship-where-to-begin

anyways, im sure there are many others that can run under a minute at the activations, but we will just have to see how fast they really are.

there is a lot of presumption on my post from your part. not sure where it all came from to be honest. have a bad day did we?

I can understand a lot are just going to have fun and take it as it comes, myself , well it became my full time job soon as I heard about it. I want a racing career and this is a opportunity not to be taken lightly.

anyways im not here to be Trolled or can be bothered with this

take care all.

nice to be welcomed on the forums.

hope people are much nicer in real life, I suppose that's the idea of a race team is to be surrounded by positive likeminded people.

btw check out http://safeisfast.com :)
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The early phases of all of the previous GT Academy competitions were based strictly on performance. Unless there's a dramatic change, as long as your time puts you in the top 64 or 32 or 16, then you'll advance.

The Silverstone final is where human judges determine who stays in the competition. There's obviously some subjective component to the evaluations they do, but for the most part they appeared to be fair.

However, my personal feeling is that what they are most interested in finding with their GTAcademy champion is someone who can really grow as a professional racer and be a good representative and ambassador of the Nissan brand. The careers of Lucas Ordonez and Jann Mardenborough are examples of the results they're really looking for.

Can an older competitor hack it? It's possible. But you'd have to show an amazing combination of raw talent (starting speed), conditioning (to demonstrate ability to continue to perform at a high level), teachability (improvement over the course of the camp, ability to follow direction), and maturity (to be a successful ambassador for the brand). They're looking for all of these things, regardless of age. Some of the older competitors who made it to Silverstone had plenty of speed and maturity, but didn't improve as much as the younger guys over the course of the program.

Ultimately: just give it your best shot. Keep a positive attitude and enjoy the experience, regardless of how far you make it.
Hi all first time post here due to GT Academy coming to Aust, i am off to the Melbourne F1 to try my luck.

Based on the info from the CLIPSAL 500 using the GTR Black edition and Silverstone short, I am under those times. Not saying how much faster or people might try harder :) not bad for a old dog.

Also I wonder how they are going to deal with older drivers that are much faster than the younger ones or just more experienced, like others im sure, i come from a iRacing background where i am very competitive. I hope that someone in their late 30s is not discriminated against for his age.

I suppose only time will tell, I just hope as long as their driving skills are notable they are considered and that just because they are not in their 20s they are immediately overlooked as a potential winner.

I ask this because I was considering most of the drivers are all very young it makes it look like only YOUNG drivers will make it regardless of how good someone is. IMHO Just because someone is 30-40 years old certainly does not mean they are past their prime since most good drivers are in that age bracket. And using the excuse of since they are young they can be taught how to drive against someone that has already been driving 20+ years compared to a guy in his 20s who has only just got his licence.....

Anyways i hope that fairness is a big factor.

Good Luck All

Hey mate, welcome to the GTP forums. For a start, from my experience here they are nothing like the iRacing forums ;-)

I haven't seen the top times from Adelaide yet, but I don't think they will be a true indication of the benchmark. Sure, that is all you have to go on at the moment, but it will be interesting to see where they are after Melbourne as i'm sure a lot of people will have been practicing beforehand after knowing what the combos were. Also, because Melbourne (and i could be wrong) would have to be a larger market than Adelaide with more people attending due to the GP and also if they missed the boat from Adelaide.

Anyway time will tell, for now i'm just interested in who you are on iRacing ;-)

Good luck with it mate, all the best.
Thanks and good luck to you too, an opertunity like this comes along very rarely, hopefully GT Academy is finally here to stay in Aust . I think there is going to be a few of those fast aussie iRacers under 0:50s. I did a 0:52 this morning in practice and about to head to the F1 soon to see if I can keep in the zone.

as for who I am... I am sure that will come out soon enough if I need to. I prefer to stay anonymous on the net, but in iRacing we don't have that choice.

Hardest thing for me was going from CSPv2s to the old G25/G27 pedals as they are using the G27 at the Activations. So vastly different Braking with these 2 pedals and it took me a long time to get used to them again, im still not comfortable with the braking.
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Hardest thing for me was going from CSPv2s to the old G25/G27 pedals as they are using the G27 at the Activations. So vastly different Braking with these 2 pedals and it took me a long time to get used to them again, im still not comfortable with the braking.

yeah same problem for me, but its not too bad...

goodluck though Jon
Thanks and good luck to you too, an opertunity like this comes along very rarely, hopefully GT Academy is finally here to stay in Aust . I think there is going to be a few of those fast aussie iRacers under 0:50s. I did a 0:52 this morning in practice and about to head to the F1 soon to see if I can keep in the zone.

as for who I am... I am sure that will come out soon enough if I need to. I prefer to stay anonymous on the net, but in iRacing we don't have that choice.

Hardest thing for me was going from CSPv2s to the old G25/G27 pedals as they are using the G27 at the Activations. So vastly different Braking with these 2 pedals and it took me a long time to get used to them again, im still not comfortable with the braking.

Hi Incubus
Im in mid 30s but am losing speed lol, wish this comp was 10 years ago but ill give it a shot!
I havnet played GT6 for about a month as i got bored with it and other things come 1st for me now.
I have a few questions...
So the car to use is the GTR Black at Sliverstone?
All aids off?
How many pods are there at the GP?
How many laps do you get?
How many shots do you get?
And where is it located at the GP?

Thanks and best of luck to you and everyone else!
It is probably my fault at the beginning as I was too tired to quote things but to make things clear I guess I have to...

Based on the info from the CLIPSAL 500 using the GTR Black edition and Silverstone short, I am under those times. Not saying how much faster or people might try harder :) not bad for a old dog.

GTplanet is a very very helpful community. What if the very nice blokes from Adelaide didn't share their info on what the GT Academy race was? What tracks? What cars? Aids on or off?

I mean to hide lap times versus your fellow Gtplant friends I can understand to a degree but the community is so much better that we help each other. I will be over the moon if anyone here makes it to the finals.

As I said in my post, posting times doesn't mean you can actually reach the times. It is a yard stick measure but I don't see how telling each other times ruins your chances.

Also I wonder how they are going to deal with older drivers that are much faster than the younger ones or just more experienced, like others im sure, i come from a iRacing background where i am very competitive. I hope that someone in their late 30s is not discriminated against for his age.

I suppose only time will tell, I just hope as long as their driving skills are notable they are considered and that just because they are not in their 20s they are immediately overlooked as a potential winner.

I ask this because I was considering most of the drivers are all very young it makes it look like only YOUNG drivers will make it regardless of how good someone is. IMHO Just because someone is 30-40 years old certainly does not mean they are past their prime since most good drivers are in that age bracket. And using the excuse of since they are young they can be taught how to drive against someone that has already been driving 20+ years compared to a guy in his 20s who has only just got his licence.....

Anyways i hope that fairness is a big factor.

Good Luck All

I agree with you, I hope someone in their late 30s is not discriminated against their age but your post seems to be discriminating younger drivers? Unfortunately that paragraph appears to be a "rant" against young drivers for reasons I do not understand....

I am not sure why you think I pick points, the last few paragraphs were all about age. I never pointed out a spelling mistake here or there (I am not a troll) nor do I cut and paste a sentence out of context ? I have posted the entire paragraph.

Hopefully my thoughts makes sense now and no, I did not have a bad day. Good luck to you in the race.

Moving on, I think the GT/sim part is only one side of it. Once you move into real racing it is a totally different thing.

I have driven in Targa many years ago with a mate in a Lotus and remains one of the most enjoyable times in my life. The physical aspects were insane and dead tiring that gamers simply don't feel. Also pace notes, oh god pace notes.....that is another story. The pros I saw in the race had actual systems (similar to iPads) that swivel...we used good old pace notes...

But most importantly you pretty drive constantly at 70% - 80% of max speed and breaking points, only the very skilled can replicate what they do, say for example on Bathurst in GT6 and do it in real life. When you are driving at those speeds and going into corners you simply break earlier.

I have driven on the mountain in real life and you simply don't see much in those turns when you are up there as well. Also the turns are a bit scarier in real life when you are doing it at racing speeds.

I wonder if they will allow us to enter multiple times? I am going down to Melbourne for the F1 and I live in Sydney so might do it twice??

p.s $10 that Madison Down takes it..young, fast, iRacing champion multiple times...
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Thanks and good luck to you too, an opertunity like this comes along very rarely, hopefully GT Academy is finally here to stay in Aust . I think there is going to be a few of those fast aussie iRacers under 0:50s. I did a 0:52 this morning in practice and about to head to the F1 soon to see if I can keep in the zone.

as for who I am... I am sure that will come out soon enough if I need to. I prefer to stay anonymous on the net, but in iRacing we don't have that choice.

Hardest thing for me was going from CSPv2s to the old G25/G27 pedals as they are using the G27 at the Activations. So vastly different Braking with these 2 pedals and it took me a long time to get used to them again, im still not comfortable with the braking.

Pretty sure you practising the wrong combo.
if you watch the 2013 American GT academy you will see a 33 year old almost win the competition(but he chocked in the last lap and went wide).

If your fast age shouldn't matter too much but it can be an issue in your improvement in rounds.
Yeah I realised this yesterday morning sitting on the loo. I thought to myself omg the STOWE circuit is NOT Silverstone short aka the Silverstone National Circuit, silly me, ah well. Suppose that's what happens when you are constantly distracted by the 2 kids and wife, as it can sometimes cause brainfarts :boggled:
The problem with Madison is that because he has a CAMS license he is ineligible for the competition, which is unfortunate ...for him.

Correct. :( I haven't seen the rules for this year but from what I hear and from 2010 when they were last here you can't have/or have ever had a CAMS licence... So the "Race to Reality" competition I did last year writes me off for GT Academy. Can't really complain too much though, I wouldn't trade my Aussie Racing Car Experience at Sydney for ANYTHING. Most amazing weekend of my life by a distant margin!

Good luck to all those competing in GT Academy. I hope someone from Australia takes it out!
Correct. :( I haven't seen the rules for this year but from what I hear and from 2010 when they were last here you can't have/or have ever had a CAMS licence... So the "Race to Reality" competition I did last year writes me off for GT Academy. Can't really complain too much though, I wouldn't trade my Aussie Racing Car Experience at Sydney for ANYTHING. Most amazing weekend of my life by a distant margin!

Good luck to all those competing in GT Academy. I hope someone from Australia takes it out!

Another chance will come though just keep faith, online simulators are such a big part of a racers program now its a matter of time before a huge change in how drivers go professional, the current hugely expensive system of going karting and formula ford and so on is unsustainable.
Correct. :( I haven't seen the rules for this year but from what I hear and from 2010 when they were last here you can't have/or have ever had a CAMS licence... So the "Race to Reality" competition I did last year writes me off for GT Academy. Can't really complain too much though, I wouldn't trade my Aussie Racing Car Experience at Sydney for ANYTHING. Most amazing weekend of my life by a distant margin!

Good luck to all those competing in GT Academy. I hope someone from Australia takes it out!

What is a good time on Bathurst ? I feel the cut off for Sydney might be lower...
I took some pics while at the AGP.
The target time to qualify is 2:18.000 a 2 lap race at Moint Panorama. AI are an R32 TC, R35 Black Mask, R35 '12 (?) R35 '07 (?), R35(I was just passing cars had no time to really look at the AI). The chosen car is the R35 GT3 GTAcademy. I had 2 tries. My first run I didnt take note of the time. My second go was a 2:18.224. The hostess said,"ohhh so close.."





it was my first time using a wheel for GT6. only bad thing was, we had to use auto only.
If you beat the set time you get invited to the second qualifier. I didnt ask how this connects to GTAcademy Online.

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I took some pics while at the AGP.
The target time to qualify is 2:18.000 a 2 lap race at Moint Panorama. AI are an R32 TC, R35 Black Mask, R35 '12 (?) R35 '07 (?), R35(I was just passing cars had no time to really look at the AI). The chosen car is the R35 GT3 GTAcademy. I had 2 tries. My first run I didnt take note of the time. My second go was a 2:18.224. The hostess said,"ohhh so close.."

Was it the blonde one who said "ohhh so close?? You should show her this picture of her cutting corners if you're going to the GP tomorrow :lol:


Note how fast she's going as well ;) :lol:
It was the really skinny over-shadowed eyeshadowed brunette I believe(not the one in the pic) maybe it was that one. I thought she may have had red lipstick.

I guess she thought it was Sunday-driving like that.
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And, the guy in the white shirt running the event got under my skin. I would imagine his resume has a list of event coordinator roles but he had no care for Gran Turismo, nor would he comprehend the passion us sim racers share. And this was an issue when I watched him clumsily setup the cars incorrectly while following a list of printed instructions he told me were supplied by Sony. When I spoke up and told him of his mistakes I caught a very cold look from him. He correctly some of his mistakes but made others.
I'm going tomorrow. So it's the gt academy GTR race car on RS tyres? And GTR black ED 12 or RS?
The tent was pretty hard to find if you didn't know, and none of the event staff seemed to know of either a GT Academy tent or a Nissan tent (they were basically the same thing).

The format was 2 laps on Bathurst with the GTR N24 (dunno what year) on SPORTS soft in race, so the first lap you had to negotiate traffic. Under 2:18 or 2:17 and they told you to come back at the end of the hour for "qualifying".

Qualifying was GTR Black on Racing Soft on Silverstone International(?). The short one that starts at the new pit complex. 5 laps in time trial, best lap gets entered.

I dunno what happens then, probably they enter the times into a computer and something happens. All I know is that people were talking about 1:04s on Silverstone, and I was busy choking it up with 1:06s. In my defense, the wheels are weird, the pedals are at a horrific angle, the screen was too big and too close and I kept getting air up my nose.

I figure a good set of racing driver excuses has to be worth a couple of seconds. :)

Advice to anyone at the next event: Get in early. I was in the last session of the day and the weekend. Had I found the place earlier, I could have had a few more sessions (or so they said, anyway).
The events so far looks like they're run in your typical event promo fashion. Hope the AU National final is run a little better than how these pop-up events are being done.

I've been very vocal on social media to PlayStation NZ and Nissan NZ about their previous events so everyone who thinks they have a good shot at making nationals should definitely voice their feedback and concerns to PS and Nissan AU.
The tent was pretty hard to find if you didn't know, and none of the event staff seemed to know of either a GT Academy tent or a Nissan tent (they were basically the same thing).

The format was 2 laps on Bathurst with the GTR N24 (dunno what year) on SPORTS soft in race, so the first lap you had to negotiate traffic. Under 2:18 or 2:17 and they told you to come back at the end of the hour for "qualifying".

Qualifying was GTR Black on Racing Soft on Silverstone International(?). The short one that starts at the new pit complex. 5 laps in time trial, best lap gets entered.

I dunno what happens then, probably they enter the times into a computer and something happens. All I know is that people were talking about 1:04s on Silverstone, and I was busy choking it up with 1:06s. In my defense, the wheels are weird, the pedals are at a horrific angle, the screen was too big and too close and I kept getting air up my nose.

I figure a good set of racing driver excuses has to be worth a couple of seconds. :)

Advice to anyone at the next event: Get in early. I was in the last session of the day and the weekend. Had I found the place earlier, I could have had a few more sessions (or so they said, anyway).
I was in the last group too. And agree about the set up. It felt a but uncomfortable but with a few sessions a better time was possible.
I did a 105.113 and don't expect to hear anything back from gt academy
So lets confirm this then once and for all for those who were there, because i'm hearing lots of different settings that were ran.

1: 2 lap Arcade race at Bathurst in the GTR GT3 N24 from Courtesy cars
- Auto or manual? (have heard both)
- Racing Hard (standard) or Sports Soft? (would have to physically change in settings)
- TC on 5? (standard)
- SRF on?

2: 5 Lap Time trial in GTR Black Edition at Silverstone International with Racing Soft tyres?
- Manual? (have heard auto also)
- TC off?
- SRF off?

Can anyone confirm this?
SS tyres
All aids on: car felt very grippy

Silver stone international
RS tyres
GTR black ed 12
TC 1
Abs 1
SS tyres
All aids on: car felt very grippy

Silver stone international
RS tyres
GTR black ed 12
TC 1
Abs 1


I'd also agree that the first one seemed to have all aids on. I'm fairly sure SRF was on, and TCS and ABS were at a high level. You could slam the brakes without any problems with stability at all.

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