2014 Nurburgring 24 hourFinished 

  • Thread starter memto89
At least you remembered to buy rain tires before the race ^^ did enyone else forget? Felt like maybe Play and LordZ also forgot?

Ha....yes the ABL series debutant in Room 3 (Rob) had no Wets or Inters in a race that was wet for 2/3 of the time. Poor Bugger. Hats off to him for seeing it through to the end and completing 13 laps for his team....which predictably also involved 13 pit stops.....

I'm sure he'll be straight down to Kwik Fit for some extra tyres on Monday morning in readiness for next months round.

But does that mean the teams that hadn't bought Wets/Inters had done no wet testing coming into the event as surely that would have highlighted the problem beforehand?
Well we had talked about remembering to buy wet weather tires but that was before knowing which car we would drive, after we decided the car I've had very little time to practise and forgot to buy any tires.. actually didn't have RMs either, but didn't need those.
At least you remembered to buy rain tires before the race ^^ did enyone else forget? Felt like maybe Play and LordZ also forgot?

Y. When I went to pit and change to wet tires """" SURPRISE """ no wet tires so I made all in RM and RS tires....
Y. When I went to pit and change to wet tires """" SURPRISE """ no wet tires so I made all in RM and RS tires....

Considering that I'm impressed you unlapped yourself once, since we seems to have been on equal terms and you were pretty far behind for a while.
Only have 5 of 9 reports from Room 1, remember please sent a report even if it just lists 'clean race'
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Thank you all, especially Gadget, for a good race. Fellow, I have one question.
I was in the pit 6 or 7 times, and only twice at the end of the race could I make the choice of tires and the amount of fuel. Previously the selection window is not showed. I was driving to pit once slowly and once fast and the result is always the same. No selection window. Can you tell me why?
Sorry for my english. I know it is not perfect :D
Thank you all, especially Gadget, for a good race. Fellow, I have one question.
I was in the pit 6 or 7 times, and only twice at the end of the race could I make the choice of tires and the amount of fuel. Previously the selection window is not showed. I was driving to pit once slowly and once fast and the result is always the same. No selection window. Can you tell me why?
Sorry for my english. I know it is not perfect :D

Apparently this can happen if you hold the accelerator down when entering the pits. You basically confirm your choice before the dialogue box appears. I have however only heard about this rather then experienced it so I don't know if it's actually the cause.
Apparently this can happen if you hold the accelerator down when entering the pits. You basically confirm your choice before the dialogue box appears. I have however only heard about this rather then experienced it so I don't know if it's actually the cause.

I use the joypad and acceleration have on the right stick, which always let go before entering the pit line. In addition to steering stick does not touch anything, so I could not confirm the selection.
It's interesting to read the feedback from last nights race. I think we all learned a lot.

Yes, in GT6 you do have to BUY a full set of Wets and Inters if you want then available in the race ( in GT5 they were 'free').

Yes, even when it's been wet for ages there is still grip enough to drive on slicks......but ONLY on the drier, 'racing line'. If you stray from this you'll start spinning and probably not stop until you hit something solid ;). I'm sure we all thought our steering wheels had broken the first time we exited the pits in the wet, and braked for turn 1 ( very 'OFF ' racing line as you'd have been in the pit exit lane) and the car just under steered straight on.

I am currently writing my Race a Report on Room 3 and also producing a Stewards Report for the Organising Committee. So far I've been impressed by the sense of sportsmanship by all the drivers, but there are still lessons to be learned. I think some of the newer drivers didn't fully read the Drivers Briefing as there have ( so far and I'm barely halfway through) been lots of penalties for crossing the white line on the pit exit. Apart from the rule being there to improve safety for cars approaching T1 at racing speed being blocked by cars exiting the pits, as previously mentioned, there is much less grip on the inside so breaking the 'rule' does give the driver a time advantage which is why every instance will be penalised with a time penalty. Even one for myself where I accidentally pulled my wheel USB lead out while grabbing a pitstop refreshment causing my car to drift over to the left of the track and stop before I figured out what I'd done.

Most drivers when damaged or being lapped were very sportsmanlike, but if you do pull over and end up off track, you really must be careful with the throttle or else the car will snap across the track and collide with the very car you were trying to do a favour for. This is particularly relevant in the wet and happened to me twice when passing damaged cars.

Hopefully lessons are learned and taken on board for Round 3
Thank you all, especially Gadget, for a good race. Fellow, I have one question.
I was in the pit 6 or 7 times, and only twice at the end of the race could I make the choice of tires and the amount of fuel. Previously the selection window is not showed. I was driving to pit once slowly and once fast and the result is always the same. No selection window. Can you tell me why?
Sorry for my english. I know it is not perfect :D
Yes I can it once too. Car just drove through the pits without stopping for fuel/tyres/damage at all. Hopefully it's a bug that PD will fix
One thing I was impressed with is the fact that there was actually a visible dry line (something I don't see in most sims) so when I was on hards and the rain stopped, I instinctively followed it. Just go offline once and its a disaster. Strangely, it was much harder to find on the front straight as all I heard was wheel spin.
About those hards RACECAR, why did you run on hards? have I missed something like them being faster in the wet or something?
About those hards RACECAR, why did you run on hards? have I missed something like them being faster in the wet or something?

I made the rather costly assumption that they would be there like they were in GT5, only to find out I actually have to buy them separately. So basically, the entire distance I ran was on Racing hards. They were actually fine when the track was at about 15% wet, but beyond that I had to basically drive at pit lane speeds to avoid going off track.
Yeah as I mentioned before I also missed that raintire thing.. but didn't you even buy racing softs? Those didn't come with the hards in GT5 did they? That was actually what I wondered, why hards and not softs. :P

With the softs I felt like you could drive decently round the track until 40 %, then it was undrivable. :/
Yeah, I didn't even buy those :lol: Just came unprepared overall, didn't bother checking to see if I had softs.
Yes I can it once too. Car just drove through the pits without stopping for fuel/tyres/damage at all. Hopefully it's a bug that PD will fix

Yes, these are the situations known for GT5. Too rapid entry into the pits.
The situations which I wrote, are different. My car stopped in the pit, was poured the fuel and changed tires, but this is done automatically, without my choice. The game itself decided which tires to mount. and always refueled full. I can not find the cause. And so I'm lucky, that GT6 did not give me the standard SS tires :D
My car stopped in the pit, was poured the fuel and changed tires, but this is done automatically, without my choice. The game itself decided which tires to mount.

This happened to me too on my very first pit stop.
Didn't happen to me any of my 16 stops. :P By the way when everyone had left the game actually allowed me to save the replay for Room1.. no idea if it works though, I've been having that problem with replays where the game freezes if i try to watch them..
VLN Round 2 - Room 3 Stewards Report

Pace lap
OLDBOY contact with the BURRE before the start. No damage to either car. – Racing Incident - No Further Action

Lap 2
White line penalty Double0rob exiting pits +10 secs
White line penalty RACE CAR exiting pits +10 secs

Lap 5 (start)
White line penalty OLDBOY exiting pits +10 secs
White line penalty RACECAR exiting pits +10 secs

Lap 6 (start)
White line penalty BURRE exiting pits +10 secs
White line penalty EVO exiting pits +10 secs

Lap 10 (start)
White line penalty GADGET333 exiting pits +10 secs

Lap 11 (start)
White line penalty Double0rob exiting pits +10 secs

Lap 12 (start)
White line penalty ATTRAP exiting pits (spins across the track and almost hits Armco) +10 secs

Lap 14 (start)
White line penalty OLDBOY exiting pits +10 secs
White line penalty GADGET333 exiting pits (drifts to outside – USB lead problem) +10 secs
White line penalty BURRE exiting pits +10 secs

Lap 15 (start)
White line penalty OLDBOY exiting pits +10 secs

Racing Incident – OLDBOY collecting GADGET when trying to let him pass. Throttle traces show you WERE trying to slow down and it was the downshift that most likely caused the car to veer sharply. You were also very sporting in holding station behind GADGET after he took severe damage from hitting you. – No Further Action

Lap 16 (start)
White line penalty GADGET exiting pits +10 secs
White line penalty OLDBOY exiting pits +10 secs

Lap 18
Avoidable Contact – OLDBOY crashing into the back of GADGET in the braking zone for the last corner before joining the Nordschliefer. Clearly it was an accident, but you had run through that section in the damp conditions enough to know that early braking was required (you’d had an accident all on your own 3 laps earlier) and so should have allowed more of a gap to the car in front at such a critical area. +60 secs

Lap 17
Double0rob – Avoidable Contact while being lapped. Throttle traces show you were flat out accelerating in a damaged car as the leaders moved to pass you. In future ensure the car is slowed down and stable in situations like this as the consequences can be dire for the cars racing for victory. +60 Secs

Lap 19 (start)
White line penalty OLDBOY exiting pits +10 secs

For a full explaination of the Rules in all CORE Races please click on the 'RULES' link in Memto's Original Post in this thread or go directly to https://docs.google.com/file/d/0B7WuYVmjBEdxNVp0ZmRPajdSV2s/edit

Team Driver Laps Total Time Pens.Inc

TMB Gadget333 20Laps 03:08:44 (+30s)
TOR the-burre 20Laps 03:14:07 (+20s)
P24 GTPL_Oldboy1957 20Laps 03:14:45 (+110s)
GORE attrap 18Laps 03:28:15 (+10s)
THAR GTP_RACECAR 16Laps 03:46:08 (+20s)
REST GTP_LancerEvo7 14Laps 04:02:36 (+10s)
ABL double0rob 14Laps 04:03:48 (+80s)
STM ZondaDriver451 DNS

* Pens Included - These penalties have already been added to the Total Times so do not need to be added again.

** Total Time for cars that did not complete the full race distance (those lapped) is calculated by taking the time for the laps they DID complete then adding the Winners final laptime to that time for every lap they were short.

Example - Driver A completes 16 of the 20 laps in 3:10:00. Winners final lap was 9:00. 4 x 9:00 = 36:00 mins. Therefore calculated final race time for Driver A is 3:10:00 + 0:36:00 = 3 hrs 46 mins
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