2014 Nurburgring 24 hourFinished 

  • Thread starter memto89
VLN Round 2 - Room 3 Stewards Report

Pace lap
OLDBOY contact with the BURRE before the start. No damage to either car. – Racing Incident - No Further Action

Lap 2
White line penalty ROB exiting pits +10 secs
White line penalty RACECAR exiting pits +10 secs

Lap 5 (start)
White line penalty OLDBOY exiting pits +10 secs
White line penalty RACECAR exiting pits +10 secs

Lap 6 (start)
White line penalty BURRE exiting pits +10 secs
White line penalty EVO exiting pits +10 secs

Lap 10 (start)
White line penalty GADGET333 exiting pits +10 secs

Lap 11 (start)
White line penalty Double0rob exiting pits +10 secs

Lap 12 (start)
White line penalty ATTRAP exiting pits (spins across the track and almost hits Armco) +10 secs

Lap 14 (start)
White line penalty OLDBOY exiting pits +10 secs
White line penalty GADGET333 exiting pits (drifts to outside – USB lead problem) +10 secsWhite line penalty BURRE exiting pits +10 secs

Lap 15 (start)
White line penalty OLDBOY exiting pits +10 secs

Racing Incident – OLDBOY collecting GADGET when trying to let him pass. Throttle traces show you WERE trying to slow down and it was the downshift that most likely caused the car to veer sharply. You were also very sporting in holding station behind GADGET after he took severe damage from hitting you. – No Further Action

Lap 16 (start)
White line penalty GADGET exiting pits +10 secs
White line penalty OLDBOY exiting pits +10 secs

Lap 18
Avoidable Contact – OLDBOY crashing into the back of GADGET in the braking zone for the last corner before joining the Nordschliefer. Clearly it was an accident, but you had run through that section in the damp conditions enough to know that early braking was required (you’d had an accident all on your own 3 laps earlier) and so should have allowed more of a gap to the car in front at such a critical area. +60 secs

Lap 17
Double0rob – Avoidable Contact while being lapped. Throttle traces show you were flat out accelerating in a damaged car as the leaders moved to pass you. In future ensure the car is slowed down and stable in situations like this as the consequences can be dire for the cars racing for victory. +60 Secs

Lap 19 (start)
White line penalty OLDBOY exiting pits +10 secs

For a full explaination of the Rules in all CORE Races please click on the 'RULES' link in Memto's Original Post in this thread or go directly to https://docs.google.com/file/d/0B7WuYVmjBEdxNVp0ZmRPajdSV2s/edit

Team Driver Laps Total Time Pens.Inc

TMB Gadget333 20 03:08:44 +30s
TOR the-burre 20 03:14:07 +20s
P24 GTPL_Oldboy1957 20 03:14:45 +110s
GORE attrap 18 03:28:15 +10s
THAR GTP_RACECAR 16 03:46:08 +20s
REST GTP_LancerEvo7 14 04:02:36 +10s
ABL double0rob 14 04:03:48 +80s
STM ZondaDriver451 DNS

* Pens Included - These penalties have already been added to the Total Times so do not need to be added again.

** Total Time for cars that did not complete the full race distance (those lapped) is calculated by taking the time for the laps they DID complete then adding the Winners final laptime to that time for every lap they were short.

Example - Driver A completes 16 of the 20 laps in 3:10:00. Winners final lap was 9:00. 4 x 9:00 = 36:00 mins. Therefore calculated final race time for Driver A is 3:10:00 + 0:36:00 = 3 hrs 46 mins
Old boy must've missed the rules page. Lol I would hate having 110 seconds in penalties.
Old boy must've missed the rules page. Lol I would hate having 110 seconds in penalties.
I am gutted that I had to award some pit lane line penalties to myself. My mistake was fluking Pole which put me in the pit box closest to the exit and that one is sooo tough NOT to get a penalty from every time.

Ironically that's the first penalties of any sort I've ever incurred in 6 months of racing with the CORE guys......and I was the damn Steward. Doh!
I am gutted that I had to award some pit lane line penalties to myself. My mistake was fluking Pole which put me in the pit box closest to the exit and that one is sooo tough NOT to get a penalty from every time.

Ironically that's the first penalties of any sort I've ever incurred in 6 months of racing with the CORE guys......and I was the damn Steward. Doh!
I think I got away with no penalties. I'm hoping not!
Didn't happen to me any of my 16 stops. :P By the way when everyone had left the game actually allowed me to save the replay for Room1.. no idea if it works though, I've been having that problem with replays where the game freezes if i try to watch them..

I think I got away with no penalties. I'm hoping not!

I have the exact same issue as Play; select the replay the game cycles through all of the 'titles' fine but then when the actual replay should start it just crashes the PS3, PSN overlay etc just completely stop working.

As per this fault stewarding for Room 1 is fairly limited, however I didn't get any not 'clean' incident reports so we'll just assume everyone was well behaved, certainly the start got off without a hitch and I didn't personally see any poor driving. So congratulations to all who made it to the end, I just hope that by next month the game is up to your driving standards!

1. TMB Pluxtheduck - 22L - 3h15:48.650
2. CCR jonnyb1990 - 22L - 3h16:39.915 (+51.265)
3. THAR Nin-Chin - 22L - 3h16:43.926 (+55.276)
4. P24 GTL_Lucas - 22L - 3h17:08.518 (+79.868)
5. ABL sweawskater2 - 20L - 3h19:41.360 (Interval)
6. TOR Play117 - 20L - 3h20:20.985 (+39.625)
7. GORE xNikodemusx - 19L - 3h24:35.115
8. REST LordZ1978 - 18L - 3h26:40.962
9. CGR JoeTruckV8 - 10L
10. FRT TDZ_4_12_14 - 2L
Old boy must've missed the rules page. Lol I would hate having 110 seconds in penalties.

I know the rules, but sometimes we all make mistakes. Sometimes they are our mistakes, and sometimes provoked by other factors (strange behavior of the driver in front of you or lack of concentration). These are the races :D

Lap 18
Avoidable Contact – OLDBOY crashing into the back of GADGET in the braking zone for the last corner before joining the Nordschliefer. Clearly it was an accident, but you had run through that section in the damp conditions enough to know that early braking was required (you’d had an accident all on your own 3 laps earlier) and so should have allowed more of a gap to the car in front at such a critical area. +60 secs

I agree, but this early braking was not expecting. However mistake is a mistake and the penalty must be :D


Race Report – VLN Round 2 Room 3 – 22 Laps (shortened to 20)

Nurburgring 24 hour Circuit (Map shows Nordschleife but race was on full 24hr circuit)



The Grid after 20 min qualifying ‘alone’

1. Gadget333 (TMB) – Mercedes SLS AMG GT3 (Yellow/Blue) – ‘STEVE’
2. attrapp (GORE) – Mercedes SLS AMG GT3 (Light Blue) – ‘ATTRAPP’
3. GTP_LancerEvo7 (REST) – Nissan GTR GT3 (Orange #43) – ‘EVO’
4. GTP_RACECAR (THAR) – Nissan GTR GT3 (Blue #32) – ‘RACECAR’
5. the-burre - BMW Z4 GT3 (White #1) – ‘BURRE’
6. GTP_oldboy1957 (P24)- Mercedes SLS AMG GT3 (Red) – ‘OLDBOY’
7. double0rob (ABL) – BMW M3 GT2 (Matt Black #14) – ‘ROB’

8. ZondaDriver451 (STM) - Nissan GTR GT3 (Orange)– ‘ZONDA’ *

* ZONDA did not complete qualifying and exited the room. We believe an imminent delivery of his partners’ baby was the cause of his rapid exit. If so, we hope Mother and Baby are doing fine


Lap 1


The race is underway and ATTRAP gets jumped by the two GTR's before we leave the GP Circuit.


RACECAR goes off on cold tyres allowing first EVO, then OLDBOY past.


A few corners later, struggling with some damage from his earlier off, RACECAR is off again allowing ATTRAPP and BURRE to make up places.


OLDBOY chasing EVO at the Karussell with leader STEVE up ahead.


EVO gets it all wrong accelerating out of Pflanzgarten allowing OLDBOY up into 2nd. Luckily EVO’s error only cost him time as he avoided hitting anything.


Dottinger Straight first time around STEVE has a decent gap to OLDBOY who is now being lined up for a draft pass by EVO but as he doesn't properly catch him until just before the Bilstein Bridge he wisely backs off and tucks in behind.


ROB and RACECAR have had horrible first laps having both sustained early damage and having to limp almost 15 miles back to the pits for Damage repairs. This means they are already almost 5 minutes behind the leaders.

Lap 2

ATTRAPP makes an unexpected early stop, presumably to repair some light front wheel damage

Lap 3


OLDBOY has closed up on STEVE as the cars start the third lap.


Likewise BURRE has closed down the gap to third place and is now locked in a battle with EVO


EVO is into the Armco at Flugplatz allowing BURRE to move into 3rd place.


Up front the battle of the Mercs is intense with OLDBOY waiting patiently for his chance to seize the lead.


And on Dottinger he finally gets the draft and moves into the lead for the first time. But in the background, now released from EVO, the TOR Z4 of BURRE is catching both of the Mercs.


EVO pits to repair the damage from his off. The mistake has cost him dear, and by the time he emerges from the pits ATTRAPP has passed him into turn 1.


Positions end Lap 3

Lap 4


GORE’s ATTRAP has a battle on her hands to defend his newly acquired 4th place from the Team REST Nissan driven by guest driver EVO. He would get past the Swede on Dottinger at the end of the lap.

Leader OLDBOY pits for a routine tyre change. STEVE regains the lead and BURRE moves into 2nd

Positions end Lap 4

Lap 5

No sooner has OLDBOY re-joined the track on a brand new set of Racing Softs, the rain starts to fall.


Into Adenauer Forst, and BURRE is now right with STEVE battling for the lead.


BURRE gets better traction accelerating out of Steilstrecke and completes the pass into the Karussell

Both leaders pit. The track is now 14% wet and while BURRE fits a new set of Racing Softs, STEVE puts on Inters, hoping the rain will continue to fall, and also tops off with fuel in anticipation of a long run. Meanwhile OLDBOY flashes past to regain the lead. Quite a battle going on between these three.

EVO also pits for Inters

Lap 6

By the end of the lap the track has reached 40% wet. OLDBOY pits from the lead but again goes for more Racing Soft tyres. BURRE and STEVE retake him for 1st and 2nd place.

ATTRAPP stops at end of the lap for Damage repair and to switch onto full WETS


Positions end Lap 6

Lap 7


One hour into the race and the top three are separated by only 8 seconds. BURRE leads along Dottinger with STEVE chasing in the background.

Lap 8


The two Mercs had been gradually reeling in the Z4 in the wet conditions, and then suddenly, on the fast right hander into Arenburg the BMW snaps sideways and then slides off into the barrier on the outside causing heavy damage, but worse, surrendering the lead. Perhaps a lap too far on RS tyres?


OLDBOY passes STEVE for the lead again along Dottinger


BURRE stops for damage repair but has lost an awful lot of time to the leaders. Despite the track being 46% wet and rising, he sticks with Racing Slicks again

Lap 9


The leaders close up on and lap 5th place ATTRAPP. The blue Merc displaying a perfect example of staying tight on the right and allowing the lapping car to pass.

STEVE pits at the end of the lap for full WETS. OLDBOY stays out on RS’s despite 74% tracks wetness.


Positions end Lap 9

Lap 10


By not stopping OLDBOY’s lead is now out to 42 seconds, but he’s riding his luck on those slicks and has the first of several excursions onto the grass on the twisty section at the start of the Nordschleife.


OLDBOY would stop at the end of the lap but the pit crew put more Softs on despite almost full 99% track humidity. Its transpires that these were special instructions direct from PD!! He emerges from the pits right behind leader STEVE who is on the more suitable WET Tyres


RACECAR is having a torrid time. Only when the race had begun, and the rain started to fall, did he discover that his team had not invested in any Wet OR Intermediate tyres. In fact the only tyres he had were Racing HARDs…..not ideal for a fully wet track. Fair play to him for soldiering on and taking one for the Team!


ATTRAP laps ROB on the GP loop. The unfortunate BMW driver is still running on Racing Mediums as he also has no Wet or Inter tyres at his disposal, and is therefore only slightly better off than RACECAR.

Lap 11


Amazingly, by staying on the drier racing line, OLDBOY has kept up with STEVE’s ‘WET shod’ SLS, and on the Dottinger drafts past back into the lead.

Lap 12


The sun is coming out and the track has dried rapidly from fully wet to 47% in less than a lap. The track is coming back to OLDBOY on his Slicks and he’s starting to ease away from STEVE.

BURRE pits for another set of RS tyres and some fuel. The track is now almost completely dry so STEVE is losing handfuls of time to the slick shod cars in front and behind him.


Although 2 laps behind, now the conditions suit slicks again, RACECAR has caught ATTRAPP (on the road) and taken a lap back. ATTRAPP would pit for RS tyres and fuel at the end of this lap.


Positions end Lap 12

Lap 14


STEVE finally swaps his WETS for RS tyres at the end of Lap 13, but upon exiting the pits gets a hydraulics failure and the car idles across the track into the Armco. ROB screams past to take back a lap. It’s almost 30 seconds before the TMB SLS gets underway resulting in OLDBOY now having the largest leads he’s had all race

At the end of Lap 14 EVO parks it in the pits and retires. He’s clocked up 14 laps towards REST’s race total, but cannot take the punishment anymore!


Positions End Lap 14

Lap 15


A rare mistake from OLDBOY as his new cold RS tyres on a track still damp offline catch him out and he takes a trip into the gravel on the GP loop. And it’s started raining again!


His second mistake in 5 corners see heavy contact….this time causing damage, just as the GP Loop re-joins the Nordschleife. The Drivers are realising too late that when it has been wet, even when the humidity gauge shows the track has dried to '0%', it can still be very slippery 'off line' especially when you are on slicks. STEVE will see that gap timer really starting to change now. The chase is on


STEVE has caught the wounded SLS at the normally ‘flat out’ Flugplatz double apex right sweeper. OLDBOY has pulled out of the way on the right for the TMB car to pass around the outside.


Suddenly the P24 car snaps sideways across the track. Throttle traces from OLDBOYS car show that this ‘snap’ was caused when he downshifted from 2nd to 1st gear while on the wet grass. STEVE has nowhere to go and T-bones the other Merc resulting in full damage for both cars. Reportedly one of STEVE’s RL neighbours heard a loud expletive around the same time…….


OLDBOY clearly has less damage than STEVE and could have passed the crippled TMB car, but in true sportsmanship decides to instead sit behind him all the way back to the pits.


ATTRAPP makes a pitstop for damage and sticks to Inter Tyres as the rain is quite heavy now and track humidity back up to 17%. While pitting, he overtakes EVO’s retired GTR to move to 4th in the standings.


Positions End Lap 15

Lap 16

After repairing the damage from their shunt, STEVE and OLDBOY are back out front with over half a lap lead over BURRE in 3rd. STEVE is on Inters, OLDBOY on RS’s

Lap 17

The track has completely dried again. OLDBOY could pass STEVE (still on Inters) and drive off into the distance but presumably his sense of guilt for the earlier accident commands him to hold station just behind and track the TMB car to the finish.


Coming out of the Karussell the leaders catch and shape to pass backmarker ROB. It appears he has stayed on the right as required to allow the leaders to pass on the left….


But a spit second later his damaged car spears across the track and squeezes the race leaders into the Armco. More damage for the TMB Merc.

Meanwhile RACECAR passes the retired EVO’s lap total to move into 5th place overall.

STEVE and OLDBOY stop for repairs and new RS tyres as the track is now dry.


Positions End Lap 17

Lap 18


A Beautiful 3 Lap ‘Let’s Drive in Tandem’ arrangement comes to an end when OLDBOY locks up on the final left turn before joining the Nordschleife and rear ends the TMB Merc. STEVE suffers only light and symmetrical rear axle damage, but OLDBOY gets off much worse with heavy damage for both front wheels and engine damage. It would be a long and slow limp back to the pits for the Pole.

Following that incident STEVE had a steady run to the flag to take what was in the end a comfortable win, as OLDBOY and BURRE suffered more damage and had messy ends to the races as they both pushed to make up for earlier time lost.

With the race already over the 3 hour limit due to the long periods of slower running in the wet, the result race was ended at the end of the leaders 20th lap.

It was a very interesting race, and a good scrap between TMB, P24 and TOR for most of the race. For the guys further back we're sure lessons were learned regarding ensuring the cars are properly equipped with the full range of tyres for Round 3 in a months time, and also, following infringements such as pit lane exit line crossing etc, there will be less post race penalties next time.

Good race guys. I hope everyone enjoyed it :)


Final Results after 20 Laps (excluding separate penalties being applied)
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Great race report Steve and congratulations on the win! Fun to have such detailed view of one of the other rooms. I would advise you the check attrapp's name again though, she might be upset if you keep spelling it wrong. ;)

Really proud of of my team mate for taking second in quali (!!) and fourth in the race after another rainy day in room 3.

edit: "STEVE has caught the wounded SLS at the normally ‘flat out’ Flugplatz double apex right sweeper. OLDBOY has pulled out of the way on the right for the TMB car to pass around the outside."

Is that really flat out for you? because if it is I think I really need to check my set up for the next race. :P
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Great race report Steve and congratulations on the win! Fun to have such detailed view of one of the other rooms. I would advise you the check attrapp's name again though, she might be upset if you keep spelling it wrong. ;)

Really proud of of my team mate for taking second in quali (!!) and fourth in the race after another rainy day in room 3.

edit: "STEVE has caught the wounded SLS at the normally ‘flat out’ Flugplatz double apex right sweeper. OLDBOY has pulled out of the way on the right for the TMB car to pass around the outside."

Is that really flat out for you? because if it is I think I really need to check my set up for the next race. :P

Appologise to your sister. I really was 'taking the P' by missing that it's a double at the end of her name. I've just gone back and corrected so I hope I caught them all.

And when I say flat out, well, it's a lift after the jump, down a gear and then flat out through the corner so don't worry, your car works fine! :)
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I only managed to take that corner flatbin test sessions like 3 times, the other 8 times it kinda went wrong and I put one wheel and round it goes. The new car selection should be done by the end of the week.
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I only managed to take that corner that in test sessions like 3 times, 8 times it kinda went wrong and I put one wheel and round it goes. The new car selection should be done by the end of the week.

Yeah....that's not the kind of odds that sit well with me for a full damage enduro around the Ring, which is why I'm a little more conservative these days. An 'off' there can single handidly ruin an entire race
Steve, you can not believe everything you see on replay :lol: I had the following types of tires: lap 1-6 RS, lap 7-10 IM, lap 11-13 W, lap 14-15 RH, lap 16-17 IM, lap 18-21 RS.
On my replay, throughout the race you have RM- front, RS- rear :scared::cheers:
Steve, you can not believe everything you see on replay :lol: I had the following types of tires: lap 1-6 RS, lap 7-10 IM, lap 11-13 W, lap 14-15 RH, lap 16-17 IM, lap 18-21 RS.
On my replay, throughout the race you have RM- front, RS- rear :scared::cheers:
And here I was impressed by you driving round so fast in slicks when it was 100 % wet, stupid replays are stupid. :P
Amazing report Gadget. But regarding the tire changes, is it like oldboy said. I had the same tire strategy as oldboy. Thanx for a good race mates.
Thanks guys. They take a while to do so your words of appreciation helps justify my time ;)

I'll take on board what you all say about the tyres. I knew from GT5 that most of the time the damage graphic is rarely correct when reviewing replays, but seems the tyres are completely wrong on GT6 too.

Plenty of work left for PD to make this game realise it's huge potential.
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Have to agree with the others, great report from the race! Would be great to have one from the other rooms, but I understand most can't afford to be that generous with their time, so great job Gadget. Also, no offense taken neither for the misspelling of my name, nor for referring to me as "he", I gather you know I'm a girl from the reply you gave phouchg ^^

Actually, when I was in the pit at the end of lap 6 we had a slight communication problem (I and the_proffs, who was handling my strategy) and though he had explicitly told me not to rush it in the pits this time, I ended up not refueling the car at all :embarrassed: I still had hopes about catching up on Evo before that but they were effectively shattered when I ran out of gas (even though I tried to apply my amazing eco driving skills). Anyway, for me - this was the most interesting race so far, I had the best time racing you guys!

Sorry btw for not sending you any race report Gadget, I had nothing to report this time and simply forgot it since I rarely visit the forums. Promise to remember it next time though.
Also, no offense taken neither for the misspelling of my name, nor for referring to me as "he", I gather you know I'm a girl from the reply you gave phouchg ^^

I must admit I did originally get confused. I had it in my head that 'the-proffs' was Phouchg's sister and you were her boyfriend but now realise I got you two the wrong way around. It won't happen again.....promise ;)
edit: "STEVE has caught the wounded SLS at the normally ‘flat out’ Flugplatz double apex right sweeper. OLDBOY has pulled out of the way on the right for the TMB car to pass around the outside."

Is that really flat out for you? because if it is I think I really need to check my set up for the next race. :P

I can only take Flugplatz flat out with absolute perfect setup coming onto the bend and and a pair of balls the size of Texas. I've sustained enough damage there taking it flat out that even when I'm fairly certain I can push theough it at WOT, I still lift. And this is why Tatiana has slower lap times than everyone. :P

So sorry I missed the race. I was able to get a new router from my cable company today so I'm connected again. I don't know how long it was out since I was house sitting for a friend the three days prior.
It seems some actually does it flat out then :P I've actually tried it many times as well, but don't think I've succeded yet. :P Too many crashes happen in that corner so I think I probably should stop even trying.

Great to hear that you've got a new router all ready, won't be missing any more races then hopefully. :)
It seems some actually does it flat out then :P I've actually tried it many times as well, but don't think I've succeded yet. :P Too many crashes happen in that corner so I think I probably should stop even trying.

Great to hear that you've got a new router all ready, won't be missing any more races then hopefully. :)

On lap 3 or 4 of round 2, I braked down to 138, and couldn't keep out of the brake, did a spectacular slide where I didn't receive any damage. I have to go through there at about 132-134, although most of the time I overbrake down to the high 120s just to be safe, because a crash there is absolutely devastating.
I'll also add my name to the list of those who can't take it flat. Confidence lifts all the way!

Yeah, I have to slow down about 25 MPH or I can't make it... Has anyone flipped their car at Flagpultz? I remember testing the GTR, on 1 lap I crashed, because the car completely lifted of the ground and was sliding on its rear. LOL! I don't mean the front two wheels were off, I was literally on the back like this __\\__ XD
I noticed the higher I ran the front the more air I caught over the jump, lowered the front and during testing I totally forgot about braking, only mid-way through the corner did I noticed '**** I totally forgot' I somehow made it though just about missing the grass.
Here are the final results from VLN Round 2

Room 1

TMB Pluxtheduck - 22L - 3h15:48.650

CCR jonnyb1990 - 22L - 3h16:39.915 (+51.265)

THAR Nin-Chin - 22L - 3h16:43.926 (+55.276)

P24 GTL_Lucas - 22L - 3h17:08.518 (+79.868)

ABL sweawskater2 - 20L - 3h19:41.360 (Interval)

TOR Play117 - 20L - 3h20:20.985 (+39.625)

GORE xNikodemusx - 19L - 3h24:35.115

REST LordZ1978 - 18L - 3h26:40.962

CGR JoeTruckV8 - 10L

FRT TDZ_4_12_14 - 2L

Room 2

CCR memto89 - Lap 22 - 3:08:57.588

TMB I-was-ere - Lap 22 - 3:09:00.077 [+02.486]

P24 revetion - Lap 22 - 3:10:51.212 [+1:52.707]

ABL Adrianhettich - Lap 21 - 3:12:21.689 [+1 lap]

TOR Lavandel - Lap 21 - 3:17:09.129 [+1 lap]

THAR duke_adam46 - Lap 21 - 3:18:30.513 [+1 lap]

FRT WIDFO - Lap 7 - 1:03:33.789

CGR TNT-2000 - Lap 3 - 33:20.297

SMT IRISHstig17 - Lap 3 - 28:40.695

REST Romisagon - Lap 0 - DNS

Room 3

TMB Gadget - Lap 20 - 03:08:14

P24 OldBoy - Lap 20 - 03:12:55

TOR the-burrs - Lap 20 - 03:13:47

GORE attrap - Lap 18 - 03:10:25

THAR RACECAR - Lap 16 - 03:10:28

REST LANCER - Lap 14 - 03:09:26

ABL double0rob - Lap 14 - 03:09:28


Pro - TMB - Lap 64 - 9:33:32.727

Pro - P24 - Lap 64 - 9:43:35.730

Pro - TOR - Lap 61 - 9:51:37.114

AM - THAR - Lap 59 - 9:46:02.439

AM - ABL - Lap 55 - 9:43:30.674

Pro - CCR - Lap 44 - 6:25:37.503

Pro - GORE - Lap 37 - 6:34:10.115

Pro - REST - Lap 32 - 6:36:16.962

AM - CGR - Lap 13 - 33:20.297

Pro - FRT - Lap 9 - 1:19:33.789

Pro - SMT - Lap 3 - 28:40.695


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