2015 Round 4 - Circuit de la Sarthe 2013 - GT-R LM NISMO

  • Thread starter numbnuts70
Got my token lap done, manage to get a 4:03 despite driving as slowly as possible. Possibly the worse race I've ever driven. Had to abandon hood view because the endless shaking was giving me a headache, so did the lap in third person. Unfortunately the awful buzzing sound game me a headache regardless.
Look at this photos from Wolf's lap. He puts all four wheels beyond the white line and his lap isn't invalidaded? I can't do that here.


  • Circuit de la Sarthe 2013_1.jpg
    Circuit de la Sarthe 2013_1.jpg
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  • Circuit de la Sarthe 2013_3.jpg
    Circuit de la Sarthe 2013_3.jpg
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Look at this photos from Wolf's lap. He puts all four wheels beyond the white line and his lap isn't invalidaded? I can't do that here.
What I have noticed (and someone said this earlier about my photos at Indianapolis) is that the game registered the position of the centre of the car - right down the middle - and that if it goes over the boundary, it will invalidate your lap.

I'm guessing Wolfie's done so many laps that he has figured where the most important boundaries are and can almost hit them perfectly keeping his lap valid.
Well after how ever many hours of uploading (At least I got some Le Man 24 hour shopping done :D), the guide is finally up and live!

Like the other guides I focus more on brake markers what to do on individual corners and tips for each corner rather than specific driving techniques as they are all found in other videos!!

Any questions I can answer them until Wednesday evening, or Thursday morning! Also apologies for me not sounding like myself but ye, you know why :P!

Edit: Timestamps:

Dunlop Curve: 2:50
Esses: 5:30
Tertre Rouge: 7:20
Playstation Chicane: 8:50
Michelin Chicane: 11:05
Mulsanne: 13:05
Indianapolis: 15:00
Arnage: 16:20
Porsche Curves: 17:40
Ford Chicane: 20:15

Fast Commentary: 23:40
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I 🤬 hate the cones in this event. They make me paranoid since even blowing at them will disqualify me so I avoid them like the plague and run wide through the turns which isn't smart since the car understeers badly.
Okay, so. Every time I try and have a go it will let me into the event no problem but then it won't load the track etc., and I back out and it stops on the loading screen. I go to quit game to reboot it and I get the three beeps but then... Nothing. I can't use the on/off button so I'm eventually forced to kill my PS3 using the switch on the back.

Why is GT6 crashing my PS3 altogether? I am low on space but it was fine after the update bringing Round 4 in so I don't know where has gone wrong. :confused:
Look at this photos from Wolf's lap. He puts all four wheels beyond the white line and his lap isn't invalidaded? I can't do that here.
It's just my personal feeling towards this issue. I think the boundaries for lap invalidation have been increased ever so slightly in certain areas. I think it's happened in the previous rounds also. As the days of each round tick by, so do the slight relaxing of valid limits. I noticed at Silverstone in round1, the first day any cone whatsoever knocked down resulted in dq. By the end of round1 the permanent trackside "cones" could be knocked down without issue. By permanent cones I mean the ones that are there in free run or arcade or career. I also personally believe there is slightly more grip now than there was tuesday. Keeps the times coming down and interest levels up. Try using a little more road in those specific turns.
Well after how ever many hours of uploading (At least I got some Le Man 24 hour shopping done :D), the guide is finally up and live!

Like the other guides I focus more on brake markers what to do on individual corners and tips for each corner rather than specific driving techniques as they are all found in other videos!!

Any questions I can answer them until Wednesday evening, or Thursday morning! Also apologies for me not sounding like myself but ye, you know why :P!

Edit: Timestamps:

Dunlop Curve: 2:50
Esses: 5:30
Tertre Rouge: 7:20
Playstation Chicane: 8:50
Michelin Chicane: 11:05
Mulsanne: 13:05
Indianapolis: 15:00
Arnage: 16:20
Porsche Curves: 17:40
Ford Chicane: 20:15

Fast Commentary: 23:40
Wow. I was not expecting that at all.

Up through the approach of Mulsanne, you're well ahead of me. If I could run that, I dare say a 26.5xx would be my limit.

On the flip side, I get all the time back from that point forward. Definitely don't want any sliding at Indy. Tricky because the turn in needs to be aggressive enough to get the car lined up properly but without losing the fronts to where you compromise braking. You can get more time exiting Arnage if you better manage the wheelspin. No need to go into the Porsche curves. I found 1st gear for the last chicane gets you a better launch to the line if you can time the upshift to 2nd correctly.

Basically, you start strong but I have better luck on the back end. It's a fascinating contrast. :lol:
Maybe the wind trailing off your speeding Nissan GTR LM knocked over the cones?

Next time, just slow down as you drive past this cone, this will reduce the speed of the wind spilling off your Nissan GTR:D


ah, fair point! there is loads of cones down my road...I need to drive past them in morning....AHHH!!!!
Wow. I was not expecting that at all.

Up through the approach of Mulsanne, you're well ahead of me. If I could run that, I dare say a 26.5xx would be my limit.

On the flip side, I get all the time back from that point forward. Definitely don't want any sliding at Indy. Tricky because the turn in needs to be aggressive enough to get the car lined up properly but without losing the fronts to where you compromise braking. You can get more time exiting Arnage if you better manage the wheelspin. No need to go into the Porsche curves. I found 1st gear for the last chicane gets you a better launch to the line if you can time the upshift to 2nd correctly.

Basically, you start strong but I have better luck on the back end. It's a fascinating contrast. :lol:

:P, not had a ton of mileage so the end of the lap isn't the best at the moment but i get the idea behind the whole section :)! Problem is I broke way to early (Still not sure why) for the first porsche curve and it killed me badly :(! 25.xxx very much possible and what I want before Le Man!! So hopefully it happens :D!

Disagree with the last chicane though, I've been practicing start/finish lines speeds with 1st gear and 2nd gear since the start and if you nail the 2nd chicane 2nd seems to be better to me, reduces wheel spin. You can actually jump to 3rd really early if you get the angle right and be over 130 across the start/finish line.

I'll get rid of the mistakes at the end and then 25.xxx should be done :).
Thanks @Tidgney I was just searching to see if you had uploaded a guide yet earlier today :bowdown:

Only run two sessions so far, last week, and was waiting for this to re-gather some inspiration. Now to watch the guide and get back in the driving rig again...
:P, not had a ton of mileage so the end of the lap isn't the best at the moment but i get the idea behind the whole section :)! Problem is I broke way to early (Still not sure why) for the first porsche curve and it killed me badly :(! 25.xxx very much possible and what I want before Le Man!! So hopefully it happens :D!

Disagree with the last chicane though, I've been practicing start/finish lines speeds with 1st gear and 2nd gear since the start and if you nail the 2nd chicane 2nd seems to be better to me, reduces wheel spin. You can actually jump to 3rd really early if you get the angle right and be over 130 across the start/finish line.

I'll get rid of the mistakes at the end and then 25.xxx should be done :).
I used to brake too early at the Porsche curves as well. I wanted to be more deliberate with my line because any slip up and you go wide off the corner. Now I simply muscle the wheel deep to the inside and carry all the speed I can. In 4th gear, the fronts can take a lot of punishment and still not understeer. One time, I didn't even lift until the second right hander. It does take some bravery, I'll admit but even I have to admit it's the one section I find fun because you can vent your frustrations onto the car and get rewarded for it.

As for the final chicane, I can only tell you what the analyzer says. Besides, I'm rarely on the ideal position entering the final bend. I need 1st for more rotation. That and I can better hold more momentum. A few times, I held 65 mph and in one video, a driver was just shy of 70! If I could be wider on approach, then 2nd makes more sense.

Whether I can hit a 25, my current PB should've have been a 26.2 if it wasn't for the Ford chicane. I know I can. Just a matter if I can do it in time.
Well after how ever many hours of uploading (At least I got some Le Man 24 hour shopping done :D), the guide is finally up and live!

Like the other guides I focus more on brake markers what to do on individual corners and tips for each corner rather than specific driving techniques as they are all found in other videos!!

Any questions I can answer them until Wednesday evening, or Thursday morning! Also apologies for me not sounding like myself but ye, you know why :P!

Edit: Timestamps:

Dunlop Curve: 2:50
Esses: 5:30
Tertre Rouge: 7:20
Playstation Chicane: 8:50
Michelin Chicane: 11:05
Mulsanne: 13:05
Indianapolis: 15:00
Arnage: 16:20
Porsche Curves: 17:40
Ford Chicane: 20:15

Fast Commentary: 23:40

Well after how ever many hours of uploading (At least I got some Le Man 24 hour shopping done :D), the guide is finally up and live!

Like the other guides I focus more on brake markers what to do on individual corners and tips for each corner rather than specific driving techniques as they are all found in other videos!!

Any questions I can answer them until Wednesday evening, or Thursday morning! Also apologies for me not sounding like myself but ye, you know why :P!

Edit: Timestamps:

Dunlop Curve: 2:50
Esses: 5:30
Tertre Rouge: 7:20
Playstation Chicane: 8:50
Michelin Chicane: 11:05
Mulsanne: 13:05
Indianapolis: 15:00
Arnage: 16:20
Porsche Curves: 17:40
Ford Chicane: 20:15

Fast Commentary: 23:40

Thanks Tidgney! Your guides are always very helpful.
I came on tonight to have another go and found that it feels so much easier, I mean I scored a 2:08.0 on my first completed timed lap with a scuffled Indianapolis, its still 4 tenths off of my time so I feel I can beat it pretty easy...

One thing though, how has it randomly become easier? Is it that I've pushed my wall further from practice or is it in the system? :confused:
Where did the guy from the top of the previous rounds go?


Yeah, where has he gone?

If I'm correct in saying, he was one of last year's champions? So I'm not sure if he'll bother.
It's simple, he's not doing this round because the car is a piece of crap.

Also, if you are wondering, why not ask him? @IMMORTALPILOT

As fas as I'm concerned, I hate the car just as much as he does, but I'll still put a few laps in, although I'm over a second behind P1. It's unbelievable how PD and Nissan can choose a combo this bad for the final, deciding round. but I guess the PR value is far more important than actually getting the best drivers.:irked:
Heh... I wouldn't go saying track limits are getting wider or grip is getting better, but yesterday on my second full lap I shaved nearly 3 tenths from my BP (bit over 50km after finish line) and after another 250km shaved almost 4 tenths again down to 27.158 (IIRC) so at least I can say this event isn't getting any more difficult as the time goes by :D

Thanks for posting those guide laps guys, helps on getting new ideas to try on corner approach and forming good braking points :cheers:
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I'm hoping to get back to this after 5 days of not lapping and I see that I've luckily timed it well to coincide with @Tidgney 's lap guide.

Thanks for all the tips, 1st class guides throughout the competition. 👍

Enjoy Le Mans. :cheers:
Well after how ever many hours of uploading (At least I got some Le Man 24 hour shopping done :D), the guide is finally up and live!

Like the other guides I focus more on brake markers what to do on individual corners and tips for each corner rather than specific driving techniques as they are all found in other videos!!

Any questions I can answer them until Wednesday evening, or Thursday morning! Also apologies for me not sounding like myself but ye, you know why :P!

Thanks as always for your guide Tidgney 👍 I always find your choice of brake markers really helpful. Very creative and really helps in making me more consistent to be able to find those last few tenths. Like the kink in the wall at Spa's Bus Stop. Or here with the tire marks before Tetre Rouge and the dark tree before Mulsanne. I would never have noticed those things if it weren't for your guides. Really appreciate the time you put into these detailed guides. Now go enjoy Le Mans :cheers:

As for me, I finally managed to get into the 3.29s :crazy: Nailed the first corner, Tetre Rouge and Porsche Curves, but (as you would have guessed) messed up the Ford chicanes completely. Compared to my best run there I could gain another half second possibly. I'd like to go full force for the final week, but I've got uni exams coming up next week :banghead: Why are GT Academy's always in June lol.
The best tip I can give to trying to improve on lap times is to examine your replay (if you have it, always best to save it so you can refer to it) and note down all of the places you feel you lost time, and then when you come back to do your lap, pause at a safe distance before that area and have a look at your notes and continue the lap and try to take the section better knowing where you went wrong. 👍

Helpful tips to note down:
  • Braking point - is it too close or too far from the next corner? If so, look around on your screen to find another point you can distinguish every lap.
  • Entry speed - are you entering the corner too quickly or too slowly? If so, try and raise or lower the speed through that corner on your next attempt.
  • Corner speed - are you maintaining enough speed through the corner? Going too fast can cause you to run wide and inhibit your best ability to take the next corner and going too slow can cause you to run too far inside and hit a cone. Examine what speed you are carrying and try and implement a different speed through that corner on your next attempt.
  • Exit speed - this is important out of slower corners, such as the Playstation and Michelin chicanes on the straight, Mulsanne, Arnage and Ford Chicanes. Examine your exit speeds and you should find that you may exit a little slowly. This can link back to corner speed.
  • Line - is your line too wide? Try taking a different approach and maintain a different line, experiment with this as sometimes the optimal racing line may not be the best at every corner (e.g. Turn 1, there is a bump which causes you to hesitate turn in for the second corner).
This may or may not help, but I feel that looking at other people's lap times may not be too useful as everyone has a different driving style and using their brake markers etc. will most likely cause you to make a vital mistake. But then again, I can only speak for myself. 👍 :)
The best tip I can give to trying to improve on lap times is to examine your replay (if you have it, always best to save it so you can refer to it) and note down all of the places you feel you lost time, and then when you come back to do your lap, pause at a safe distance before that area and have a look at your notes and continue the lap and try to take the section better knowing where you went wrong. 👍

Helpful tips to note down:
  • Braking point - is it too close or too far from the next corner? If so, look around on your screen to find another point you can distinguish every lap.
  • Entry speed - are you entering the corner too quickly or too slowly? If so, try and raise or lower the speed through that corner on your next attempt.
  • Corner speed - are you maintaining enough speed through the corner? Going too fast can cause you to run wide and inhibit your best ability to take the next corner and going too slow can cause you to run too far inside and hit a cone. Examine what speed you are carrying and try and implement a different speed through that corner on your next attempt.
  • Exit speed - this is important out of slower corners, such as the Playstation and Michelin chicanes on the straight, Mulsanne, Arnage and Ford Chicanes. Examine your exit speeds and you should find that you may exit a little slowly. This can link back to corner speed.
  • Line - is your line too wide? Try taking a different approach and maintain a different line, experiment with this as sometimes the optimal racing line may not be the best at every corner (e.g. Turn 1, there is a bump which causes you to hesitate turn in for the second corner).
This may or may not help, but I feel that looking at other people's lap times may not be too useful as everyone has a different driving style and using their brake markers etc. will most likely cause you to make a vital mistake. But then again, I can only speak for myself. 👍 :)

Good advice. I have done this in the past, but over analyzing things just makes me more nervous when it comes to the actual driving. Nowadays I set a lap as best as possible without any outside help. Then I start watching other people's replays and use the data logger to see where I lose time. I just take the broad points (which corners are important to maximise exits, which braking points I'm losing most time, etc) instead of micro details (e.g. I need to exit this corner at exactly xxx speed). How I link those broad points are up to me. I find it works a lot better on my nerves.

Tidgney's guide is pretty much the icing on the cake for me. I use it to confirm brake markers for corners that I'm still inconsistent on, and just general tips and tricks to smooth out my lap. But as you said, everyone has their own style and I find it works better to stick with it and improve it instead of trying to copy someone else's style to the minutiae 👍
One thing though, how has it randomly become easier? Is it that I've pushed my wall further from practice or is it in the system? :confused:

I could swear I noticed last night on some restarts there would be almost no grip to be found anywhere hitting the same speeds, brake points, and lines as my previous run. Restart again and it was back to normal.

On another note, if they manage to drive this thing for 24hrs without it spinning out at least once it will be amazing. I can't even imagine what it might be like in the rain if you hit a puddle with a rear tire :scared:
Hahahhaha, oh god made the messiest lap yet and got my first lap on 26's with 26.886 I pretty much nail it all the way before playstation chicane but of course I loose plenty of time there, all is well after mulsanne I hink the split was 57.6xx but then I clip the god damn grass coming in to arnage :lol: I don't know how I kept the car on the track :lol: and then I mess the entry on porsche corners also but apparently I made it all up in the ford chicane or something for I was able to improve :D oh man this event is somehow really insane, maybe there really is some god fairy sprinkling more grip on the track during the night :lol: :lol: or even during the laps who knows :lol:
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