2017 Formula 1 Azerbaijan Grand PrixFormula 1 

  • Thread starter Jimlaad43
So why not brake before the corner? The team warned him that his first restart was marginal. It was in his interests to back off sooner.

But he did. Look at the onboard footage. He brakes after the corner. But again, Vettel is dumb for tapping him.

That's not what it looked like to me, or many others. I guess we're gonna have to wait for the telemetry.
NBC showed it during a commercial break in side by side at 9:09 AM CT. I will try and grab a picture later.

Not watching NBC, so if you can that'd be great. The only thing that I could see him braking for was, because he felt the hit from Vettel.
That's not what it looked like to me, or many others. I guess we're gonna have to wait for the telemetry.

They showed the circle graph here with the onboard and it shows that Hamilton taps his brake. But again Vettel was the dummy.

Hopeful thinking here but Ricciardo's in an effective P1 right since Hamilton and Vettel are getting penalised?
He didn't though, he never accelerated and slammed on the brakes. Look at the onboard from vettel, you'll see the SC and Lewis close to it, and then he coasted through letting the SC gain distance. He has already been told to watch his take offs after the SC because he nearly passed it on the last restart.
Now that you mention it you're probably on to something, but they didn't take a minute to consider Vettel's situation and were ready to suggest a race ban for his shunt of frustration.
Now that you mention it you're probably on to something, but they didn't take a minute to consider Vettel's situation and were ready to suggest a race ban for his shunt of frustration.

Anyone suggesting a race ban for a situation they have no data on...needs to stick to watching the race like the rest of us unless they're an engineer track side.