I remind you there's such a huge controversy surrounding the Supreme Court. It is not bad enough that it overturned a 50-year ruling on Roe v Wade (when 2 of the judges who voted to overturn it initially said they would not touch it during their confirmations) in favor of state's rights per Conservative arguments, & it is not bad enough that Conservatives are wanting to walk that back, believing state's rights don't actually matter regarding abortion.
is truly concerning is what conservative justice Clarence Thomas wrote after voting to overturn Roe v Wade: "the Roe decision should prompt the court to reconsider all of this Court's substantive due process precedents. And he named the three landmark decisions that established those rights."
Those 3 decisions are:
conservative Supreme Court justice believes that just because they overturned Roe v Wade (that benefits Conservatives), we should consider overturning other cases that just so happen to also benefit
Conservative agendas.