2024 US Presidential Election Thread

  • Thread starter ryzno
It's going to be Trump. I just know it. We finally have everything on the right track and that orange **** face is going to ruin it for me and the missus. I just know it.

Yes, because the last 3 years have been nothing but America first.

But if record inflation, crippling increase in cost of living, open borders and increased military conflict around the world are the "right track" in your opinion, then yes voting for Kamala is the right decision.

Yes, because the last 3 years have been nothing but America first.

But if record inflation, crippling increase in cost of living, open borders and increased military conflict around the world are the "right track" in your opinion, then yes voting for Kamala is the right decision.
You do understand that Trump's economic plans will cause more inflation and increase the cost of living right? Tariffs are horrible for the economy.
But if record inflation, crippling increase in cost of living, open borders and increased military conflict around the world are the "right track" in your opinion, then yes voting for Kamala is the right decision.
Regardless of what @Joey D says above, Trump's goal is to destroy the US government, rule of law, and all of the safeguards that enable economic prosperity. If you think cost of living was bad after a mishandled pandemic, you have no idea, just no idea, how bad it's going to be when you lose your government.

You take for granted, even throw stones, at the main thing providing the economic stability that you profess to crave - rule of law, representative government, human rights. This is what you're ready to vote against, and it's going to cost you and everyone, and not just massive cost of living - but safety.
America first... provided you have the right genes:

I wonder if the Bellamy salute will make a return to classrooms.

record inflation, crippling increase in cost of living
Not helped by people pushing conspiracy theories and increasing the nation's vulnerability to a virus.
open borders
Sounds fine, immigration helped to make America.
and increased military conflict around the world
Self Defense isn't wrong, and while not standing up to invaders may (or may not) reduce conflict, it's still not a good ending.
Not sure how Trump is interested in closing the border. He keeps getting his goons to vote against immigration reform.
His mum was an immigrant so perhaps he should be checked for murder genes.
It won't matter in the event of his gaining power. As a day one dictator he's legally entitled to gun down his enemies on Fifth Avenue as part of his official duties.
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I'm constantly amazed by people like @WolfpackS2k.

"This beef costs an extra $1.50. Burn down society so that we can't buy beef anymore!"

Lunacy. Fingers in their ears when they hear "project 2025" as they yell "I want my hamburger for $1 less and the orange man promised me that would happen if we deported brown people and let him jail late night comedians!"
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I'm constantly amazed by people like @WolfpackS2k.

"This beef costs an extra $1.50. Burn down society so that we can't buy beef anymore!"

Lunacy. Fingers in their ears when they hear "project 2025" as they yell "I want my hamburger for $1 less and the orange man promised me that would happen if we deported brown people!"
They're also completely blind to why beef costs more and the driving factors behind inflation. They also don't understand that food prices will skyrocket once Trump tariffs John Deere agricultural equipment or that things like strawberries will triple in price once you can't import cheap labor to pick them.

Like, I get inflation is complicated to understand, but you have to be a special kind of stupid to think people from Latin America are causing the price increase. Also, how can illegal immigrants steal jobs, commit crimes, tank the economy, and simultaneously be lazy? Like they're either doing all that stuff and are the most industrious people on the planet, or they're lazy.
They're also completely blind to why beef costs more and the driving factors behind inflation. They also don't understand that food prices will skyrocket once Trump tariffs John Deere agricultural equipment or that things like strawberries will triple in price once you can't import cheap labor to pick them.

Like, I get inflation is complicated to understand, but you have to be a special kind of stupid to think people from Latin America are causing the price increase. Also, how can illegal immigrants steal jobs, commit crimes, tank the economy, and simultaneously be lazy? Like they're either doing all that stuff and are the most industrious people on the planet, or they're lazy.
The same thing goes for egg prices. The reason egg prices are so volatile is the industry is dealing with another outbreak of bird flu. But conservatives don't want to hear it.


Yes, because the last 3 years have been nothing but America first.

But if record inflation, crippling increase in cost of living, open borders and increased military conflict around the world are the "right track" in your opinion, then yes voting for Kamala is the right decision.
You are likely patriotic.

Do you think America should go against the axis of authoritarian states?
$1.50 hamburgers and an uninhabitable planet in 200 years


$5.00 hamburgers and a habitable planet in 200 years

As a thought experiment, even taking both statements as truth, I bet a shocking number of people would choose option A.
"I won't be around in 200 years so why do I care?"
$1.50 hamburgers and an uninhabitable planet in 200 years


$5.00 hamburgers and a habitable planet in 200 years

As a thought experiment, even taking both statements as truth, I bet a shocking number of people would choose option A.
"I won't be around in 200 years so why do I care?"
My 70+ year old dad literally decided that he'd rather die of covid than skip restaurants for a year. He kept going out, got covid, and rolled the dice.

So it's worse than "I won't be around in 200 years". It can be more like "I'm going to die someday, I might as well sacrifice years of life in favor of a last meal".
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Yes, because the last 3 years have been nothing but America first.

But if record inflation, crippling increase in cost of living, open borders and increased military conflict around the world are the "right track" in your opinion, then yes voting for Kamala is the right decision.
Why do you think Trump would be any better?
I hear you. You're not alone in this kind of thinking.

Currently, the projections do look like Trump. Kamala is sitting at a 55% chance of victory at 538. The same group had Biden at 89%, and it felt tighter than that by a longshot. Hillary was at 70ish% in the same poll and lost. So Kamala's 55% doesn't look good.

The only real hope I can offer is that the reason Hillary and Biden were closer than they looked is because the people who weren't responding to polls voted in a particular way. That isn't always the same group, or the same way. If Kamala has broad support among young people and dictatorship-anxious republicans, it may not show up in the polls. So it is possible that Trump could end up looking better in the polls that he's actually doing.

That being said, if you don't have contingency plans, you should. Because there are a shocking number of people who buy nonsense.


If Trump wins, I think the US heads in a decidedly Russia/China direction.
My bet on Harris is offering a lower cash-out option (lowest I've seen in a long time).

Not good.
Whichever party loses this election might have to completely restructure.
Republicans: for obvious reasons
Democrats: If you lose to a blowhard like Trump, who can make an amoeba look like a good candidate, then whatever messaging you are sending + the thought process behind your candidate selection needs to be thoroughly overhauled.
Democrats: If you lose to a blowhard like Trump, who can make an amoeba look like a good candidate, then whatever messaging you are sending + the thought process behind your candidate selection needs to be thoroughly overhauled.
No, it's just over if that happens.

The people electing the amoeba aren't listening to anything but the amoeba.
Let's face it, the Democrats blew it by selecting Biden, even though he was unfit to stand and ended up getting replaced anyway by a candidate that no-one wants.

The Republicans haven't had the balls to stand up to Trump even though he will likely destroy the GOP as it currently stands, if not the entire US democratic establishment.

The unifying theme of this election seems to be less "if it ain't broke don't fix it" and more "it's totally wrecked, but we're hoping the other side is even worse".
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Let's face it, the Democrats blew it by selecting Biden, even though he was unfit to stand and ended up getting replaced anyway by a candidate that no-one wants.
That is not the take-home I get from this. Biden had a good presidency and pandemic response, he was still losing to the orange amoeba. When he seemed too old, he stepped down and Kamala, an outstanding candidate with a platform that has broad appeal and includes mostly basic points like democracy, freedom, and decency, is barely leading the orange amoeba.

My take, there are too many people who are obsessed with the orange amoeba.

The takeaway for me is that it doesn't matter who the democrats float. I cannot name a candidate who would have done better short of maybe Obama, who was ineligible to lead the ticket.
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That is not the take-home I get from this. Biden had a good presidency and pandemic response, he was still losing to the orange amoeba. When he seemed too old, he stepped down and Kamala, an outstanding candidate with a platform that has broad appeal and includes mostly basic points like democracy, freedom, and decency, is barely leading the orange amoeba.

My take, there are too many people who are obsessed with the orange amoeba.

The takeaway for me is that it doesn't matter who the democrats float. I cannot name a candidate who would have done better short of maybe Obama, who was ineligible to lead the ticket.
Speaking as a decided centrist with a libertarian bent, I disagree fairly categorically with your analysis for the Democrats' platform and candidates, and so do a lot of my fellow small-L libertarian centrists.

I also know a lot of people who dislike the orange amoeba but are absolutely convinced that the Democrats are destroying America. To the point that they are willing to overlook a lot of the ways he and the Republicans are destroying America.
I think some of it is that people just no longer give a flying 🤬 about politics. It feels like every day, I'm told I need to be mad at something or it's the end of the world as we know it. Frankly, it's exhausting. Even if you attempt to avoid it, you can't because anything and everything gets put through the political wringer. I mean, you can't even have school sports anymore without both sides bitching that a boy might play a girl's sport...even if it's not happening, we need to get upset on the off chance it might. Both sides are insufferable with it.

I think many people, especially youngish middle-aged people, have just decided to tune it out and no longer care. I'm increasingly finding it harder and harder to care because it feels like no matter what, it feels like whoever I vote for won't give a damn about me because I'm not wealthy, poor, or part of an ideal voting block of people. The only reason I stay so engaged on GTP is to force myself to continue to care on some level. If I didn't bother coming into this section, the likelihood of me ever voting would be practically nil.
Speaking as a decided centrist with a libertarian bent, I disagree fairly categorically with your analysis for the Democrats' platform and candidates, and so do a lot of my fellow small-L libertarian centrists.

I also know a lot of people who dislike the orange amoeba but are absolutely convinced that the Democrats are destroying America. To the point that they are willing to overlook a lot of the ways he and the Republicans are destroying America.
I have no idea what part of the democrat platform you're complaining about.

Immigration? There was a bi-partisan border deal that Trump sabotaged. Kamala herself has prosecuted transnational gangs operating across the US-Mexico border.
Taxes? Capital gains taxes are not at a healthy place today compared to regular income tax
Deficit? You're joking right?
Crime? This also has to be a joke.
Renewable energy? Are people still complaining about this?
Inflation? Worldwide inflation occurred following the pandemic. At the time, it was let companies fail and evictions proceed at breakneck pace and destroy the recovery, or try to keep it afloat with monetary policy. The world pretty much answered in a united fashion, and whether or not you agree with how they responded, there was no path that didn't include a downside. The pandemic baked that in.

Where's the complaint?

I have no idea why those same people would prefer tarrifs, isolationist trade policies, anti-immigration policies. Even if you limit it to that, and ignore all of the horrible anti-democratic, anti-human rights stuff, and just look at economic policy, it's very decidedly non-libertarian. Moreso than the democrat proposals.

I'm lost on why this makes sense to anyone. Help me out.

I think some of it is that people just no longer give a flying 🤬 about politics. It feels like every day, I'm told I need to be mad at something or it's the end of the world as we know it. Frankly, it's exhausting.
I agree. I'd love to not be in a position where we constantly seem to be on the brink. But that's where we are. Giving up and falling off is just irresponsible.
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