2024 US Presidential Election Thread

  • Thread starter ryzno
On a different note, a friend of a friend just posted this on FB:
The stand on moral issues is of top importance to me. Get that right, and all the other issues will fall into place. Trump isn’t perfect, but his stand on the moral issues most closely matches mine.
Luckily I don’t need to engage with this person, but I am left shaking my head over what kind of cognitive disconnect it takes to willingly state this.
On a different note, a friend of a friend just posted this on FB:

Luckily I don’t need to engage with this person, but I am left shaking my head over what kind of cognitive disconnect it takes to willingly state this.
If your stance on moral issues is "I've got mine, I don't care about yours; what I do is right, if you do anything different it's wrong and shouldn't be allowed; and if you don't look like me, have your genitals the same shape as mine, put them anywhere but where I say I put them, or are poorer than me, screw you", I can see it.
If someone doesn't think Trump's insane, they're a cultist or just completely ignorant of Trump. I don't see how you can be outside the cult and not conclude that Trump is insane. Discounting his "excesses" is part of the cult. If you know people who don't think Trump is insane, but do know who Trump is even a little bit, I have bad news for you. They're cultists. This thread, and several others, are filled to the brim with pure Trump insanity. From injecting bleach to election/assassination conspiracies to gay windmills and Hannibal Lecter eating dogs and cats. He's out of his damned mind, full stop. And we saw what happens when someone who is out of their damned mind goes into a paranoid rage fest, he sends an angry mob to the capital to execute the US government - including congress and the vice president.

If someone can come to the conclusion that it's not just an insane s-show on the right at the moment, that person is PART of the insane s-show.

There's always an excuse.

An Afghan citizen living in Oklahoma has been charged with plotting to carry out an Isis-inspired terrorist attack on the day of the US election.

Nasir Ahmad Tawhedi allegedly planned to open fire on crowds to disrupt voting on November 5, according to the justice department. Merrick Garland, the US attorney-general, said that Tawhedi and an unnamed juvenile co-conspirator planned to die as martyrs.

After being arrested on Monday, Tawhedi, 27, was charged with conspiring and attempting to provide material support to Isis and receiving a firearm to be used to commit a terrorist act.

As part of the alleged plot he had recently purchased two AK-47 rifles, liquidated his family’s assets and bought one-way tickets for his wife and child to travel home to Afghanistan, the justice department said. After his arrest, he allegedly admitted to investigators that he planned to attack “large gatherings of people” on election day.

Tawhedi entered the US in 2021 on a special immigrant visa and is on parole status pending the adjudication of his immigration proceedings. He made a first appearance in a federal court in Oklahoma on Tuesday.

“This defendant, motivated by Isis, allegedly conspired to commit a violent attack, on election day, here on our homeland,” Christopher Wray, the FBI director, said. “Terrorism is still the FBI’s number one priority, and we will use every resource to protect the American people.”

The FBI said it had seized Tawhedi’s phone and found his communications with an Isis-affiliated recruiter and trainer, and found terrorist propaganda on his iCloud and Google account. The agency added that he had contributed money to an unnamed charity which funnels money to Isis, a designated foreign terrorist organisation under US federal law.
If Islamists are plotting this imagine what the far-right could get up to.
I don't watch/listen to Howard Stern at all, but from little I've gathered, he doesn't seem like a big sports guy, much less motorsports.
I'll listen to the entire interview starting today at lunch but you're correct about Howard not being a sports guy. He will go to Knicks games but it's just to sit front row courtside so he can feel like a VIP. He's often said that if they tried to move him back a row or two he wouldn't go. His staff members are big sports fans though.
Well it wouldn't be them. It would be the states through the compact. For it to be otherwise would take more universal support than possible. So this is a very safe statement.
Are there any red states in the compact? It sounds like they'd be working against their own interests.