it should be noted that ALL FIVE Peugeots went out because of ENGINE FAILURES. And they only blew up when they were pushing to either stay ahead of the Audis or catch up to them. That just means, if they had treated this like an ENDURANCE race and not a 24 Hour sprint race, they probably would have lasted, but who knows. The #4 blew up only minutes after starting his push, which suggest the engine was on it's way to dying already.
Sounds to me like Peugeot needs to get some better drivers and a better engine that can take some the punishment of aggressive driving for 24 the Audis...'cause Audi has been known for being agressive in the has Corvette.
BTW, if that spin with the Corvette was a simple locking of the breaks, he would have spun in the direction of the Peugeot. The Vette over corrected to avoid the Pug and ended up spinning away from the Pug. But the thing is, guys....It's racing. It happens all the time. I've seen a bazillion accidents just like that. And, it doesn't really matter whose fault it is. It's racing. And it's a 24 Hour race. Davidson was in a quad-stint when that happened. He was probably VERY tired and yeah, when you're been driving for that long, you probably aren't going to see some of the other cars or car about the other classes. I'm sure if I had been driving for that long and that happened, I would had a similar reaction. "Oh, did the Corvette guy wreck? I didn't really care. I was trying to catch the Audi. Screw everyone else."
I mean the 75 Porsche ended up off the track 4 times in about an hour. That driver was TIRED. I'm sure Davidson went to BED right after that interview. And I bet if you asked him now, he'd be like. "Yeah, was tired, and just focused on finishing my stint and catching the Audi. I barely even saw the Corvette. Didn't mean to take him out. Sorry." But after a quad-stint, you're probably going to be a cranky jerk, too.