Touring MarsBrilliant! Well done AE86... and thanks for the details/pics etc. Did I read that right, you won by about 12 seconds? Jeez, that's going to be something of a record that's hard to beat!
You may be able to comment on how realistic you think this is, but here is the 'Mars Plan' for a 24 hour race, which may be completed solo over the space of a weekend (34 hours to be exact)...
Six 4 hour sessions with breaks, starting on a Friday evening:-
18.00 - 22.00 - Session One
22.00 - 23.00 - Break
23.00 - 03.00 - Session Two
03.00 - 09.00 - Sleep Break
09.00 - 13.00 - Session Three
13.00 - 14.00 - Lunch Break
14.00 - 18.00 - Session Four
18.00 - 19.00 - Dinner Break
19.00 - 23.00 - Session Five
23.00 - 00.00 - Break
00.00 - 04.00 - Final Session
(04.00 - 08.00 - Overrun time)
That totals 24 hours with 10 hours of breaks (4x 1 hour and 1x 6 hour break)... give or take an hour or two for necessary stoppages within sessions, I think it looks distinctly do-able...
AJ23Man, U are absolute greatness!! Well Done!!
yetiThis looks like a very sensible plan...
...I'd imagine that you won't really break for an hour at a time as you'll get bored waiting for your hour to be over!!
Also will you have to cook your own meals? That might take a little more time during your breaks...
Touring MarsThanks for the feedback, yeti... my plan has been scientifically formulated to be the optimal solution for the ultimate GT4 experience...
JBR-ManNow ask the guys that were saying: "This is crazy, this is insane, B-spec r0x".
Way to go, AE86. You just did A MAN THING, a real Endurance.
appie17NO of course thy never let you play 24 hour thatsa why you have your memory card stupid i think you can save while your playing you know when you go in the pits
TwcI don´t think B-spec is for wimps but it is of course a lot more challenging (and fun for me) to do it in a-spec...
He still got the F1 carnitro_2005OMG AE86!!! you did 24 hours of racing and they ONLY GAVE YOU 7 A-SPEC POINTS??? I'D EXPECT TO GET 1000!!!! BUT 7???? I MEAN COME ON!!!! *cough*cheapskates*cough*
AE86Driverfirst,I'd like to thank the mods who got rid of that "winner" 👍. "Welcome to Disneyland"that was priceless,hahaha. I'd also like to say thank you to everyone once again for the wonderful feedback
! I've never had that many people congratulate me XD. I really appreciate that everyone,I wish the best of luck to all of you as well in your hardships of GT4
! As far as playing GT4 today though,sorry..I'm gonna let my PS2 rest for today after its hard struggle recently
It deserves a break as much as I do
. Hahaha,I know I may sound cheap now for saying this,but...probably for my next 24 hour endurance race,I will try to do it in sessions,with sleep inbetween? But I wanted to complete at LEAST one 24 hour race in one sitting to say I did it ya know? THEN I could do the others in sessions with sleep and such
. And for those of you that have been paying attention to my COUNTDOWN signature about the 24 hour race,I changed it to something pretty permanent and kinda catchy too I'd say
! Well..I'm actually about to go take a nap now,because my friend is planning on coming over later to pick me up to go play tennis,sooooo..I need energy
. So guys,I'll talk to you later
~Ja ne~
AE86Driverwell..ummm..considering I don't know exactly HOW I would go about finding this information,I would say,since for the most part,the guy in 2nd was about 5-7 seconds behind me,till the last few laps (with few,I mean about 40 -.-') I would say his average lap time would be somewhere around 7'40? Since I usually made about 7'25 or so after I made that fastest lap,but ummm..really,I don't know how I would go about finding this information out,so forgive the "false" info I have given you in this post,since I can't prove it right or wrong ._.
~Ja ne~