24 Hour race?! Let's discuss please XD

  • Thread starter AE86Driver
Actually there are 3 24 Hour race,or I thought anyways. The download of Nurb? What do you mean? I can't exactly just put up the footage of the race :lol:. I put up some screenshots of the race though ^.^. I know they're not that good,cause it was my first time using a digital camera,but enjoy :P


~Ja ne~
so when are you going to do another 24hr race huh?

also another question that is a little of topic, but when you do burnouts in GT4 does the smoke hang around heaps like in real life? or is it like other games and it only hangs around for a second or so? i mean if GT4 is meant to be realistic...
I don't know exactly when the next 24 Hour race will be,because even this one was just thought of randomly. I didn't exactly "plan" it out in a week's advance or longer. Oh,and about burnouts..er..I couldn't tell you really,because I don't know how to do burnouts >_>;. I didn't know how to do them in GT3 either,sooo..maybe you will want to try asking someone else around here? Sorry I can't be of help :dunce:. *begins scratching his head lightly* and ummm..not to sound rude or anything,but when you say,"or is it like other games and it only hangs around for a second or so? i mean if GT4 is meant to be realistic..." last time I checked (this morning to be exact :lol: ) the case,it reads,"The Real Driving Simulator" not,"The Real Burnout Simulator" :P. So if they didn't spend any time "improving" on the burnout "physics",then I wouldn't complain,because there is a LOT more they worked on that is just simply smashing :sly:


~Ja ne~
Actually it was one of my friends who wanted to know, he's a dumbass he said "if the burnouts are like that im getting it" he is a bit of a dumbass though, he doesn't care about the fact that GT4 has all of the awesome tracks and better handling physics than any other game.

Im getting GT4 because im a die hard fan. "The real burnout simulator" hahahah ill have to tell him that!
96 Slim Jims is amazing huh? Hahaha,now I get to die of heart failure before I hit 30 :P. Well..anyways :lol: sorry to say,there is NO weather change or time change and NO for the LAST TIME..you CANNOT save during ANY POINT IN TIME during the endurance races :banghead: :banghead: :banghead:. Not specifically saying this to any particular person..you know who you are...>.<. Anyways..:lol: I believe not having the weather/time change in GT4 is actually a good thing and I'll tell you why:

Not having the cycle of weather changing periodically over time,along with the races changing from day to night or opposite is actually a good thing for everyone who is waiting for GT5 now. With Polophony Digital not putting this feature in the game,this leaves our minds open to creating an image so virtual and wonderful of how insane it would actually look that we would probably relate it to something of the PS3's capabilities,wouldn't you say? I just think it was a good move for them to wait on something as big as this and bring out the FULL potential of making a big step. As little as it may seem by just seeing the sky change from day to night with the stars and the moon rising..they would need to put a LOT of work into that to give out the wonderful aura of their word "simulator". I believe if they wait to release GT5 (or whatever it may be called) until the PS3 is released,then all of the GT Enthusiasts here will have to change their underpants :lol:


~Ja ne~

P.S. To sum it all up in a nice little package of briefing,it's nice they left that feature out in GT4,so they will have something new to add for the next installment. Thank you for reading my opinion :embarrassed:
Kudos to you AE! Kinda wish you hadn't put the result in your sig since I just read this thread from start to finish, and already knew you managed it:)

One hell of a read though. Prior to this I was thinking, for the endurance races, "B-Spec ahoy!" but I MIGHT try one of the 24 hour races like this. In fact if I do, I will most likely do it to coincide with the Le Mans 24 Hour, and have Radio Le Mans streaming on the computer. Add to the atmosphere:)

Again, amazing job. Great read. I remember the days when I could get away with that many Slim Jim's. Stomach can't handle that now:)

To the person who said they'd do theirs on the webcam: Fantastic idea!
"Mr. B" just completed the Le Mans 24h I. total time: 24:00,06. that´s what i call great timing :)

You could help engineer this... if you're quite a way in the lead and you're coming up to the finish line with a minute or so left... then you can ease off and wait for the clock...

You'd be miffed if you crossed at 23:59:59 though... one whole lap left to do in overtime!!!

I think after those 189 laps you know the track by heart now.

How many times did you lap the others cars (except that R34 close behind you)

I think it is fun to do with some friend. Its something not for everyday and very social.

Imagine this " you are in the last lap and the elektricity falls out, or you're ps2 gets stuck, chrashes" I'm think I'm going to die then :P
I mean if it does end at 24 hours exactly?
MY guess on how it works is if you began a new lap with 23:59 you must complete it and the race will be over. Most timed races ended with the lap the alloted time ends not exactly when the time ends.
MY guess on how it works is if you began a new lap with 23:59 you must complete it and the race will be over. Most timed races ended with the lap the alloted time ends not exactly when the time ends.
That's what I tought since I saw the picture that A86Driver posten and it said : 24 hours and 6 minutes...and so on.
I lapped the C-West car about 6 to 7 times throughout the whole race. I lapped the OPEL car about 2 times. I lapped the Benz Evo about 3 times. I lapped the MR-S about 4 to 5 times. At one point in time,I lapped the R34 as well,but I pit during that same lap,so he just passed me while I was in the pit and got 7 minutes and 30 seconds behind me..starting another lap for 2nd to try and catch up,but no way :lol:. The way the timed endurances races works is..whenever the time reaches what it is supposed to,such as when I had to make it to 24 hours. I had crossed the finish line once more,during lap 188 with my time being at 23 hours and 59 minutes,so I HAD to keep going until I made it to 24 hours..therfore,I had to run a WHOLE new lap,even though I had already hit 24 hours after getting a minute into the new lap,but I still had to finish that lap. That's why my time reads 24 hours and 6 minutes. Hahahaha,and there's NO way I could've slowed down like,a couple of seconds before I cross finish line for lap 188,I was worried about R34 speed of catching me :lol:!! He was going too fast for me to stop,then wait for 24 hours before lap 189,so I just went extra lap,then beat him with 12 second lead on lap 189,whew...barely though :P


~Ja ne~
Well with 24 hours I think the last lap would be the lap where you reach the finish line with a total race time of over 24 hours. I remember in the Monaco Grand Prix 1997, the conditions were actually so bad that they ran out of time - I remember Schumacher crossed the finish line and the clock read 2:00:05.