2nd GTPlanet Formula 1 World Championship (Finished - Season Over!)

  • Thread starter Ardius
Well the start was interesting i got passed before i got in 3rd gear guess formulanone didnt get msg about no passing looool but it helped me because i slowed way down at turn 1 and got a good view of wreck made it through that and settled in for tha ride was running pretty good laps then i came up on someone not sure who it was but i hit them sorry whoever it was had a brain fart miss judged my closing speed ran a few more laps then someone crashed dont remember what turn and about 4 cars were caught in it including me after that didn't have anymore problems pit stops were pretty good all in all it was a good race for me i'll take 3rd
We warned of driving / passing through T1-3 to avoid a melee , and it still happened :ouch::grumpy::crazy::indiff::dunce::guilty::rolleyes::eek::boggled::irked:

Faces pretty much sum it up ( LOL )
Here's the picture of the race results, as promised. Nice race guys.

Benoni2 and I had a tight few first laps, fighting for 1st place. That is until he rear ended me, as we were braking for turn #11 I believe. The infield one, at the end of the infield straight, where you go from 7th gear, down to 3rd (at least I do). I didn't brake any earlier than usual, but I was ahead, going into the turn. I got rear ended, had to wait to respawn, and re-entered the race in 5th I believe. I fought back, and finished in 2nd. Nice race Mofongo. You were able to keep your nose clean, and you kept putting up consisten laps, which were under 1:33.xxx. My best lap this evening was about 1:32.5xx I believe. Just a few tenths below the best, but the best was better then I've ever achieved at Bahrain. It was neat to see some new faces, but it was a bit of a suprise, for me at least. No hard feelings Benoni2, we had some good laps early on. Congrats Mofongo, and nice work Biggles (SimcoeAce). I'm looking forward to seeing how the points all work out. Sorry, but I'm too lazy to figure them out just now. Great race! And on to Sepang!👍

We warned of driving / passing through T1-3 to avoid a melee , and it still happened :ouch::grumpy::crazy::indiff::dunce::guilty::rolleyes::eek::boggled::irked:

Faces pretty much sum it up ( LOL )

Next Race when it comes to HIT & RUN PLEASE PLEASE BE PATIENT AT TURN 1 & cars up front at start GO dont hold back there will be a pile up. If you hit someone other than your team mate . STOP till they pass you.
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If you hit someone other than your team mate .


It's all good Dubbs,things happen,we have a whole season ahead of us,can't help but laugh about our little incident

Let this be a lesson to all drivers , if you hit someone , please try not to hit your teamate :cheers: ( LMAO )
Sorry I'm gonna let it go. Just the stress of the silly season & finishing 7th when I know I could have done better. But thats just the way it goes. :indiff:
Inquiring minds are asking if all of tonights NTSC racers were GTPlanet members.

Inquiring minds are asking if all of tonights NTSC racers were GTPlanet members.


I don't want to raise a stink here, but why would any non GTP members be racing tonite? I like that we had such a good turnout, but I'd like to keep our races consistent, with people who we can rely on, to be consistent themselves, both in their driving etiquete, as well as their attendance.

It seems to me, that only people who are competing for the championship, should be competing in any of our official season races. If extra people wanna race us, during a practice race, thats great. I'd preffer our official races to be among the core members only please.

Please don't get me wrong. I don't want to come across as a jerk. I like the new faces, but I want this championship to be as enjoyable for everyone, as it possibly can. Let me know what you guys think, and whether you think I'm out of line here.
Regardless, I suggest we go with more unbreakable passwords starting with the next round. Something related to where we're racing followed by a few numbers.

e.g. - If I were the host for the Bahrain round, I'd use GulfAir747 as the password. ;)
I don't want to raise a stink here, but why would any non GTP members be racing tonite? I like that we had such a good turnout, but I'd like to keep our races consistent, with people who we can rely on, to be consistent themselves, both in their driving etiquete, as well as their attendance.

It seems to me, that only people who are competing for the championship, should be competing in any of our official season races. If extra people wanna race us, during a practice race, thats great. I'd preffer our official races to be among the core members only please.

Please don't get me wrong. I don't want to come across as a jerk. I like the new faces, but I want this championship to be as enjoyable for everyone, as it possibly can. Let me know what you guys think, and whether you think I'm out of line here.

It's supposed to be for " members only " , it got brought to my attention by someone else. We are getting Gil Grissom ( CSI ) involved in this. Thats why no points should be posted by Ardius,until it's resolved.
Think Everyone needs to read the rules again or for the first time. Do the Brazilian guys read English? How much of the race did someone who had connection issues miss?
How much of the race did someone who had connection issues miss?

I didn't know I missed anything. I couldn't see what happened to everyone on the track, as I had my own race to focus on. Maybe I'm reading into your comment incorrectly. No worries.

So are you guys saying that the Brazillians just joined out of the blue? If so, that sucks. I was in the lead, 'til one of them crashed into me. I hope Gil Grisholm gets to the bottom of this. If not him, than that hot blonde MILF instead! :sly:
I checked Benoni2 & DocSix are members of GTP,& Formulanone is a long time member he is listed as a reserve. Since no one has talked to Benoni2 or DocSix I had no reason to think they were coming they didnt show for either prac race. I have no ideal if they have read the rules if they are going to follow them.
Well, they simply weren't present, at any of the practice races we've had. I believe it was unfortunate, that they should join at the time in which they did. I don't question their driving ability, and now I guess I can't question their membership status either. However, its not just that they are members of GTP, but that they are part of the little group we've formed. I can understand why our racing group might become popular, becuase of how great a group it is. If we allow too many people to come in, out of the blue, we can't expect to have consistent races.

I'm confident that our race organizers will come to a well thought out conclusion, in regards to this matter. I think we should get as many opinions as possible though. I'd like to keep us from having to put issues up to vote, as I believe our racing goals are simple enough, not to warrant such political distractions. I hope this evening's race doesn't distract us from our main goal, which is to have as much fun as possible, in a mature organized manor.

Just 2 more of my cents.
benoni2 signed doc up for this doc didnt know he was in this untill today they do read english and they are gtplanet members but doc has two racing setups at his house one is setup as doctorben the other is setup as benoni2 the kid using benoni2 name joined gtplanet using doc's stuff so doc's name may not be in members list but they are sitting side by side
Well they need to communicate with some one like Lennon or myself on a more regular basis. If they are going to be a part of this they need to get in here with the rest of us. Not just show up at race time. I need to know they understand how things are going to be done its not OK to shove some one else off track. Theres MY 2 cents on it.
Well they need to communicate with some one like Lennon or myself on a more regular basis. If they are going to be a part of this they need to get in here with the rest of us. Not just show up at race time. I need to know they understand how things are going to be done its not OK to shove some one else off track. Theres MY 2 cents on it.

Sounds fair to me.
All drivers involved :

If at all possible , please let someone know if you cannot make a race , so we can take alternative actions for this scenario.

Also, something else that got tossed to me , races will begin at the top of the hour.

Well after my pleas to go easy at T1, it was still a fiasco. As I qualified 8th & went pretty slow into T1 I had a good view of the mayhem & was able to sneak past most of it, but then got hit by someone else a bit later.

Seemed to me a pretty messy race, but with some decent stretches with clean racing. I'm feeling a bit more comfortable with the online, but I'm still mystified about some of the things happening - Sumps getting kicked out, the message towards the end saying my team mate was "offline" :nervous:

It seemed to me that a lot of people were spinning off at various points - I drove slowly & carefully thoughout the race - never got anything lower than the mid 1.33s, but I never spun off or lost control except when I hit a loose wheel lying in the road - was that yours Lofasz? - & if not for my slow pit times might still have finished 4th or 5th. The last few laps saw DUBs creeping up on me, but knew he couldn't catch me unless I made a stupid mistake, so I focused on racing safe & taking no risks.
but I never spun off or lost control except when I hit a loose wheel lying in the road - was that yours Lofasz? -

Hehe, I think I saw you hit it too! Sorry about that. I'll have to be more careful about where I leave my loose wheels!:sly:
Heck yes one of them did something wrong,how would you feel if you qualified 2nd but after T1 you were in 22nd place about 7 to 10 sec behind 21st so you see how hard I had to run to make it back to 7th. Your Darn right I'm a little sore espically when the one who wrecked me finished 5th. Oh I didnt mention how he hit me again midway to get in front of me again.
Everyone has to agree to the same rules, if not they shouldn't be racing with the group. Not that I'm suggesting this, but does the host have an option to kick?
It's supposed to be for " members only " , it got brought to my attention by someone else. We are getting Gil Grissom ( CSI ) involved in this. Thats why no points should be posted by Ardius,until it's resolved.

Well they need to communicate with some one like Lennon or myself on a more regular basis. If they are going to be a part of this they need to get in here with the rest of us. Not just show up at race time. I need to know they understand how things are going to be done its not OK to shove some one else off track. Theres MY 2 cents on it.

l will pass that information along to them sorry if they caused any problems i know they weren't trying too

Wow, sounds like a right mess last night. Well first of all, like FastDuck says, both of them are down as drivers and I had rather assumed they would keep tabs on this thread at the very least. If they are unable to do this then I'm afraid they cannot race, the whole point of using this forum is that we can discuss how best to improve the races and sort out any problems that arise during the races as well as getting to know each other better. If we only see drivers on the day and never talk to them, its a little pointless for them to be here.
I will count the points from this race (except FormulaNone's) because the drivers were originally down for it. However, if this happens again there will be two vacant seats waiting in NTSC.

Everyone has to agree to the same rules, if not they shouldn't be racing with the group. Not that I'm suggesting this, but does the host have an option to kick?

Yup, exactly, unfortunately we can't kick people during races though I don't think we should ever have to in the first place.


I'd like to make it clear (and I'll probably put this in future PMs) that only drivers listed with teams are racing, all reserve drivers cannot race unless they are called for by one of the race organisors. To make it easier for myself I send PMs to everyone even those not racing, so if you get a PM with the game name and password it does not necessarily mean you can race.
If this is a major issue I'll start taking the time to PM only those who I know are racing. Now I think about it, I probably will do that from now on.
F1:CE sounds quite chaotic on-line, though I like the idea of the cars all being the exact same spec.
Hi Guys,

A message to the NTSC racers. From the results picture it appears you guys are racing with a full 22 grid ? If so you would be much better off racing with half grid - 11 cars only. This will help immensely with any lag issues and disconnects. :)
Hi Guys,

A message to the NTSC racers. From the results picture it appears you guys are racing with a full 22 grid ? If so you would be much better off racing with half grid - 11 cars only. This will help immensely with any lag issues and disconnects. :)

Yes that was an oversight it will be corrected next race. Thanks for noticing

Another thought on the NTSC race: I think in total we had a pretty good race,except for the T1 embarrassment & a couple of other shunts it was in all pretty fair.

Its just an embarassment that we cant seem to start a race without a T1 smash. Seems that at start its sorta like a Tidal Wave the back of the pack does'nt slow for turn 1 and front cars get washed away. In last nights race I started in P2 I Think Benoni2 was in P1 when lights went out seems he just delayed I shot past him ,then`I remembered not to pass so I backed off still he didnt pass me. I hit my braking point as normal then WHAM from behind . We all just need to be VERY mindful of the hazards of the start.

I Also want to wish all a Merry Christmas Lets take a few days away from the track & all come back the better for it.
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