3D Modelling, Post your 3D models! (Cars, Planes, People, Landscapes etc!)

I gave it a try after watching more videos. My progress so far:


The front bumper is a bitch :grumpy:.

It's working quite nicely. :) Hope you can figure out the bumper.
Cool AOS, though i must admit, i don't fully understand about the exploded bit (i do in the traditional sense), but i look forward to see your progress on the project and i'm sure i'll understand it when i see it.

Jet Badger, that 1 series is looking awesome. 👍 I hope to get round to modeling some cars at some point (doing something entirely different ATM).
Actually, i wonder whether if any of you who are familiar with Sketchup can help me?
What it is, i'm using Sketchup 8 and i'm finding trouble that once iv'e modeled something, i can't seem to get rid of the big spots that sit at the ends of my lines... iv'e tried turning different things on and off, but everything seems to make it look like a dot-to-dot picture... do i need to download a plug-in to remedy the problem?
Thanks guys :)

At 1ness, maybe you are using the 'Architectural' style? Try going to Window>Styles and choose a different style. You can also mix or edit the styles(set the Architectural style background to Default style for example). You can set the style to default in Window>Preferences>Template (aswell you can create a sketchup file in which you would have set your mixed/edited style and units and save it and then use the Browse button and set that as your default template).
A few renders of my newest space plane project, Global Lift:

Nozzles closed, which is normal for atmospheric flight:

Nozzles opened, which basically forms a bell-shaped nozzle optimal for rocket performance as it climbs into orbit:

And both Global Lift and Global Reach entering low earth orbit together:
I'm not doing anything fancy with the wheels. I simply don't have time to think of something wacky, so I'm just going to be leaving it like this.


the colours are simply for display purposes.

But damn are wheels so easy to make. :D
I'm too lazy to take requests :sly:

And a WIP of a thermonuclear air breathing rocket powered fighter thing I came up with:

Based off of this drawing:

If anyone wants to hear technobabble about how it works, then just say something :sly:
Solidworks 2012. c:

Word. Rhino sucks.

I should really learn Solidworks. So much better for product design.

Do any of you guys take requests?

Hell to the no. :lol:

Maybe when I get better and all you want is digital art. If you want it 3D-printable, then re-read my first sentence.

I finished that Surreal Viper of mine, but to my luck I learned using Split or Trim are not ideal for making closed solids.... Boolean is a PITA to deal with for me at the moment too. So yeah, I have a open polysurface model so I can't 3D print it like I hoped, and I am definitely not going to redo it. I do however want to print out a car the size of a hot wheels at one point so I haven't given up on this just yet.
Cool model Venom800tt. 👍 I'm not into military jets and stuff, but i really do like the design, i would ask you about the technobabble, but i just simply wouldn't understand. :lol:

@ AOS. That sucks that it's not a closed model, and i hear you on the Boolean tool thing... i struggled with that on the torch tutorial.
Cool model Venom800tt. 👍 I'm not into military jets and stuff, but i really do like the design, i would ask you about the technobabble, but i just simply wouldn't understand. :lol:

Haha, thanks :)

Anyway I made a quick, simple render of it earlier...

Maybe soon I will do a render of my civilian passenger/cargo space shuttle. I need to do a few things with that one before that though...
@ AOS. That sucks that it's not a closed model

It's really stupid tbh. Rhino's a rendering program so it should really not allow the user to use trim or split on surfaces knowing that it'll break NURBS rules. Basically, if you're not using those tools on a surface plane, you shouldn't be using it. It cuts out what you want, but what you're seeing is merely the curve and not the actual surface. If you zoom in, you'll see other bits cut out. I thought at first it was just a jagged shade kept at low-res for the sake of a smoother workflow, but I was wrong. At least I learned something new from all this.

I'm not going to pretend that i fully understand what you're on about AOS, though i think i may have encountered a similar thing (trim and split) when modeling the neck of a rubber duck in the tutorials :lol:.
From what iv'e read, both nurbs and polys have pros & cons, Rhino being nurb based, a lot of people tend to struggle with it, but once mastered (dealing with nurbs) iv'e read it's really good for real life applications and rapid prototyping (straight to the milling machines etc), then again iv'e read the same about Solid-works too.

I haven't quite given up on Rhino yet (have yet to try Solid-works), i will give it another try at some point, but TBH, i'm struggling just using Sketch-up.
You don't need watertight models for CNC milling, a close proximity is all that's needed. Printing on the other hand is the strictest. Ugh!
Making a car isn't difficult... it's only frustrating if you don't know how your tools work.
Looks pretty cool AOS 👍, i think i understand a bit clearer about the exploded thing, but at the same time, it seems so complex.

@ DarkAvenger. Cool phone model 👍, i think it's about time you started modeling some of your car designs.
Out of interest, what are you studying at Uni.. product design?

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