3D3 Racing: GTP Inter-League SuperGT Challenge I - Congratz PURE

  • Thread starter WRP001
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GTForum Blues signs.


Signing up GTforum Blues. (check link in sig)

This is a GTPLanet challenge. Are your league(s) currently hosted and actively running on GTPLanet? If not then you are not eligible to participate in this challenge. If so point me to your thread.

From the OP: 3D3 racing is hosting and promoting a friendly single race challenge between the various current GTPlanet GT500 leagues.

Btw. We have more guys for a second, and maybe a third team also waiting :)

Leagues are only allowed to send one team of 4 drivers.

RE: Stealth GT-R. As you can see from my post above we are still working out a few details with the cars so we're not final on the inclusion of the Stealth GT-R as of yet. It was removed from the OP yesterday... we may yet return it into the pool of available cars, but not 100% sure either way.
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This is a GTPLanet challenge. Are your league(s) currently hosted and actively running on GTPLanet? If not then you are not eligible to participate in this challenge. If so point me to your thread and you guys can have the 6th and final spot since we've got no commitment yet from Intercontinental.

Whats the diffrence if we're running our series on GTP or not? We have our own forum and we are still a GT500 league.

Edit: We started our Euro GT500 league on GTP but then moved to our forum.

Link to thread on GTP.
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Whats the diffrence if we're running our series on GTP or not? We have our own forum and we are still a GT500 league.

Edit: We started our Euro GT500 league on GTP but then moved to our forum.

Link to thread on GTP.

The difference is that 3D3 is promoting the GTPlanet community. The stewards are members of the GTP_Registry and we work closely with GTP_WRS in our weekly events. This event was put together to bring the GTPlanet racing community closer together and provide a fun GTP based event.

And this is not a rule we made up after the fact, it's been in the OP since day one.

The thread you directed me to on GTPlanet has a final post of Mar 12, 2011 which I'm not considering current.

I'm sorry to say we're not going to accept your registration on the basis that you are not a current GTPlanet series as stated in the OP.

Ok mate, seems that you dont know us. You are rejecting a commited group of drivers.

As you want, enjoy your series then. See ya around...
Ok mate, seems that you dont know us. You are rejecting a commited group of drivers.

As you want, enjoy your series then. See ya around...

Seriously no offense intended and in fact I don't know you at all so not basing the decision on anything but the rule. Just trying to promote GTPlanet is all and not wanting to offend anyone.
Tbh, dont really see the point of this rule that you only allow leagues within GTP.

We just post on different forums lol...
Tbh, dont really see the point of this rule that you only allow leagues within GTP.

We just post on different forums lol...

I do. Clearly the invitation was sent to current GTP leagues. Simple really.
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Is the STEALTH GT500 GT-R slower?? What do you base that on if I may ask you?

I have come to that conclusion after about 50.000km with the different
GTRs. Its often people who dont have it themselves that think its
Better in some way, I think its the lighter car that makes it.

But Im sure You have it Dennis, so it would be very helpful if You
Could send me a good setup for the Stealth, so I could beat my PBs
That I done with the 80kg heavier Motul!
Tbh, dont really see the point of this rule that you only allow leagues within GTP.

We just post on different forums lol...

Hehe Niss, would have been too easy for us anyway. :)

Go back home now my son. We figure something out. We might get
Banned if we continue posting here...:)
I have come to that conclusion after about 50.000km with the different
GTRs. Its often people who dont have it themselves that think its
Better in some way, I think its the lighter car that makes it.

But Im sure You have it Dennis, so it would be very helpful if You
Could send me a good setup for the Stealth, so I could beat my PBs
That I done with the 80kg heavier Motul!
No clue what you're doing with it tbh, at stock form it's very much faster, you must be doing something wrong.

Something like 572HP at 1050KG, how would a 518HP 1130KG Motul outrun it?

In any case, myself and Denilson have personally raced the stealth GTR (me, he doesn't have it) vs him in other GTR's, modified to similar specs, and the results were pretty close to identical cars, the only real difference being the stealth had to have less power, because of all the limiter we had to use knocking it down to 502HP, where it runs within .1 everywhere and anywhere I pit it against my own laptimes in a Yellowhat GTR, and/or Denilson's Xanavi GTR.
Seriously no offense intended and in fact I don't know you at all so not basing the decision on anything but the rule. Just trying to promote GTPlanet is all and not wanting to offend anyone.

You are of course right that the rule of this competition stipulate a race between the currently active GTP planet leagues. But as the rules are within your control, there is equally possible for your to tweak them if it would be for the better of the competition itself and improve the total experience for the participating parties.

Most of the drivers in GTP Blues have their original entry into GT5 competition through GTPlanet and our first championship also started here. We merely moved to another vehicle to allow different kind of communication between the players. Some racers are also participating in current GTPlanet racing leagues in other events.

We are a group of fast and clean GT5/GT500 racers. I know some of your particiapants know us very well, perhaps some of the fastest and most dedicated players and organizers. I'm confident that they would see positive to an entry from us, as if they end up with a strong result, it would feel so much better for them if we were in the event too.

I previously lived in the US, and my American friends sometimes joked about the "world series" in baseball only inviting American teams and that contradictary to the name limits the popularity of the sport and the value of the event itself. I think this event would equally gain value be allowing an entry from a set of if you like pre-GTPlanet racers.
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You are of course right that the rule of this competition stipulate a race between the currently active GTP planet leagues. But as the rules are within your control, there is equally possible for your to tweak them if it would be for the better of the competition itself and improve the total experience for the participating parties.

Most of the drivers in GTP Blues have their original entry into GT5 competition through GTPlanet and our first championship also started here. We merely moved to another vehicle to allow different kind of communication between the players. Some racers are also participating in current GTPlanet racing leagues in other events.

We are a group of fast and clean GT5/GT500 racers. I know some of your particiapants know us very well, perhaps some of the fastest and most dedicated players and organizers. I'm confident that they would see positive to an entry from us, as if they end up with a strong result, it would feel so much better for them if we were in the event too.

I previously lived in the US, and my American friends sometimes joked about the "world series" in baseball only inviting American teams and that contradictary to the name limits the popularity of the sport and the value of the event itself. I think this event would equally gain value be allowing an entry from a set of if you like pre-GTPlanet racers.
Of course, but that does make it no longer a GTPlanet inter-league SuperGT500 Challenge.

The more the merrier in my book, I'd be down for a inter-webz all over GT500 shootout. Meaning every GT/GT5 site/league can enter, and it went full blown tournament, they used to happen back when people raced by themselves and submitted replays, why not now that we can all race head-to-head?
No clue what you're doing with it tbh, at stock form it's very much faster, you must be doing something wrong.

Something like 572HP at 1050KG, how would a 518HP 1130KG Motul outrun it?

In any case, myself and Denilson have personally raced the stealth GTR (me, he doesn't have it) vs him in other GTR's, modified to similar specs, and the results were pretty close to identical cars, the only real difference being the stealth had to have less power, because of all the limiter we had to use knocking it down to 502HP, where it runs within .1 everywhere and anywhere I pit it against my own laptimes in a Yellowhat GTR, and/or Denilson's Xanavi GTR.

What Max is refering to is runing all the GTRs at 610PP and at that fixed PP the Stealth performs equally to the the other GTRs. This we have tested.

Looking at it a bit more, the performance of the different cars will change depending of where you set the PP limit. A good example which we tested is the Woodone Clarion GTR against the other GTRs. At 610PP, the Woodone does not have a chance against the other GTRs. Much slower. But at 590PP, the Woodone is only about 0.3sec/minute slower than the other on a typical track as lets say GVS.

The Stealth is about equal with the other GTRs at 610PP. Even if we haven't tested it, I would expect the Stealth to be faster than the other GTRs at 630PP, but slower than the other GTRs at a much lower PP. It would get too much torque hence wouldn't get enought HP to be competitive if you limit the engine to sub 500hp.
Well that would've been great to hear before Max came in here and decided to be rudely condescending to the entirety of GTP so you would've had a stronger case if it was you that was the spokesperson and not him.*

You're a good guy man but let's not put WRP on the spot here. There's only so many spots. If you'd like an internet-wide tournament going then I'd say you'd have to make it yourself and I encourage you to do so.

To compare this to sport would be more like us creating a "Euro only" baseball league and some nice blokes from China asking for a go. I really think you should give WRP a break as you'll have to admit it's been a long time since the EGT500 days.
I've been notified by PM that ICGTC is signing up for the event with Arkano as team captain so I'm penciling them as tentative in the 6th and final league spot. Their registration will become final when they officially post to the thread. Registration is now closed unless one of the leagues has to withdraw based on a date/time conflict.

Now it's time to get the captains together here on the thread and finalize the date/time first and then the format. Below is the agenda and I'm hoping we can finalize at least 1-5 over the next 48-72 hours.

  1. Date/Time
  2. Format
  3. Bracket Selection
  4. Car Choices
  5. Additional Rules & Regs
  6. Test Session Schedule

Here are the initial proposals for the above discussion points. Items 2-4 depend completely on all 6 teams agreeing on point 1 -- a single agreed upon date and time. If we can't come to an agreement on a single time slot we'll have to adjust the format so a single slot is the preferred option. We need to tackle that point first and ASAP.


Saturday, December 3, 2011 @ 18:00 PM GMT
Saturday, December 3, 2011 @ 20:00 PM GMT

Duration of ~3 hours depending on the format chosen​


Bracket style championship.

Semi-final round includes two lobbies with each lobby consisting of 3 teams of 4 drivers. The top 3 drivers from each league score points for their team. The top 2 teams from each semi-final advance to the final, but only the top 3 point scoring drivers from the teams advance.

The final round will include the 4 advancing teams with their 3 point scoring drivers from the semi-final round. All drivers will count toward the team points for the final round.

[Optional] A consolation lobby could be set up simultaneous to the finals lobby for all drivers that do not advance.

Using this format each lobby is limited to 12 drivers which will help reduce network lag issues. Each lobby could also include one non participating marshal/observer.

  1. 30 minute pre-race practice session (two lobbies / optional)
  2. 15 minute live quali for the semi-finals
  3. 45 minute semi-final races (simultaneous)
  4. 30 minute break to tally points, assign drivers to the 2nd lobby and reorganize
  5. 15 minute live quali for the finals
  6. 45 minute final race (optionally a simultaneous consolation race)

Bracket Selection

Random draw to determine semi-final lobby assignment for each team. We can set this up so it's observable live by the team captains if requested.​

Car choices

Either we come up with options that would entice two league to pick a car other than a GTR or we allow teams #5 and #6 to pick one of the GT-Rs and just live with a couple possible duplicates. If we assign the brackets first we can at least ensure no duplicate cars in the semi-final lobbies since there are 4 GTRs and there will only be 3 teams in each lobby.​

Additional Rules & Regs

TBD. e.g. conflict/incident resolution, etc. With the proposed format we will have a very limited time to do any replay reviews so we have to make any rules clear, strict and easy to enforce. One of the reasons to have 3 of 4 drivers score points is it may make some incidents irrelevant to the results and/or at least reduce the impact of those incidents. Also we may want to allow a couple on track observers during qualification to enforce OLR rules during quali since it's easy to abuse the runoff areas at a couple spots at Spa.​

Test sessions

The tests would be run with two primary purposes. First, to get all participating drivers familiar with the lobby procedures. We likely will have cars of different regulations so we'll have to stage entry into the course from the lobby. Second, we will want to know ahead of time if we'll face any "invisible" driver type network issues and give us time to work those out or at least become aware of them ahead of time. Participating drivers will be required to have a NAT 1 or NAT 2 connection if we have any hope of a "network-clean" event (but even that is not a guarantee). NOTE: Lobby hosts must have NAT 1 connection.​

OK. Let's get to work on point #1. Do any teams have an issue with December 3 at 18:00 GMT?. In North america that's 1:00 PM Eastern and 10:00 AM Pacific.

Please limit response to only team captains at this point until we get points 1-5 finalized. I'd like to get a response on the proposed time from all 6 team captains by the end of day tomorrow. If you have a serious conflict with the proposed time please provide several alternatives as close as possible to this time.
With respect to a possible entry of GTP Blues, let me propose the following.

If, and only if you don't get six commited teams you will allow us to enter this competition. We would be so to say on the "reserve list". I make this proposal as I assume the prefered format of this event is to have six competiting teams, and at least an odd number of participating teams would not be ideal.

Just a last note. Inter-championship competition is very appealing as you would like to test your skills towards a set of drivers you haven't raced against before. Unfortunately I pesonally don't have the time to organize such an event and is therefore greatful to the people that are prepare to set aside the time and effort to do so.

Hoping for a positive outcome.

You are of course right that the rule of this competition stipulate a race between the currently active GTP planet leagues. But as the rules are within your control, there is equally possible for your to tweak them if it would be for the better of the competition itself and improve the total experience for the participating parties.

Most of the drivers in GTP Blues have their original entry into GT5 competition through GTPlanet and our first championship also started here. We merely moved to another vehicle to allow different kind of communication between the players. Some racers are also participating in current GTPlanet racing leagues in other events.

We are a group of fast and clean GT5/GT500 racers. I know some of your particiapants know us very well, perhaps some of the fastest and most dedicated players and organizers. I'm confident that they would see positive to an entry from us, as if they end up with a strong result, it would feel so much better for them if we were in the event too.

I previously lived in the US, and my American friends sometimes joked about the "world series" in baseball only inviting American teams and that contradictary to the name limits the popularity of the sport and the value of the event itself. I think this event would equally gain value be allowing an entry from a set of if you like pre-GTPlanet racers.


Why don't you guys create your own "non-GTPlanet" league championship event inviting any leagues you want outside of GTPlanet. We'll use the 3D3 challenge event to crown our "GTPlanet" champion league. Then if someone wants to organize a "World" league championship and invite the top 1-2 finishing leagues/drivers from our event and your event then all the power to them. I guess that's more of the "Little League World Series" model.

At this time I'm only concerned with crowning a GTPlanet champion league and I only have until Dec 7th or 8th to organize and execute this after which I have a *very* busy real life schedule without *any* access to GT5 for four weeks until early January.

Not to mention I may have a couple other GTPlanet special events in the works that will likely be consuming much of my time on my return in January.

EDIT: Just saw your post and that you don't have time to organize... well that shoots down that idea. I'm over and out for the night...
Yep. I see here is much interrest in these Team championships, so I will open up
later a league where ALL forums&clans&National or International Team can join!

Reason is, that we could see what Team is the cleanest & fastest in the world :)

Stay tuned in GTPlanet for more !

¤¤¤ Federal de Internationale Gran Turismo Association ¤¤¤
No clue what you're doing with it tbh, at stock form it's very much faster, you must be doing something wrong.

Something like 572HP at 1050KG, how would a 518HP 1130KG Motul outrun it?

Mine got maybe only 472hp at stock....? Are we talking about same car..?
It was a typo Max.

But good luck with that whole champions' league. You're off to a great start by promoting its reveal by hijacking a thread.

Your history here should speak for itself. I don't want this whole thing de-railed so go ahead and make a new thread with your amazing graphics before you get too many good ideas.
Dec 3rd 18:00 GMT Is best.
Let teams 5 & 6 use duplicates unless there are volunteers to use the Lexus.
Bracket 3 teams of 4 in semi's then final is fine.
No additional rules.
We need to finalize the time today if at all possible. Team captains please quote this message, remove the quote tags and replace TBD with your information. If at all possible we want the 18:00 GMT slot to be our primary target. The remaining discussions points we can tackle rather quickly once/if we can nail down a single time slot.

Team #1: Gamesta
Preferred Time: Dec 3rd 18:00 GMT
Alternate Time: Dec 3rd 20:00 GMT​

Team #2: AIWJT
Preferred Time: Dec 3rd 18:00 GMT
Alternate Time: TBD​

Team #3: PURE JGTS
Preferred Time: TBD
Alternate Time: TBD​

Team #4: WSGTC
Preferred Time: TBD
Alternate Time: TBD​

Team #5: MRC
Preferred Time: TBD
Alternate Time: TBD​

Team #6: ICGTC
Preferred Time: TBD
Alternate Time: TBD​

Once we get a time slot finalized I'm moving the thread to spot races and I'll update the OP.
Team #1: Gamesta
Preferred Time: Dec 3rd 18:00 GMT
Alternate Time: Dec 3rd 20:00 GMT

Team #2: AIWJT
Preferred Time: Dec 3rd 18:00 GMT
Alternate Time: Dec 4th 18:00 GMT

Team #3: PURE JGTS
Preferred Time: TBD
Alternate Time: TBD

Team #4: WSGTC
Preferred Time: TBD
Alternate Time: TBD

Team #5: MRC
Preferred Time: TBD
Alternate Time: TBD

Team #6: ICGTC
Preferred Time: TBD
Alternate Time: TBD
Sorry for the delay in posting my teams registration, I'm a busy man. But I'll have time for this ;)

Preferably, we'd take the GT-R option, since that pits everyone on a level playing field. Although I guess that's down to whether or not you want to allow possible duplicates.

I'll post our preferred & alternate times in a couple of hours after I've gathered some opinions from our guys.
Sorry for the delay in posting my teams registration, I'm a busy man. But I'll have time for this ;)

Preferably, we'd take the GT-R option, since that pits everyone on a level playing field. Although I guess that's down to whether or not you want to allow possible duplicates.

I'll post our preferred & alternate times in a couple of hours after I've gathered some opinions from our guys.

Thanks Arkano. The car topic is agenda point #4 so we'll cover that shortly. Car choice/availability is influenced by both format and bracket selection so we'll wait until those topics are finalized before making a final decision on cars and allowing duplicate GT-Rs. Personally if no team is confident they get equal footing in a Lexus or another option I have no problem with duplicates, in particular if we can avoid duplicates completely in the semi-final round and minimize the number of them in the finals. I.e. this will not become a one-make event and we'll minimize duplicates if they are allowed.
The Lexus is such a touchy subject in GT500 racing (it has been for us at least, anyway), it can either be underpowered or overpowered so easily. We've pretty much neglected the Lexus due to pure lack of people willing to drive it. Although we are planning on re-balancing everything come our third season.

December 3rd will be fine for us too, that's actually the week after our championship ends :)
December 3rd will be fine for us too, that's actually the week after our championship ends :)

👍 I'm marking ICGTC down as follows and it's looking good for Dec 3.

Team #1: Gamesta
Preferred Time: Dec 3rd 18:00 GMT
Alternate Time: Dec 3rd 20:00 GMT

Team #2: AIWJT
Preferred Time: Dec 3rd 18:00 GMT
Alternate Time: Dec 4th 18:00 GMT

Team #3: PURE JGTS
Preferred Time: TBD
Alternate Time: TBD

Team #4: WSGTC
Preferred Time: TBD
Alternate Time: TBD

Team #5: MRC
Preferred Time: TBD
Alternate Time: TBD

Team #6: ICGTC
Preferred Time: Dec 3rd ??:?? GMT
Alternate Time: Dec 3rd ??:?? GMT

Remaining teams: please quote this message, remove quote tags and fill in your selections.
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We're not sure on our preferred times yet, so don't take those as confirmed from us, but either of those times should work for us.

I'll post our confirmed times tomorrow morning GMT sometime.
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