3D3 Racing: GTP Inter-League SuperGT Challenge I - Congratz PURE

  • Thread starter WRP001
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Confirming our drivers for the 3rd, unfortunately I can't make it that day, hopefully you'll do another in the future which I can attend.

gippone (gprili)
PlymoSuperbird (TyrrellRacing)
allascato (allascato)
SkengD (skengdigi)
Confirming our drivers for the 3rd, unfortunately I can't make it that day, hopefully you'll do another in the future which I can attend.

gippone (gprili)
PlymoSuperbird (TyrrellRacing)
allascato (allascato)
SkengD (skengdigi)

Ok the OP has been updated. Can you confirm these flags are correct?

Team #5: Midnight Racing Club - GT500 Season 2 (MRC)
Captain: SoopamanLuva
Car: Nissan Calsonic IMPUL GT-R 08
  1. Italy.png
    gippone (gprili)
  2. Wales.png
    PlymoSuperbird (TyrrellRacing)
  3. Italy.png
    allascato (allascato)
  4. United%20Kingdom.png
    SkengD (skengdigi)

Also, it may be a good idea for teams to designate an alternate (if they haven't already) in case there is a last minute issue with one of the primary drivers. We will give a full list of drivers/alternates to the room hosts and alternates could be allowed to substituted if they are on the list. Anyone not on this list will get an immediate kick from the lobby.

Finally, if the driver list in the OP does not include the drivers PSN name please provide it as that's what the room host will be referencing and seeing in the lobby on race day. The names should be listed just as Soopa did above with GTP ID first and PSN id in parenthesis.
Oh, hey guys, just got back from Thanksgiving vacation. I just thought of a bit of fair warning.

All the captains should be good about making sure every driver in their team has their chosen car broken in!

Since we may see situations where teams will be switching cars from one room to the next that means it'd be a good idea to have all of the GT-Rs we're using broken in.

You all have plenty of time. I don't want to see guys after a race going, " x) lol gud race i nly had 500hp lololol"

Again, just fair warning, and to possibly help any one who might've missed this detail over the grand scheme of things.

186 miles dudes!

I've got graphic overlays with the 3D3, GTP, GT and all the different team logos (made one up for Gamestas, Allin's and MRC), little driver cards and will have an HD rip of my broadcast put on my Youtube channel immediately after the event: http://www.youtube.com/user/wardezarchives

btw, I decided to represent each team with its own two-tone scheme (kind of like those paint chips for car color in GT5), here's what I've got so far:
PURE - Gray and white
IGTC - Red and black
WSGTC - Red and blue
AMCS - Blue and yellow
GSGC - Green and red
MRC - Dark purple and black

I will also be sending out PM's to all participating drivers each containing the same few interview questions to provide for a little background on the contestants so we can all get to know you a bit better, as well as your fellow drivers.

Cheers, much looking forward to next weekend 👍
...we may see situations where teams will be switching cars from one room to the next that means it'd be a good idea to have all of the GT-Rs we're using broken in...

It has not been stated anywhere that teams will have to switch cars for the final in order to keep teams in unique cars for the final. It would obviously be better for the stream, pictures and video highlights however, but I'm not going to require it as it was never stated in the OP.

Assuming teams were willing to switch here's what we know for sure:

  • If AIWJT advance they don't have to switch because they are using a unique car.
  • If WSGTC advance they won't have to switch because they are using a unique car.
  • If PURE and MRC both advance then one of those teams would have to switch.
  • If Gamesta and ICGTC both advance then one of those teams would have to switch.

So we could just isolate potential car changes to two teams. Team PURE would switch if MRC advances. Team Gamesta would switch if ICGTC advances. Therefore, PURE and Gamesta drivers would be the only drivers that have to prepare and break in all 4 GT-Rs.

Wardez, if you can get agreement from PURE I'll try to get agreement from team Gamesta. That will simplify things for the other teams. Otherwise I don't think it's fair at this point to make this requirement.

EDIT: Here are the final lobby scenarios and the switches that would be required
  1. PURE, Gamesta, ICGTC, MRC..........PURE switches to AUTECH MOTUL, Gamesta switches to NISMO
  2. PURE, Gamesta, ICGTC, WSGTC........Gamesta switches to NISMO
  3. Gamesta, AIWJT, ICGTC, MRC.........Gamesta switches to AUTECH MOTUL
  4. Gamesta, AIWJT, ICGTC, WSGTC.......Gamesta switches to Calsonic
  5. PURE, Gamesta, MRC, WSGTC..........PURE switches to NISMO
  6. PURE, AIWJT, ICGTC, MRC............PURE switches to AUTECH MOTUL
  7. PURE, AIWJT, MRC, WSGTC............PURE switches to YellowHat
  8. PURE, AIWJT, ICGTC, WSGTC..........No Switches required
  9. Gamesta, AIWJT, MRC, WSGTC.........No Switches required
Yeah, won't be too hard I'd guess. Thanks for the outline WRP, I'll make sure all our guys have each of those broken in. Hell, I'm gonna start breaking them in for them to send them out as gifts. B-spec Indy 500 here I come.
Ok the OP has been updated. Can you confirm these flags are correct?

Team #5: Midnight Racing Club - GT500 Season 2 (MRC)
Captain: SoopamanLuva
Car: Nissan Calsonic IMPUL GT-R 08
  1. Italy.png
    gippone (gprili)
  2. Wales.png
    PlymoSuperbird (TyrrellRacing)
  3. Italy.png
    allascato (allascato)
  4. United%20Kingdom.png
    SkengD (skengdigi)

Also, it may be a good idea for teams to designate an alternate (if they haven't already) in case there is a last minute issue with one of the primary drivers. We will give a full list of drivers/alternates to the room hosts and alternates could be allowed to substituted if they are on the list. Anyone not on this list will get an immediate kick from the lobby.

Finally, if the driver list in the OP does not include the drivers PSN name please provide it as that's what the room host will be referencing and seeing in the lobby on race day. The names should be listed just as Soopa did above with GTP ID first and PSN id in parenthesis.

Yes they're happy with the flags, we may struggle to find an alternate though as not many of our drivers can make the event now, will do my best to provide one asap.
Yeah, won't be too hard I'd guess. Thanks for the outline WRP, I'll make sure all our guys have each of those broken in. Hell, I'm gonna start breaking them in for them to send them out as gifts. B-spec Indy 500 here I come.

Wardez, sorry I was out voted by Team Gamesta drivers 3-1 and they don't want to have to worry about switching cars. Unless someone else volunteers to do it we'll all just stick to the cars assigned and live with any dups for the final.

Yes they're happy with the flags, we may struggle to find an alternate though as not many of our drivers can make the event now, will do my best to provide one asap.

Alternates are not required and you won't be crippled if a driver can't race as only the top 3 score... obviously it'll be a disadvantage to only have 3 arrows in your quiver, but teams will still have a chance to advance with 3 drivers.

Also, to clarify, it's up to the teams themselves to coordinate with the alternates if something comes up. It's not up to the race organizers or marshals who will be busy. We're going to tell the marshals to allow all drivers listed in the OP in the room, but no more than 4 per team in the room at one time... It's up to you guys to communicate ahead of time or on the spot if there is an issue with a driver's connection.

You can of course use this thread to post and communicate with alternates and have people monitor it prior to the start of quali or you can use the PM system or PSN messaging... whatever you want. We will *not* be holding up the event, the schedule is strict, so it's up to you guys to coordinate and pre-arrange lines of communication. There is enough time during quali that if an alternate enters 3-4 minutes late they still have a fair chance as the tires won't last for the entire 15 minutes anyway.

And remember *NO* pitting or leaving the course once quali starts for any reason. You aren't allowed to get fresh tires. You aren't allowed to adjust your setup. If you are done hot lapping park safely off track away from the line where you have no chance of interfering.

Once quali starts, if a driver gets DC'd he can try to get back in the room *ONCE* and if DC'd again he should get the alternate to try. If you join a little early for pre-race practice then you'll be able to work out the issues with a little more time to spare.
WRP is there any possibility for my country flag to be changed?? its basically the same but with the lion/sword & sun in the back.. i havent asked my own league to do it yet.. but now the our championship is finished i will ask them also if its ok..

And remember *NO* pitting or leaving the course once quali starts for any reason. You aren't allowed to get fresh tires. You aren't allowed to adjust your setup. If you are done hot lapping park safely off track away from the line where you have no chance of interfering.

Once quali starts, if a driver gets DC'd he can try to get back in the room *ONCE* and if DC'd again he should get the alternate to try. If you join a little early for pre-race practice then you'll be able to work out the issues with a little more time to spare.

Very good rules.
WRP is there any possibility for my country flag to be changed?? its basically the same but with the lion/sword & sun in the back.. i havent asked my own league to do it yet.. but now the our championship is finished i will ask them also if its ok..


Give me a link to the flag and I'll change it.
WRP is there any possibility for my country flag to be changed?? its basically the same but with the lion/sword & sun in the back.. i havent asked my own league to do it yet.. but now the our championship is finished i will ask them also if its ok..


Give me a link to the flag and I'll change it.

I think it's this one then, right?

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WRP is there any possibility for my country flag to be changed?? its basically the same but with the lion/sword & sun in the back.. i havent asked my own league to do it yet.. but now the our championship is finished i will ask them also if its ok..



Got it.
I'll change the Team table.
What are the points awards for finishing positions?

It's in the OP, but obviously only the top 12 are relevant given the final format:


If you don't finish and thus don't show up in the official results (due to a DC or quitting) you get no points. And remember only the top 3 drivers per team count toward the team total. All penalties apply to the team even if they are incurred by the non points scoring 4th driver.
Team PURE will have to make an adjustment to the drivers list.

TRP_NOSS can't make the race, and will be replaced by:
GTP: RIP_Welsh_Don
PSN: GTP_Welsh-Bain

He's from Wales but lives in Calgary I believe.. But since he got Wales flag as profile picture, I believe that's what he want to race under as well.

Looking much forward to the event. 👍
Team PURE will have to make an adjustment to the drivers list.

TRP_NOSS can't make the race, and will be replaced by:
GTP: RIP_Welsh_Don
PSN: GTP_Welsh-Bain

He's from Wales but lives in Calgary I believe.. But since he got Wales flag as profile picture, I believe that's what he want to race under as well.

Looking much forward to the event. 👍

Not a problem... he's in the 3D3 driver registry already so I have a flag ready.
Race marshals are now final:

Overall Event: WRP001 (GTP_WRP001), Hydro (GTP_Hydro)
Semi-Final A: Wardez (Wardez), Biffy (GTP_Biffy)
Semi-Final B: Speedy6543 (GTP_Speedy6543), CSLACR (GTP_CSL)
Final Lobby: Wardez (Wardez), Speedy6543 (GTP_Speedy6543)

There are two race marshals per lobby observing the qualifying and racing rounds. In the case of Wardez and Speedy, they'll also be streaming the event.
Does anyone have questions before the event?

Qualification: Single stint = once you enter track and leave the pits you cannot return to pits for any reason* and you cannot leave the track. When your tires wear down to the point where you can't beat your time (3-4 laps) park well off track and hit the hand brake. No burnouts or donuts as it's distracting. There are several runoffs at Spa that are large and will keep you out of the racing line. Race countdown timer will start when the lobby timer clock hits 15:00 with no exceptions.

*Anyone caught entering the pits after they begin their quali session they will incur a 10 point penalty for their team. Not knowing the rules is not an excuse.

Start: Grid start. No formation lap.

Public Lobby #s will be posted on this thread the day of the event. We'll post them up here in plenty of time. As soon as they are posted you are free to join and practice. Join early so you can work out any connection problems. Anyone not on the drivers or marshals list will be immediately booted from the room.
Looking forward to the event!👍

I ran some practice laps last night. I have been running an NSX on racing hards at SPA. Needless to say the GT-R on racing medium tires feels completely different. I think I am starting to learn the new driving style though.

Guees I will find out tomorrow.:scared:
Never knew SuperSic was Tony. lol

Anyway, i suggest the WSGTC bunch to contact each other through PM to make sure everyone's alert and ready. Haven't heard much from Remy - although he said he's good to go on Saturday.
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