3D3 Racing: WRS-based races moved to new WRS sub-forum!

  • Thread starter WRP001
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Hey you took pole and fast lap honors at least! 👍

Full results for the EU event:


Nice at least I had 1 up on Wes with the fastest lap :sly:

Look forward to resuming battle soon:tup:
Absolutely... lots of room this week. Stay away from Hydro though... He bumps and grinds and doesn't give the spot back like I do. :lol: Has the guy ever read the OLR? :sly:

:lol: Nope!
So you have a lot of experience giving back spots from over zealous contact incidents?

Edit: And I'm from England now? :D
Actually, most of us have been re-located to new countries ;)
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Excel does crazy stuff with those flags when you cut and paste... I'm noticing it sometimes copies over the flags from the adjacent cells and puts them over the existing ones. The right ones are buried under the bad ones... It should be fixed now.

EDIT: Just noticed I demoted Marc to division 3. :dunce: Good thinking, hopefully EDK agrees. :sly:
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This is kind of funny:

After watching the replay of Lucas and EDK, I can tell you one thing...I think...
You are both right :odd:

Lucas - You were definitely hit by Kevin entering the corner, and pretty hard at that.
Kevin - You definitely did not hit Lucas before the corner, he just flew off.

The replay "skips" for a brief moment - at that exact moment - and I'm willing to bet that you were both in different places relative to where you thought you were.
Sort of a network blip.
Lucas feels the hit in his car, but Kevin doesn't in his, nor did he probably see it.
I'm pretty sure it wasn't just a replay glitch, as the timing was exact, and both of you were certain as to what you thought had happened - and it's not like you're new :)

It happened in one of the Laguna mini-races as well.
It's been a weird day for the PSN.

EDIT: Just noticed I demoted Marc to division 3. :dunce: Good thinking, hopefully EDK agrees. :sly:
My pride hopes that Div. 3 disagrees :sly:
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Let's not forget...

Congratz to Speedy on his first 3D3 win! :cheers: Your name is now etched into the stone of honor that is the historical winners list on the 3D3 OP. :lol:


Not to mention it's the first time we've raised the Flag of Belgium (

Beer and chocolate on Speedy for a week! :sly:
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Let's not forget...

Congratz to Speedy on his first 3D3 win! :cheers: Your name is now etched into the stone of honor that is the historical winners list on the 3D3 OP. :lol: Not to mention it's the first time we've raised the Flag of Belgium (

Beer and chocolate on Speedy for a week! :sly:

I actually said to myself "you didn't really link to the National Anthem did you?" :lol:

Nice Win Speedy! :cheers:
And at 4 AM no less :bowdown:
Nice racing, Speedy! 👍 Nice hosting and results, Marc and Tim! :cheers:

I watched the replay too, and yeah, it had to be a network glitch. In my copy, Kev's car jumps forward into mine, after he's started braking, and at physics-bending speed. No question. Would be interesting to know if Kev's replay shows anything different, but no matter. The rest of the race was fun, and once I was out in the open, I was keeping consistent distance behind the leader, so was content that I was running pretty good. 👍

The bumper cars in the train-o-Suzuki was pretty fun too.

EDIT: And the Laguna practice afterward was sweet! I went offline afterward and beat my previous time by 0.8! 👍 Next week should be cool, just hope Thanksgiving doesn't get in the way of the NA race.
Thanks guys! :bowdown:
It was deffinetly worth getting up early for.
I saw the replay too from Lucas and Kevin and in mine Kevin is ~4-5 carlengths behind Lucas. At the moment of braking, Lucas just gets punt by air. :odd:
Sure thing it's a network glitch there.
It would've been an entirely different race if that wouldn't have happened
Glad to know the replays showed that our "incident" was most likely a network/lag issue.

I did not remember to watch the replay last night, but my recollection from the race is exactly what Speedy is saying. My car never came up to your bumper, you just launched into the wall, which is what made me think you were getting booted. I've seen it several other times, where drivers run off track and random places in a catastrophic manner, then are gone.

Anyhow, it was great racing last night, if not a little sleepy toward the end. I think racing this combo without any action around caused me to lose focus a bit. Don't count on that happening at Laguna. :mischievous:

Congrats to Speedy for the win, you earned it. 👍

Long live 3D3.

It would be fun to be able to join up with you guys in different time zones one day, enjoyed racing and talking to some of the guys for the first time last night. A lot better way of getting to know people other than just posting in the weekly WRS threads. :cheers:

Edit: Anybody have a replay of the race they can put up?
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Sign me up for next week, BTW.

Day before the holiday, you'll probably get 3 beer Kevin for the race, but you'd rather have him than 6 beer Kevin. :sly:
Sign me up for next week, BTW.

Day before the holiday, you'll probably get 3 beer Kevin for the race, but you'd rather have him than 6 beer Kevin. :sly:

We're curious to see if NA drivers have a conflict with the night before Thanksgiving. It may be a good or bad thing. There is a chance we could move just the NA event to Tuesday evening, but will have to check with the other 3D3 stewards to be sure. We prefer to keep it on Wednesday, but this race will be *so much* fun that we'd like to maximize participation.

I have a sneaky feeling that regardless of the NA drivers, after the EU event takes place there are going to be a slew of EU drivers clamoring to get into the NA event. 👍

EDIT: I'm hoping McFizzle (Scott) can negotiate some sort of race-release, cash in some chips and join us for this one. But of course completely understand if there is a conflict.

EDIT: Which N-beer Kevin is required to alter game physics live during a race "Jedi Style" and blow the leader right off track without any contact? I knew you were a GTP super-moderator and all, but that's a ridiculous amount of power for one man to control. :sly:
Thanks for comments guys.:)
Plato, I don't know man. Turn less.:dopey:

Oh, and I would like to sign up for the EU race next week.

EDIT: Congrats on your first win Kristof.👍
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I'm up for normal Wed NA time, and am hoping to make the EU race as well.
The event post will be up in a few hours, and those who have requested will already be on the list. 👍

N-beer Kevin and his Jedi tricks :lol: You'd think with a name like Lucas I'd be better at defending those. :dunce:
I'm up for normal Wed NA time, and am hoping to make the EU race as well.
The event post will be up in a few hours, and those who have requested will already be on the list. 👍

N-beer Kevin and his Jedi tricks :lol: You'd think with a name like Lucas I'd be better at defending those. :dunce:

GTP_WOW and now GTP_SithLord.... what next will 3D3 discover? :lol:

PS> I found this picture of Kevin in his office at work today and I think it reveals a lot:

Hey guys, I wish I could join you for the race next week but I will be driving down to Chicago Wednesday night to spend Turkey Day with family. I may try to jump in a practice session sometime and run a few laps if I can. Finding GT time is tough right now as I've put myself in a situation where I am playing 4 games at once(Dark Souls, Skyrim, Uncharted 3, and MW3). I will be back at some point though.
We're going to use live single stint qualification for the next 3D3 event, but in the future we'd like to mix in a new type of qualification once in a while. It's called "super-quali" and borrowed from WSGTC.

Before I describe 3D3's version of this I wanted to explain our reasons for trying this out: (i) it's just more variety which is always nice and something we like to introduce/test in 3D3 events (ii) it shows what a driver can do under pressure (iii) it eliminates the ability of a driver to cut corners while qualifying which is not policed by GT5 in free run mode even with penalties on (not that we are that worried about that for our series, but just a general advantage). (iv) it's another reason to get together for some fun driving.

The only downside is it takes a little time and scheduling.

So here's how the process works.

  1. 3D3 will schedule several "official" qualification sessions in the days leading up to the race. Given the WRS schedule it'll probably be times scheduled between Sunday and Tuesday prior to the event.
  2. These qualification sessions will consist of 4 lap races observed by a 3D3 racing steward or another assigned admin. The first lap is a tire warm up lap, the 2nd and 3rd are your hot laps and the 4th is a cool down lap.
  3. All drivers will join the lounge and the steward will set up the room to race specs.
  4. All drivers will enter the track and the race countdown will by started immediately.
  5. Once the timer is finished and the race starts all drivers will hold their position on the grid.
  6. The 3D3 steward or assigned observer will release drivers from the grid onto their warmup lap individually in a staggered way so that everyone has ample room on the track. (Other stewards or non qualifying drivers are also invited to observe.)
  7. Each driver warms up tires and comes up to full speed for lap 2 and 3 which are their hot laps.
  8. Depending on the week/format 3D3 will use the best time from the two hot laps or the average time from both laps as the official qualification time.
  9. Anything that would be considered "dirty" by WRS standards will incur a 2 second penalty. e.g. 3 wheels off track or knocking over a marker. Any cutting that would amount to a bigger benefit than 2 seconds would disqualify the lap at the discretion of the steward.
  10. Once the drivers pass the finish line after their final hot lap (after the 3rd lap) the driver should slow and not complete the 4th lap until all drivers complete their final hot lap. This is to prevent the race timer from cutting off the final drivers hot laps.
  11. 3D3 stewards (or volunteers) will review the replays and post results on the thread.

There are other minor details, but that's the gist of it. If timing is an issue we could allow drivers to set up their own quali session as long as they have a non driving 3D3 Registry observer setting up the lounge and administering the session. Depending on the track a single quali session set up this way could support from 6-8 drivers and take no longer than 15-20 minutes from start to finish.

The reason I'm bringing this up now is we'd like to do a pilot test of "super-quali" for the Laguna event. It won't count toward real qualifying this time, but the pilot will allow us to test this quali method, work out any kinks and get feedback from participating test drivers and stewards before we actually commit to using it for a future event.

If the general consensus is that this is too much effort then we'll just drop the idea, but I think it will actually add to the overall fun-factor to use this method once in a while. If it's it's a lot of work it may be once in a "great" while. Of course drivers who cannot attend a quali session can still race, but would start in the back.

Anyone willing to volunteer to run in the pilot test please post here to the thread... we can work out a couple test time slots over the next few days (after PSN comes back online). And/Or maybe we can run a short test during one of our practice sessions next week.
I have driven in the WSGTC but I had mixed feelings about the qualification system. Would be good to try it the 3D3 way though.. 👍
Super Quali looks promising.
Looking forward to that. 👍

Up next:
(go full screen)
The Compilation of The EU Race

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Thanks for the video Speedy 👍

How did some of you guys end up with the trunk and hood open? I saw Hydro with a door missing and thought that was the worst it could get :lol:

Was it possible to drive in cockpit view?
How did some of you guys end up with the trunk and hood open?

I think the replay just makes an easy graphic of it (fixed open), instead of a wobbly hood and trunk.
I didn't see these things during the race. Just the wobbly stuff.
I think the replay just makes an easy graphic of it (fixed open), instead of a wobbly hood and trunk.
I didn't see these things during the race. Just the wobbly stuff.
That would explain it, imagine driving in cockpit with the hood in full view.
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