4th GTPlanet Formula 1 World Championship (Collisions Off)

  • Thread starter fishfash
Much appreciated Fishfash, I have two more questions, the first is are manual gears faster and if so which coontroller setup to use?
Yep manual gears are faster, don't you use them ? Also there is a bug in the game where you can use 4th gear as the lowest gear and still go faster than using gears in the conventional way. I presumed we all do this as it has been discussed many times in previous seasons ?

Also for the controller set up, the best option to choose (from memory) is Type C. It's the option that gives the ability to change the TC and BB with the d-pad.
Thanks mate, I've always been automatic. Also last question, it ust be getting annoying but what is the TC and BB?
Really automatic ? with manual gears and with the 4th gear glitch you could probably 2 seconds faster :crazy:

Oh TC = Traction Control and BB = Brake Bias, surely you must know this or are you winding me up :lol:
I thought you guys used automatic as well but I will now make the switch to manual.

And, yeah of course I know what TC and BB stand for.:scared:
Ha ha, if you could master manual gears, then in my opinion you will be untouchable 👍

You could probably do 1:08's at Monaco with manual :lol:
Thanks, I hope so but how long does it take someone to master manual gears?
And I still reckon you could win a race or 2 even without the wheel.
I won't be doing any practice with the pad so there will be no chance of any more wins.

It took me around 3 weeks of solid gaming every day to get used to manual, and probably a few months until I was comfortable with it and this was with the pad.
3 weeks, blimey, well, hopefully I can pull out a decent race before the end of the championship, perhaps a win but MadAd will seal most of them. I'll try and get used to them and see you on friday. Thanks.
Don't forget about Kak, King, Ginty & that slippery Duck if he shows up, any of these guys can win, and also watch out for Ardius and his consistency :)

Good luck 👍
Don't forget about Kak, King, Ginty & that slippery Duck if he shows up, any of these guys can win, and also watch out for Ardius and his consistency :)

Good luck 👍

Fish, will you be conducting another Championship when this one concludes? I finally received my game yesterday, and would be interested in joining.
After this championship it would be great to another, but thats just my opinion despite how much some races wind me up.
Fish, will you be conducting another Championship when this one concludes? I finally received my game yesterday, and would be interested in joining.

Doesn't look like my team mate will be taking part, he's just doing other things on friday nights so you could join the championship now as my team mate if you wanted.

Also be good to see who can capitalise on Gyles not using the wheel.
Wow GYLES is right, if you can master manual NEV you will be untouchable, the kind of pace you've shown is immense for auto i can't believe it. I personally don't use the 4th gear glitch during the race it would put me off, i use the gears properly. Glad to hear your switching to pad GYLES, you've obviously got this season wrapped up so nothing to worry about there, but by the time next season comes you shud be feeling competetive again on pad :)
Doesn't look like my team mate will be taking part, he's just doing other things on friday nights so you could join the championship now as my team mate if you wanted.

Also be good to see who can capitalise on Gyles not using the wheel.

Many thanks Jordy. What time have the races been taking place recently? With me being in the states, the time difference may play a factor...
Wow nev you have been using automatic gears and setting those times that amazing. I found the switch to manual easy and have gain a second a lap i think. I remember the days when i was automatic and getting lapped by these guys but my performances have come on and i haven't been lapped for over a season and a half.
Wow, automatic and still getting decent times? That's very impressive! Plus, it doesn't take long at all to master gears. It took me one week to make the switch, which coincidentally, was in Turkey lol. The week after Istanbul, I had manual gears figured out no problem, so I don't think it'll take you long at all.

It'll be interesting to see your pace with the pad Gyles, I don't think you'll be as slow as you make out ;). It will be fun to fight for some wins though, and hopefully I can get a few under my belt before the end of the season and if i'm reeeeeaally lucky with race results, and possibly attendance, 3rd place in the Championship isn't impossible lol.

I'm definitely looking forward to what is sure to be a VERY interesting Turkish grand prix! :D
I'm aiming for 3rd in the championship and with this switch over I think it is more than possible, but that means I've got to get in with manual staright away and today I did some laps of Turkey offline and with no car setups managed a 1:26.9, how decent is that considering it is offline as well? And my target is to win a race, I don't care which one but even if it is just 1 race I will fill satisfied because all you guys have emmence speed and consistnecy.
I'm not sure how different the offline times are compared to the online times, especially considering the setups are different I would say. I don't really know what the front running pace will be, but I reckon that you'll be near it. I might go and do some offline times just to compare.
Previous fastest laps:
GTP Championship 1
Pole Position 1'26.621 Gyles
Fastest lap 1'25.745 Gyles
GTP Championship 2 PAL
Pole Position 1'26.8xx Shaggy Alonso
Fastest lap 1'26.501 Shaggy Alonso
GTP Championship 2 NTSC
Pole Position 1'27.149 RACECAR
Fastest lap 1'26.934 RACECAR

Personal Best times for all circuits (offline):

So, yeah, I'd say thats a good lap Nev! :lol:
I've been practicing and I can say that manual gears work like a charm. I think I still have things to learn but overall I'm quite satisfied with my performance.
If that was Shaggy's pace last season, I'm pretty happy with my own pace at the moment! With a little more practice I think I could battle for the win tomorrow, as long as other people aren't even faster, which would be just my luck! Lol.
Hoping Arrows GP are going to get win 1 tonight but all of you are very competitve so we'll have to wait and see.