You're taking your initial bad example and making it even worse. The limits of every single car on the road exceed those same road laws.
By that logic, we'd all still be walking.
I'm not. But what I am saying is exactly what
@CarBastard said: A Ferrari isn't a weapon designed to kill people in large numbers.
If you guys miss the point, that doesn't make the example bad. Nowhere did I suggest that a Ferrari is a lethal weapon. The very notion of such a suggestion is preposterous. I even attempted to clarify that:
Please understand that I wasnt comparing the lethality of a Ferrari to an AR-15.
I am comparing a gun to guns and a car to cars. I'm not comparing a gun to a car or vice-versa. The suggestion by another member was that since a particular gun is not practical for every day use when there are other guns more suited to the roles needed, then it should be banned. I simply pointed out that, by that logic, a particular car that is not suited for practical use (when compared to other cars) should also, therefor be banned. I used a car as this board is closely linked with the culture and I was hoping to make a connection. My estimation was incorrect it seems, I apologize for any confusion you may have experienced.
You're missing the point.
Again. There's no harm in allowing the public to operate an impractical and exaggerate mean of transport, because it's a device meant for transport that accidentally can be deadly (much like anything can be accidentally deadly). There IS harm in allowing the public to operate an impractical and exaggerate mean of killing, because it's a device meant for killing that can only accidentally do something other than killing. See the difference?
Plenty of people operate AR-15's safely every day. I have a friend who currently has two and a number of other guns. He owns a business, is happily married, golf's every weekend, drives a BRZ and hasn't shot anybody yet. Would you be willing to fly up here and tell him he cant own his guns anymore because of some ******* halfway across the country decided to be an even bigger ******* and kill a bunch of innocent people?
Don't worry, he'd probably be pretty cool about it, sell them, and then point out that the remaining guns in his collection are just as lethal. Which will bring me to my last point.
Something shouldn't be illegal just because it's impractical, agree with you there. But something that is impractical AND designed exclusively for killing? That should categorically be illegal.
Yes, but technically, all guns would fall into that category. And since firearms are protected by the second amendment, you open up the argument of banning them all and then running into the 2A issue. Which of these guns would you ban and why? The M4 of course is already illegal to privately own.
The problem is that if you pick any one, then gun owners are afraid you'll get into a slippery slope of "Well then why not that one? And why not that one?" And then all the guns are banned and the constitution as a whole becomes open to interpretation, with all of the other amendments becoming "flexible".
Then there's the manner of the
300 million guns floating around that you'll never manage to collect. That would require tax-payer dollars to get those. Or would you rather the already massive American prison complex become overloaded with what were previously innocent civilians? All of them feeding of taxpayer's money to contribute absolutely nothing in return, only to get out with little to no positive impact on their rehabilitation and statistically fall right back into prison later on. Would you rather American citizens turn on each other in a witch hunt on gun owners? Would you rather the American government try to buy all of those guns back? With what money? Or should they pay to have a veritable army of LEO's and National Guardsmen go door to door and hope they get all of the guns back? How would they find them all?