Sad news indeed, it really hurts to hear about these killings.
Of course, here in Italy the predominant opinion is of course related to the second amendament ( it's too easy to retrieve guns, everyone can buy a gun...and so on.) but in my honest opinion the problem is much more complex and related to a *sigh* cultural and radicalized religious matter.
According to
Pew polling at least one in eight and one on three Muslis believe that suicide bombing can be justified depending on which western nation you look at.
I'm not trying to put one against another, I'm just looking at facts. Perhaps true that this was a lone wolf's doing, you've gotta take notice of the fact that all that was needed is just a single man.
I'm not talking about tha majority of Muslims, i don't wan to offend anyone, but yet again In a 2013 speech Sheikh Sekaleshfar said this regarding gays: “Death is the sentence. We know there’s nothing to be embarrassed about this, death is the sentence...We have to have that compassion for people, with homosexuals, it's the same, out of compassion, let’s get rid of them now.” This shows how "the melting pot" has stuff that won't mix together, and the state can't help one without stigmatizing the other.
I'd hate to be banned, i don't really want to be signaled for "hatespeech" or whatever you call it. I'm just pointing out at written data and opinions so i'd prefer this post to be cancelled instead.