50 dead at Orlando club shooting.

  • Thread starter Dennisch
If there definition of what is right is blowing themselves and killing everyone around them then I don't think the people carrying out these attacks are actually sane.

Let's jump back to 2001!

Remember how a bunch of retards actually learned how to fly a plane, and couldn't be bothered how to land the thing the normal way?
Let's jump back to 2001!

Remember how a bunch of retards actually learned how to fly a plane, and couldn't be bothered how to land the thing the normal way?
If the question here is if I am willing to forgive the terrorists that created 9/11, I'm going to sound like the insane one and say it's 15 years in the past, a lot more stuff is happening now so Yes.
If there definition of what is right is blowing themselves and killing everyone around them then I don't think the people carrying out these attacks are actually sane.
So, you're finally coming towards the point, then. They've shown they offer nothing of value to society but to destroy it.
So, you're finally coming towards the point, then. They've shown they offer nothing of value to society but to destroy it.
but with a lack of sanity, I would think we could attempt to punish and reform them, so they can actually get a grasp of what is right and wrong, instead of just killing them.
but with a lack of sanity, I would think we could attempt to punish and reform them, so they can actually get a grasp of what is right and wrong, instead of just killing them.
The punishment would be death. No justice system in the US or likely in the EU is going to let these people live if caught. You can be damn sure they'd face a horrific death if a Middle Eastern country grabs a hold of them.

Sometimes, some people just need to be put down. That's why we have a thing called the Darwin Awards for when they do it themselves.
With that logic, you can forgive Adolf and his morons too? Because it has been so long?
Don't be so harsh, we should try to understand Adolf's motives, where he was coming from... Maybe he had a troubled childhood? I'm sure deep inside he was a nice guy and at the time of Poland his judgement was a bit clouded. The Brits should have sat down with him for a tea, and we would have never had WW2.

but with a lack of sanity, I would think we could attempt to punish and reform them, so they can actually get a grasp of what is right and wrong, instead of just killing them.
They don't reform, every terrorist that's been in Guantanamo for who knows how long, runs right back after Obama releases them, and they get praised and promotions from IS or whatever group.
I don't think you can stem the actions of Isis with "traditional" counter-terrorism. Sure, guns and bombs will keep them in check, but that's only treating the symptoms. Yes, Isis is a terrorist organization that purports through Islam, but it's largely just a bunch of punks that feed off the region's impoverished and disenfranchised. Why do you think it's growth is so prevalent in Africa, more so than in the Middle East itself? Isis provides such individuals a "means" to do something about their circumstances. As someone said earlier that we should cut all ties to affected regions. I think this is half-right. I think a large part of Isis' "fuel" is that the some of the involved nationals feeling controlled or "pushed on" by foreign influences (Not just Western). Diplomatically I think regions such as the Middle East should be left to their own devices yet economical ties should be retained. You cannot appeal to the downtrodden if there aren't any.
The Brits should have sat down with him for a tea, and we would have never had WW2.

We did... Neville Chamberlain negotiated the Munich Agreement, and Germany immediately invaded Poland.


Depressing events :(

I'm not sure if there's a solution to the weekend's event. The guy who committed the act was born in the US, will have been educated within the US system, and will have experienced US culture/society. He's hardly an immigrant that slipped in to the country to commit his atrocity.

For all the chest beating by Trump (and others), how can you really prevent this sort of act? You can't evict every Muslim already living in the US. You could try to make Islam illegal in the US, but other countries have tried to outlaw religions in the past and it never works... it will simply lead to more people taking up the radical cause and ultimately make things worse.

It's a frustrating feeling to be hurt so badly and not to be able to get justice/revenge, but that's the nature of a 'conflict' like this. It's not war against another country or even an organisation, but against a belief.

Every time The West gets embroiled in Middle East politics it comes back to bite them.
If the question here is if I am willing to forgive the terrorists that created 9/11, I'm going to sound like the insane one and say it's 15 years in the past, a lot more stuff is happening now so Yes.

Yes I would forgive Adolf Hitler, unless if he still commited the crimes against the Jews in which No.

Well...Your logic is terrible, because ISIS is practicing the same type of bull:censored: that Hitler did, which is to murder people because of a specific thing those people have in common. In this case, ISIS has been targeting the Western world, especially the U.S. What Hitler did was target and slaughter over 6 million innocent people because they were Jewish.

To be blunt so you'll understand why everyone is against you, ISIS is trying to commit genocide.
The Brits should have sat down with him for a tea, and we would have never had WW2.

I know you're joking but that actually happened on a good number of occasions. In return a pledge was obtained that, unsurprisingly, he broke.

If the question here is if I am willing to forgive the terrorists that created 9/11, I'm going to sound like the insane one and say it's 15 years in the past, a lot more stuff is happening now so Yes.

So the attacks are becoming greater and stronger but we should do less of the things that work?
Well...Your logic is terrible, because ISIS is practicing the same type of bull:censored: that Hitler did, which is to murder people because of a specific thing those people have in common. In this case, ISIS has been targeting the Western world, especially the U.S. What Hitler did was target and slaughter over 6 million innocent people because they were Jewish.

To be blunt so you'll understand why everyone is against you, ISIS is trying to commit genocide.
I already figured that one out.

What they are doing now, yes we should try to stop them before they do damage however it is concerning me that we might be doing the same amount of damage to stop them so nobody actually wins except for our government.

However if ISIS is stopped, about 10 - 20 Years from when it happens, I would be willing to forgive anyone from ISIS who regrets what occurred and move on from the disaster.
I already figured that one out.

What they are doing now, yes we should try to stop them before they do damage however it is concerning me that we might be doing the same amount of damage to stop them so nobody actually wins except for our government.

However if ISIS is stopped, about 10 - 20 Years from when it happens, I would be willing to forgive anyone from ISIS who regrets what occurred and move on from the disaster.
You've said this twice now. I'd like to start seeing some sources where we've been doing the equivalent amount of damage ISIS does.

To my knowledge, the US & its allies haven't executed 2,000 innocent people in a city for no reason, so that's a start at dispelling your concern.
I mean that as a prediction, sorry again. It really just speculation if we go out and attack like you say.
I mean that as a prediction, sorry again. It really just speculation if we go out and attack like you say.
So you're saying it's wrong to fight ISIS because you believe we may kill innocent people by accident, yes?
I mean that as a prediction, sorry again. It really just speculation if we go out and attack like you say.
When we go out & attack, we're not blindly firing into the first people we see. We do rely on actual information as to where ISIS troops hide & control before attacking. Again, in regards to the damage ISIS has done, we're nowhere close.
Locals in Mosul are punished for everything from smoking to watching football games to adultery with sentences that include lashings, stonings and death. And Hassan, who had heard conflicting reports about his father, hoped that he might still be alive. But he also suspected he might have been murdered by the extremists, whose notions of justice date back to medieval times. The list could be his family’s chance to find out for sure.


As the people came near the walls where the death lists were hanging, members of the ISIS police force checked their identities and temporarily confiscated their phones and cameras. They wouldn't allow anyone to take pictures of the lists—presumably so family members would have to come to check the lists in person.

“Members of the group were heavily armed and they were watching the reactions of the people closely,” Jirjis says. “This meant that anyone who did see the name of a loved one on the list couldn’t even complain or curse those who had murdered them—because they knew that the ISIS members wouldn't hesitate to kill anyone who curses the organization’s name or objects to its verdicts.”
These guys kill people just for watching football & smoking. And then kill anyone who gets mad they killed a relative.

I think your concern is misplaced about us doing equal damage. Yeah, we've gotten pretty strict on smoking laws & getting people to stop, but we definitely aren't murdering people for it....
Well...Your logic is terrible, because ISIS is practicing the same type of bull:censored: that Hitler did, which is to murder people because of a specific thing those people have in common. In this case, ISIS has been targeting the Western world, especially the U.S. What Hitler did was target and slaughter over 6 million innocent people because they were Jewish.

To be blunt so you'll understand why everyone is against you, ISIS is trying to commit genocide.
Just to be clear, Hitler targeted much more than just Jews. He also killed millions of LGBT, gypsies, mentally disabled, artists and much more.
To add to this conversation with my thoughts.
If someone responsible, in whole or in part, for the attacks of September 11th, 2001 came to me and asked for forgiveness, would I forgive them? No. Why? Because I am not the one they should be asking. The people who they need to ask for forgiveness are the families, the friends, the teachers, the students of the people who they helped murder. They need to be asking God for forgiveness. And if they are sentenced to death, they need to accept that that is the the punishment for the acts they committed against humanity. Taking into account that they are, or supposedly are, Muslims we then add the belief of Islam. They committed an act that is so bad that it ranks higher on the list of major sins than even disbelieving in God. They committed murder. The forgiveness is not mine to give.
Similarly, if Hitler were alive and regretted what he did and came to me for forgiveness I would tell him the same thing. The forgiveness is not mine to give. It is down to those who you tortured, the families of those you killed. If they forgive you then that is what you need.
As @Obelisk says, ISIS are committing genocide. In a different way to Hitler yes, but with the same idealogy. Anyone who is not with them and their beliefs is against them. Should they come to me for forgiveness, I cannot grant it. They have to apologise to those they hurt.
Do I care about what happens to ISIS fighters? Only from the standpoint of a human being. Should they stop, then we stop. But if they do not stop, then they must be forcefully stopped from committing the acts they do. My thoughts go out to those people, the innocents, who are trapped in these zones. The innocents who are killed in the ISIS controlled areas by ISIS or by accident in raids by us. The innocents who were killed in France for doing nothing wrong and harming nobody else. The innocents who were killed at the Pulse Club who were hurting noone. Those are the people I am, and we should be, concerned about. ISIS is more political than it is religious in any way. As @McLaren pointed out, they have done nothing but destroy society. That seems to be what they want. We as a collective, progressive world dedicated to having peace between everyone, cannot and must not let this happen. But at the same time, we must not cross the line and forget out morals to fight an immoral enemy, lest we become as bad as them.
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To add to this conversation with my thoughts.
If someone responsible, in whole or in part, for the attacks of September 11th, 2001 came to me and asked for forgiveness, would I forgive them? No. Why? Because I am not the one they should be asking. The people who they need to ask for forgiveness are the families, the friends, the teachers, the students of the people who they helped murder. They need to be asking God for forgiveness. And if they are sentenced to death, they need to accept that that is the the punishment for the acts they committed against humanity. Taking into account that they are, or supposedly are, Muslims we then add the belief of Islam. They committed an act that is so bad that it ranks higher on the list of major sins than even disbelieving in God. They committed murder. The forgiveness is not mine to give.
Similarly, if Hitler were alive and regretted what he did and came to be forgiveness I would tell him the same thing. The forgiveness is not mine to give. It is down to those who you tortured, the families of those you killed. If they forgive you then that is what you need.
That does make a fair point, that I honestly didn't see even though I should've.
This is why i hate ISIS and I hope they vanish as soon as possible. They make people like Trump popular and look what happened now.

Thanks for the generalization.
Wait what?

What does Trump have to do with @mustafur's post and how was he generalising?