50 dead at Orlando club shooting.

  • Thread starter Dennisch
You're right but the problem with night clubs is fact they tend to attract the wrong group of individuals e.g. gangs to mention the frequent drug and typical violence that occurs.
Sounds a bit like you're mentioning this as some sort of justification for what motivated this fruitcake to go in there and shoot up the place.

Doesn't matter if it's a gay nightclub, a concert hall, an office party, an airport lobby, a magazine headquarter, a shopping center, a metro, bus, airplane or train though. You are an infidel and because of that you are a legitimate target for these Islamic extremists wherever you are.
This is why i hate ISIS and I hope they vanish as soon as possible. They make people like Trump popular and look what happened now.

Thanks for the generalization.
What are you on about, there is plenty in that book especially the New testament that if taken completely literal would make you look like ISIS.

Wahhabism essentially takes the book in a complete literal sense, and these people generally believe everything they are doing is right.

The chances that over 4 million people that all believe in this form of Islam are all mentally unstable is ludicrous, it's the belief in what they think is right that gets them to carry this out.
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I woke up today and happened to hear about the bloody shootings in Orlando claiming the lives of about 50 as if it's already a general trend that we have no choice but see off those innocent lives being lost as the "sacrifices" of the stupid acts of some of the idiots, whenever this kind of terrorist attacks happens... This is just so saddening to hear someone has to quit their lives unexpectedly because of that, for whatever motive, but to me what's more sickening is that this kind of tragedy can cloud up people's understanding of what Islam really is and that not all of the Muslims are radicals like we often see on TV or news. :(

And of course since this is about some Islamic Terrorist Group ending life's of plenty Homosexuals, everyone over here started arguing to each other over the social media about who's right and wrong. :ouch:

This year sucked so far, plenty of people had died from various reasons. I hope it get's any better for this point on but it's unlikely. :(

In any of the cases, yes. It's only a handful of morons who resort to such idiocy of doing harms to the others by military forces or other means that are more indirect - by dispatching some of their men to the locals or just like what we have observed just a couple of days before, instigating some of the blokes in that country as "home-grown" terrorists, if not "intentionally" as long as it's their choice to commit the attacks or not.

This sort of shooting accident can be an incitement to Trump willing to carry out the dismissal of those 🤬 towel-heads out of US for safety in case something obnoxious may arise in near future, but it's not always the case and not exactly the wisest decision as not all of them are addle-brained murderers, for sure as already said above.
Sounds a bit like you're mentioning this as some sort of justification for what motivated this fruitcake to go in there and shoot up the place.

Doesn't matter if it's a gay nightclub, a concert hall, an office party, an airport lobby, a magazine headquarter, a shopping center, a metro, bus, airplane or train though. You are an infidel and because of that you are a legitimate target for these Islamic extremists wherever you are.

Tell me this but how many people do you personally know that have been affected by night club violence. I can tell you that I had a close friend who was stabbed to death at a club and a cousin(my godmother niece )who was senselessly killed by a stray bullet at a club.

That said this nothing to do with terrorism.
I don't think it is uncommon for someone to return to their childhood religion after leaving it as a young adult.

If his father is any indication, it wasn't very mainstream.

Maybe going total nut job jihad was his way of trying to atone for his own homosexual sins.
Consider changing the title because:
49 victims, the 50th dead is the shooter himself...

RIP to all

PS: gun control must now be enforced by forbidding all semi-auto sales
You don't view the right to protect your life as best you see fit as a logical extension of the right to life?
No I do what's your point, many things much more powerful then guns are banned where is the outcry for those.
I would rather they do more checks on the people buying the guns then simply banning one type of gun.

But both would be better.

Gun bans let alone background checks do absolutely nothing to alleviate gun violence hence why I'm against them.

Anyhow people should stop citing Australia as an example of effective gun control and why? Given the flawed nature of reporting crimes I'm quite there are ton of gun related incidents however given the inconsistent manner of how crimes are reported none of these are never reported.

BTW the right to protect ones life falls under the right to protects ones private property hence the importance of the 2nd Amendment...America fake constitutional lawyer/professor Obama fails at this.
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Gun bans let alone background checks do absolutely nothing to alleviate gun violence hence why I'm against them.

Anyhow people should stop citing Australia as an example of effective gun control and why? Given the flawed nature of reporting crimes I'm quite there are ton of gun related incidents however given the inconsistent manner of how crimes are reported none of these are never reported.
And you know this because you have looked up what facts?
No I do what's your point, many things much more powerful then guns are banned where is the outcry for those.
Hmm, we might need to find a professed libertarian and ask them....

@mustafur Many things much more powerful than guns are banned. Where is the outcry for those?

Anyhow people should stop citing Australia as an example of effective gun control and why? Given the flawed nature of reporting crimes I'm quite there are ton of gun related incidents however given the inconsistent manner of how crimes are reported none of these are never reported.
I think you haven't a clue what life is like here. I actually think that the law changes did stuff all to curb gun crime in Australia, and that it's a prime example of correlation does not equal causation - but that doesn't make your insinuations any less ridiculous.
As for Australia (the same which can be said about Japan) you do understand like most places crimes go either the under or unreported..
If it happens here, then surely it happens in equal measure in the United States. Where is your evidence that it doesn't happen in America?
So where's the evidence you're using to assess the Australian jurisdiction? Commonly accepted by whom?
I assume that it will be something along the lines of "gun control is against the Second Amendment, so any attempt to control guns will of course result in misleading statistics".

Let's see... a gay, alcoholic muslim with an overbearing, political father and bipolar/aggression disorders? So he becomes radicalized against everything he was, and goes murder-suicide mode so that he can go to sand heaven as a "martyr"?

The statement in itself would be laughable if it was not so sad that 49 people were murdered at his hand. He goes from someone who had a dealing between himself and God, to someone who must now answer for the murders and pain he caused to others. Interesting way for him to get to heaven.