Shooting At Munich Shopping Centre Germany

  • Thread starter Robin
Silly man, you don't think the facts can get in the way of an anti-gunner with the bit between his/her teeth do you?:sly:
Please let us know when one turns up on this thread. The only people talking about guns here have all been pro-gun as far as I can see.
I wonder what this will do to Merkel's approval rate.

In 2 weeks time 3 attacks, 2 involving poor "refugees".
I wonder what this will do to Merkel's approval rate.

In 2 weeks time 3 attacks, 2 involving poor "refugees".
:censored:ing 🤬, this counter can't gain even a week lately.
If you're going to import millions of economic sex tourists into your country then one should be prepared for the cultural enrichment they bring with them. The blood is on your hands Merkel.
:censored:ing 🤬, this counter can't gain even a week lately.

Out of interest, when did it last gain a week? I thought there'd been roughly two a day since 2001?

If you're going to import millions of economic sex tourists into your country then one should be prepared for the cultural enrichment they bring with them. The blood is on your hands Merkel.

Has she organised British trips to Magaluf or something?
Please let us know when one turns up on this thread. The only people talking about guns here have all been pro-gun as far as I can see.
And I never said any different. It was a general statement, not meant for anyone in particular.
Has she organised British trips to Magaluf or something?
"Cultural enrichment" as a derisive comment about immigration comes from Stormfront, a white nationalist/supremacist and neo-nazi forum. It's used essentially any time someone who isn't white commits a crime, idea being that "the left" preaches diversity and the end result is non-whites murdering people in majority white countries. That's without even addressing the part characterizing millions of people displaced by the Syrian civil war as "economic sex tourists".

And no I don't think the guy is a Stormfront user or a neo-nazi, but I think it's really scary how pervasive throwaway memes and talking points from white nationalist forums have become online, even in a board like this with heavy moderation.
You make this sound so easy because every 18 year old of his characteristics would be presumed to have a gun and go on to murder people in broad daylight.

Not at all as I said IF he had visitors and they noticed a serious change in his behaviour or IF they knew he had a gun and could be a danger with his state of mind it could have been reported and maybe just maybe of been prevented.
With all the different versions of events on this I don't know if he was fine one day and lost the plot the next so I was just summarising not stating.

The person had no terrorist links or a criminal record and had used a hacked Facebook account so this had merely made him invisible to the authorities. So no he couldn't of been watched.
If he did do this then granted he couldn't have been watched. I said if he had been reported if his behaviour was different to his normal ways he could have been watched, It wasn't reported and he as you said deliberately tried to look invisible. If anyone of his family or friends had seen what he was doing they could have reported it then he would have been visible and possibly watched.

And, what source did you get these statistics from?
Out of my own perception on people I know who own guns. I believe what I see more then some book of statistics and come to my own decision on it. May be not correct a lot of the time but what you see with your own eyes is more believable than what you hear others say when making your own decision on something.

A credible one, a justin credible one

Oh dear! You can go on Twitter and stalk people legally you know 👍
Report the post if you feel there is an issue. I simply made a joke.

Issue! Dude I have never reported a post in my life anywhere it's just a bit of fun on an internet site.
We all have a serious side and a fun side I don't mind which is fired at me in replies I couldn't take offence if I tried it's just banter or even if someone is trying to be harmful or insulting it's just words, sticks and stones and all that.
peace my brother 👍
Out of my own perception on people I know who own guns. I believe what I see more then some book of statistics and come to my own decision on it.
So that constitutes you to saying that all people have the same mental state to people you know that own guns so again please look up the Dunblane incident which lead to the ban on all handguns in the UK.

Issue! Dude I have never reported a post in my life anywhere it's just a bit of fun on an internet site.
We all have a serious side and a fun side I don't mind which is fired at me in replies I couldn't take offence if I tried it's just banter or even if someone is trying to be harmful or insulting it's just words, sticks and stones and all that.
peace my brother 👍
He was only responding to the load of rubbish you were claiming.
And I never said any different. It was a general statement, not meant for anyone in particular.
The guy you replied to was specifically referring to this thread. It's just that I had to check because when I and others complained about the Nice thread getting hijacked I got an angry "don't get salty because you anti gun people do it all the time" response.
So that constitutes you to saying that all people have the same mental state to people you know that own guns so again please look up the Dunblane incident which lead to the ban on all handguns in the UK.

He was only responding to the load of rubbish you were claiming.

Eh? What's the mental state of other people got to do with the people I was referring to who own guns?

Thomas Hamilton was crazy deranged and damn right evil I don't have to look it up it is etched in my memory for ever, but if he was planning to do what he did and didn't own a gun he could have easily got guns illegally. I think it the person holding the gun who is responsible for firing it not the gun for just being a gun.
The ban on hand guns was an acceptable law but lets be honest here it hasn't stopped the criminals who use them to cause harm getting hold of one.
Again I meant the people I know who own guns personally were good honest people and they are, Now I know and you know any of them could wake up tomorrow and lose the plot and use the guns wrongly.
I hope not and judging by a hell of a lot of people own guns and never do harm to anyone is it fair to remove them all from society in case a minority lose the plot and use them wrongly?
If a loon wants to kill they can get hold of guns machetes Tasers if there legal or not.

The bit in bold really pal you don't need to stick up for a buddy it was a joke and when he said report it if there is an issue I fell of the chair laughing. The rubbish I was claiming is an opinion obviously not the same as yours and whatever his name is but it's not a big deal opinions differ it's the way of the world and keeps us all different. No stresses 👍
Justin, You somehow get that 99% of all those who own guns are 'sensible and trustworthy', so say that out of the UK's population 500 people have a gun in their posetion, 1% is 5 people... How many people can 1 kill, as we've seen 9 were killed by 1, 2 can kill 18, 3 can kill 27, 4 can kill 36, 5 can kill 45..... A 'minority' can impact in large manner.
The ban on hand guns was an acceptable law but lets be honest here it hasn't stopped the criminals who use them to cause harm getting hold of one.
Just an 'acceptable one'? So how many lives have been lost by the use of the handgun since the amendment was put in place in 1997?
Justin, You somehow get that 99% of all those who own guns are 'sensible and trustworthy', so say that out of the UK's population 500 people have a gun in their posetion, 1% is 5 people... How many people can 1 kill, as we've seen 9 were killed by 1, 2 can kill 18, 3 can kill 27, 4 can kill 36, 5 can kill 45..... A 'minority' can impact in large manner.

No No Danny I said out of the about 30 people I know personally 99% of them are sensible and trustworthy, One I don't have much respect for but that doesn't mean he is a bad person more of a clash of personalities.
I accept your figures and agree a minority can impact in a large manner but I was only speaking of the people I know personally not the whole of the UK gun holding population. It would be great to minimise the amount of guns in the UK to zero but even then they would get in to the hands of criminals. Drugs do and other illegal stuff does and it shows no sign of stopping unfortunately.
Just an 'acceptable one'? So how many lives have been lost by the use of the handgun since the amendment was put in place in 1997?

I don't know but it's to many. What I would like to see is out of the people who have been shot since the amendment how many of the guns were legal that they were shot with. Rhys Jones Nicola Hughes and Fiona Bone are the first ones which come to mind and I'll wager the guns were illegally held by the gunman. no one would give someone like Dale Cregan a licence to hold a gun.
Anyone want do some homework and come up with a figure for us.

Losing life to a gunman is unacceptable but when the guns are in the hands of killers illegally it is not the fault of decent gun owners. Yes a lot of the guns which end up on the black market are stolen from legal gun holders but thousands come from abroad illegally and straight in to the hands of criminals. And it's criminals who steal the guns from legal owners again the fault of the criminal not the legal gun holder and if there was no guns to steal they would be bought off unscrupulous dealers on the black market.
You would honestly think someone like me who has had his legs peppered with buck shot would be all for banning guns.
I am not because the guy holding the gun was responsible and young and daft and didn't realise how much damage could have been done if he had been closer to me. He is still a mate and learned his lesson when my old fella gave him a good slapping, Again the gun fell in to the wrong hands who's to blame for that? the robbers who tried robbing somewhere then dumped the gun in an attempt to get away, criminals again.
I ask this of you if you went swimming in the sea in Australia and got bitten by a shark would you want all sharks killed as there dangerous? or would you like to see tighter beach patrol Helicopters etc to keep an eye open for any sharks in the vicinity.
German police have arrested a 16-year-old Afghan friend of the German-Iranian gunman who killed nine people in Munich on Friday. There is suspicion he may have been an accomplice and failed to report the gunman's plans. The 16-year-old Afghan youth has been arrested for possibly having failed to report the plans of the gunman, according to a police statement issued on Sunday. "There is a suspicion that the 16-year-old is a possible tacit accomplice to [Friday's] attack," police said in a statement. "We suspect that this boy aged 16 years could have been aware of the act."

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