500pp Club. Closed

  • Thread starter CTR Driver
Sorry I had to exit early guys, but real life threw up a dilemma. Was very happy with my quali pace, and was looking forward to a great race. Bit of damage early on led to a pit stop for repairs. Unfortunately though, too many distractions at home forced my retirement. Great event though Gary, well done.
Well. I had a false start and as a result goodwolf ran into the back of me, causing major damage to both rear wheels and engine. Cue a first lap crawling round to get to the pits. I spend the next 12-15 laps playing leap frog/chasing down Tehlotus Alex and Ade.
Theewar, capt.d and goodwolf were on fire and Ade put in a good qualifying lap. It's a shame he had to retire. I would have quite enjoyed going toe to toe with him.

Really great event! Loved it!
To bad I had to drive the entire race with damaged car. Suzuka got it easy this time.
There is strictly no right or wrong way to join. It's nice to see that this thread still gets some interest. I received your friend request the other night @BinaryPilot thank you for referencing 500pp club. It saved me some confusion.
I will send you a friend request at some point soon @RockMoo57 but if you like you too could send one to GC255.

Keep an eye on the thread as I should be updating the OP over the next couple of days with the next track, chosen by @theewar and if I have enough time some pictures in post two as well.
The Next track is chosen

Next Calendar Event

Additional lounge/Track settings
Grip: Real
Damage: Heavy
Penalties: Off
Track time: 15:00
Time progression: 7
Weather at start: 0%
Weather changability: N/A
Tyres: Sports Hard
Fuel/Tyre depletion: Normal
Grid: Slowest first
Please bear in mind that potentially faster drivers will be behind you. You will not be required to move out of their way but practice good race craft and use good judgement.
Don't let a 30 second battle ruin two or more peoples races
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Hi GC.

There are a couple of cars in GT6 which I consider “cheat” cars.

The Ford Focus RS and the Mazda RX500 ’70.

Whats your view on these cars in relation to these races?

No car is strictly "off limits" except the X-bow, the only rule regarding car choices is, aside from the no concept, race, rally and tuner cars, that should you win you cannot use the same car for the following race.
I try to post my lap time and sometimes so do some of the others here.
Currently I've managed 2:08-2:11, so I would expect the times for the best drivers here to be around 2:04, maybe even as low as 2:00.
I always try to use my S2000 to give a baseline for everyone to compare to.

Hypothetically, if you do use one of the "cheat" cars and are much faster than the times others are getting, you could be in for quite a lonely race.
The onus is on you to use your best judgement about your need to use driver aids or a "cheat" car.
This is supposed to be casual and fun at the end of the day. You can make your own challenges for yourself. For example running no ABS, or turning off SRF if your an absolute beginner.
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No car is strictly "off limits" except the X-bow, the only rule regarding car choices is, aside from the no concept, race, rally and tuner cars, that should you win you cannot use the same car for the following race.
I try to post my lap time and sometimes so do some of the others here.
Currently I've managed 2:08-2:11, so I would expect the times for the best drivers here to be around 2:04, maybe even as low as 2:00.
I always try to use my S2000 to give a baseline for everyone to compare to.

Hypothetically, if you do use one of the "cheat" cars and are much faster than the times others are getting, you could be in for quite a lonely race.
The onus is on you to use your best judgement about your need to use driver aids or a "cheat" car.
This is supposed to be casual and fun at the end of the day. You can make your own challenges for yourself. For example running no ABS, or turning off SRF if your an absolute beginner.
Didn't know about the X-Bow, darn.
Now that we are in summer time in Europe. Which one is it? GMT or BST? :)
Current we are BST (GMT+1). I think you are 2 hours ahead of me but for reference I'm posting this at 13:17 my time, your time will show in the top left "et voilà" You have your time conversion.
That is what I thought, just making sure 👍

In addition to my tuned S2000 I have also been tuning this for few days now. I hope I do not need to add a wing to be competetive in it. Kinda breaks the aesthetics of it in my opinion :embarrassed:


This looks great, I've been looking for racing on sunday afternoons for a while now. Look for me in my red 3400S.
This looks great, I've been looking for racing on sunday afternoons for a while now. Look for me in my red 3400S.
I will send a friend request when i next get chance. Alternately you could send one to GC255.

Anyway, It's been too long. Here are my pictures from suzuka.

A light grid of 7 this time around. Lets hope no one fumbles their start :guilty:

It's the Stigs french cousin

Ade on aproach to 130R

Goodwolf wearing his damage well. though you'd never have guessed he was.

Captain and Theewar at degner 1



GC255 in another off track excursion

Theewar making moves on the run to Casio

And making it stick

Maybe its something about white cars?

Definitely something about white cars


Theewar taking the flag
After two hours of testing I've decided to use a Lotus Evora instead, tuned to 348hp and 1200kg. Only a little less powerful than the Ruf, but much lighter.
After two hours of testing I've decided to use a Lotus Evora instead, tuned to 348hp and 1200kg. Only a little less powerful than the Ruf, but much lighter.
There's no requirement here to declare your car. You can keep it secret until the race, just like me :sly::lol:
After two hours of testing I've decided to use a Lotus Evora instead, tuned to 348hp and 1200kg. Only a little less powerful than the Ruf, but much lighter.
I always die a little inside when I read this stuff...everybody seems to be missing the point of the club.

Maybe I should also start going for the fastest cars...
The lighter cars do get some advantage in the PP and Lotus makes a good use of that. My car 500g heavier I think :)

Isnt the goal of this club to set your own goal? :)
The lighter cars do get some advantage in the PP and Lotus makes a good use of that. My car 500g heavier I think :)

Isnt the goal of this club to set your own goal? :)
Sure you set your own goals to be on descent pace. Going for the fastest car at 500PP settings is bogus thought. I started out with the RX-7, deemed it too fast for the group, downgraded to the RX-8, which turned out a bit quicker, and now run a Evo X. Sure I've tested the RGT, NSX, Elise and Evora, at the meeting at Brands Hatch all of those cars where capable to run 3 seconds faster each lap than the Evo. But what is the point of being 2-4seconds per lap quicker than the remaining field? In a competitive series sure, in a fun club for close racing it should be my top priority to chose a car that will generate a close grid.

I respect the members that bring more exotic or pet cars to the grid, even if they are slower.
There's no requirement here to declare your car. You can keep it secret until the race, just like me :sly::lol:

I know, I just didn't want to confuse anyone by showing up in a different car.

I'd rather be in a club like this because it's more lax than most racing series, which have more rules.

I just found out I might be going on a PCA drive sunday, not 100% sure I'll be here.
That is the second time you mention sunday... I am confused. The date is June 7th right? That is saturday, no?:confused:

Unless that is Kentucky, Australia?
Oops, that is saturday. Which means I really will be able race. I've found a car even better than the Lotus, but I'm going to keep it a secret because others will copy my idea. I'm fairly certain that nobody else knows the tuning potential of this car.