My Results so far...
Road Track Indy
127.798 dr_slump GT-R SpecV (Academy)
128.416 ACSR421 Ford GT No stripe '05
128.454 CSLACR R8 4.2 '07
128.852 madmyk GT-R SpecV (Academy)
129.425 DigitalBaka Murcielago SV '09
129.496 C-Zeta (V16T91) Murcielago SV '09
129.601 VTiRoj (RojjieE) 458 Italia '09
129.670 Praiano63 ZZII '00
129.844 chrystalbuds Zonda C12S 7.3 '02
129.887 Dylan Murcielago SV '09
129.993 GfxJG GT-R SpecV '09
130.205 Desperado67 Cien Concept '02
130.842 Milldrum Nuvolari quattro '03
130.951 BigBerry 430 Scuderia '07
131.081 CyKosis1973 SLS AMG '10
131.217 brave bear RX-7 '02
132.028 akmuq SLR McLaren '09
132.490 Krenkme 300C '05
134.607 -raVer- Vantage '99
Superspeedway Indy
49.815 Desperado67 Cien Concept '02
49.821 CSLACR R8 4.2 '07
50.162 Praiano63 ZZII '00
50.618 bigberry 430 Scuderia '07
50.643 DigitalBaka Murcielago SV '09
50.936 Dylan Murcielago SV '09
51.045 ACSR421 Ford GT No Stripe '05
51.159 C-Zeta Murcielago SV '09
51.287 madmyk GT-R SpecV (Academy)
51.484 dr_slump GT-R SpecV (Academy)
51.502 chrystalbuds Zonda C12S 7.3 '02
51.534 RoJJieE 458 Italia '09
52.048 GfxJG GT-R SpecV '09
52.268 Milldrum Nuvolari quattro '03
52.824 CyKosis1973 SLS AMG '10
52.883 Krenkme 300C '05
53.238 brave bear RX-7 '02
53.427 akmuq SLR McLaren '09
53.590 -raVer- Vantage '99
I'll make a few notes below, as I don't think I'll have time to make a full video this time around. The Road Track takes me quite a while to get a clean lap, so I'm already feeling like I'm not going to give each car enough time by the deadline. (And there's still the oval!!)
Session 1:
DigitalBaka's Murc run was a bit of a fluke - I got it on my second lap with my 1st lap ghost lagging far behind, then just couldn't beat it again. I felt that Dylan's car should have been just as competitive (both were a dream to drive) but just couldn't get that one wrinkle ironed out of my best lap.
GfxJG's GT-R, also an awesome car to drive. Couldn't quite keep the gas floored from the final exit on to the oval so it may have lost those fractions there. Definitely seeing a 4WD advantage here.
Milldrum's Nuvolari - I've never really liked this car much haha, so I was impressed with the time I got out of it. Drives very nice and not at all like I remembered.
BigBerry's Scuderia is the fastest non-4wd so far. Lovely car to drive, ended up running quite a few consistent laps with it, I just wish they were faster. This often seems to be the case with the Scuderia and me, I don't know why and it's too bad because the car appeals to me so much more than the 458.
CyKosis1973's SLS is my consolation prize for no one entering a Vette

The "European Corvette" handled very very nicely and easily beat my own tuned Z06, so there.
Krenkme's 300C - Whooooo! What a rush!! This car is packing way more power than it can handle, and it's incredibly fun. I was expecting a nightmare, but it really wasn't too bad, even if it sounded like it was going to explode at any minute. Surprisingly, had no trouble keeping it floored exiting on to the oval.
-raVer-'s Vantage - another driving challenge! Whoa, I think I fell off the track a record number of times with this. A great test of skill and I failed, haha. I'm guessing it was tuned to clean up on the oval so I'll see how it compares there.
Session 2:
Praiano63's ZZII - I remember trying this car for the first time months ago for a few offline races. My first thoughts were hey what a deal, WOW this thing is fast, and OMG the understeer! Whether real or imagined, when I tried out Praiano's car, understeer just didn't seem much of a problem. It wasn't until I was shaving off those final fractions that I started to notice it hampering my efforts on the hairpins a bit, but no more so than any of the other 4WDs. Still an awesome ride, great time for me, great fun.
chrystalbuds Zonda - Ok. Zondas and I have a problem, we just don't like each other that much. I'm a DS3 user and it's a rocket ship pretending to be a car. So sure enough, I slid and slipped and spun my way around the track, restarting several times until I finally survived all the way around. And then I looked at the clock and was like whaaaaat?? So I hacked away at it a few 10ths and 100ths more until I had what was then my 3rd best time(!) This car is fast!! Too bad I suck!!
akmuq's SLR McLaren - After driving a couple of kinda-cars-but-not-really-cars, it was great to drive some straightforward German muscle. Very comfortable, sounds great and out of all the cars so far, handled those hairpins the most gracefully. One of my favourite rides, but alas, I think the car itself is a bit slow and I couldn't leverage the awesome cornering enough to pull off a good time.
madmyk's GT-R Academy - Whoa, whoa, whoa hold the presses! a 1:28?? I thought I'd end up locked in the 129's and out of nowhere comes this incredible GT-R!! To be honest I did not find this the most enjoyable car to take through all the hairpins... but the time speaks for itself.
Session 3:
Desperado's Cien Concept kicked off today's session and I was wondering if I shouldn't have chosen something a little easier, but it snapped me into concentration mode pretty quickly. Holy smokes this car is FAST! Fastest one yet I think, getting over 200mph on the straight! Tricky to drive, but finally put together an okay lap with it. Cool car and best paint job
brave bear's RX-7 - brave bear is brave, I didn't even know this car could hit 600pp! Tough to manage the understeer at times and maybe a bit too much power for this car(?) but not too bad to handle. A good lap time considering what it is, and could have been faster but I just couldn't drive it cleanly enough.
ACSR421's Ford GT - WHERE has this car been all my life?? My jaw dropped when i got a 1:29.2 with my first blind run. Next run I disqualified by slamming into the wall at the end, but still beat my previous best with the GT-R. Then got a clean lap and beat that time. And after a few more tries beat it again, and again after that. Not as easy to handle as a GT-R or the Murc but soo damn fast!
CSLACR's R8 4.2 - So very close to the GT

But had I beaten it I would have gone back and improved the GT again because I kinda left it with a lot of errors, where as the R8 was such an easy drive. This time came after methodically cutting off smaller and smaller fractions of a second until I couldn't find any more to cut. In a race I'd pick this R8 over the GT.
Session 4:
VTiRoj's Italia was a great way to kick off my final Road Course session, this car is a lot of fun. Very quick, and a very quick time for me with a RWD car. Took a bit of work to get used to the car (like all other RWD cars on this track) but once I did, the laps started cleaning up nicely. Would be a great car to really spend some time with to learn the track, alas there are others to be run yet.
C-Zeta's Murcielago turned out to be an evenly matched competitor for the Italia. Very similar times to the other Murcs as well. And the bull beats the horse just by a hair. The Lambos overall should probably have scored a bit higher from me, I just find them too easy to slide on corners; a bit "wobbly" and hard to predict when you've actually slowed enough to take a corner. Still, a damn fast car.
Finally, dr_slump's GT-R - Well. What can I say about this one?

I did not expect to get my best time on the last car at all, but by about the 3rd lap I knew I would have my first 1:27, and it was pretty exciting. All I really needed was that one clean lap. But I got a little overexcited and messed up stupidly a bunch of times haha. Eventually though I relaxed, took a deep breath, and ran that clean lap. WHY is this car so fast? I don't know, it just was. Great work, Doctor