at 60fps, there's not.
not even at 30fps.
which is why games now have to incorporate Motion Blur technologies into games to make them seem more realistic. Motion Blur is the unfortunate afterbirth of high frame rates.
when something is moving at high speed, things blur naturally except for what you're focused on or anything that's moving at the same pace as you.
the higher the frame rate, the less this blur happens because images are sent faster.
it's like a high speed shutter on a camera. moving at the same rate, a high speed camera will take a cripser image, but it loses the sense of speed you get from a lower speed camera because there's less blur.
moving at 60fps, things around your car (the walls of the track, the people in the stands, etc) are clearer images than at 30fps, but that's totally unnatural. so game developers, along with other mediums who say higher frame rates are better, have to develop motion blur to make it seem more real. a resource that could be used elsewhere as well.
60fps is not better. you can't process the images that fast. all 60fps does is make the things you're moving passed more crisp. the motion will still be as fluid at 30fps.
so you're wasting resources on updating images quicker than you need to, and you're also wasting resources on Motion Blur to make the things you see more clearly at 60fps... blurry.
when you're moving around in a 3D world (let's use Indy Speedway since i'm doing that endurance race right now), the faster you move through it, the more the other objects in that 3D world are blurred. your car is not static on the track, the track and the grandstands are static. moving around in this 3D world would have the same effects of moving around on the real thing.
This is a load of crap. Motion blur is implemented for games with lower framer rates, not higher. You are missing the whole point of 60FPS, it is to make the game look more fluid and natural, not to make it unnatural. Games at 30FPS use motion blur to make the game look smoother. The motion of things moving by are more crisp as it is more fluid and not have added motion blur. Motion blur is not used in higher FPS unless for effects such as crashing but games with lower FPS use it to smooth over the jerkiness.
FINALLY someone who isn't part of the 'bt 60 is teh Bigger Numba than 30' gang.
60FPS is better for every game. However due to console limitations most game are made to run at 30FPS to have higher graphics detail. This is why people are complaining about GT5 shadows as they had to comprise them to make it run at 60FPS.
The eyes see anything above 25 fps as motion. At 60 you arent seeing half the frames. Our eyes arent quick enough to notice the difference.
Ive never gone back to play an old game (GT1 for example) and said "OMG this is unplayable at only 50fps, it looks like it is jerking all the time."
Eyes can distinguish a difference between 100FPS to 200FPS in video game motion so anything above 25FPS will be easy to tell the difference from. GT5 the FPS is much more important as it can have life like driving physics and the game drops down to 50 at some points I believe. Anything above 40FPS will look much better than 30FPS in terms of smoothness.
Well yes, by definition it's correct but that doesn't mean much. It could be 10 x 1080 and still be 1080p but that's gravy.
I can see the benefit of 1080p over 720p but in actual gameplay GT5 doesn't even have the power to make anywhere near the most of it.
Ironically 720p would probably make the shadows look a little bit less crap
You do realise GT5 does have separate video modes, 720p and 1080p, the 720p has 2x more AA than 1080p. 1080p will look sharper on screens that have a native resolution of 1080p.
Because suckers buy into it and go OMFG 60FPS?
60FPS in console games is rare. Most games are actually 30FPS on console however due to raw power of mid to high end PCs, these games can run at 1920x108p at 60FPS full detail and AA. However on consoles due to hardware limitations, developers use 30FPS to have higher graphics fidelity. The difference of developing GT5 at 30FPS, is better weather effects, 3D trees, better textures, more AA and no fuzzy shadows but PD made the compromise to get 60FPS as people who will play this game as a sim will be calling for PD’s heads (Not literally) if they did make it at 30FPS.
On a side note, this whole discussion about there being no difference between 30FPS and 60FPS is one big face-palm. It is a no-brainer for most, but some are trying to make others deluded about the issue. There is a huge difference; if you can’t see it then you may have problems with perceiving motion.
I don’t mind the fact the graphics had to be compromised as I would much prefer 60FPS. I am also happy that PD took the decision to go to such detail on Premium cars as they will ready for PS4 and PS5 gen. If they can render them at 18MP and look very good at the moment then they will not get outdated in terms of graphics quality for any gen, unless TV screens have super high-res displays in the future 15-30 years time.