First off, let's all calm down. No need for rash comments.
This is actually an interesting thread, and I think that, no matter who you're backing, there's a lot to be learned.
There's a miscommunication here: It seems to me, some of you are talking about motion re: the human visual system, while some of you are concerned about reaction time and the resolution of the controls.
If you take the 'visual system' perspective, it's easy to see that JBTurbo et al are correct. This is backed by a considerable body of literature (NOT pop articles, I'm talking about major contributions from the field of cognitive neuroscience).
If you take the reaction time re: control resolution perspective, it will SEEM like 60fps is naturally better. This is a misconception, and a result of not dissociating these two issues.
So less angry comments, less ego tripping, and let's listen to each other. I think there's much to be learned either way.
JBTurbo.... I'm gonna go out on a limb and assume you're a cognitive neuroscience researcher?
.... actually it's a fairly short limb I'm going out on.... a stump really