- 1,467
- Invercargill
- Lion-Face
120hz is NOT just a the sense that it makes things smoother...mostly yes...but they do offer something that youre completely glossing over and that is native 24p support...Movies are filmed at 24fps...and therefore should be displayed at such...a TV running at 120hz or 240hz does not have to perform a 3:2 pulldown of the 24fps material and can display it natively...this is a BIG DEAL and not just a marketing gimmick...older 60hz sets CANNOT do this because obviously 24 does not divide into 60 evenly...
120hz is a gimmick, I have a KLV46V300 (KDL46V3000 for the digital tuner version) which does native 24p support and doesn't have any motion gimmicks.
The best TV was, and probably still is the Pioneer Kuros. Panasonic Plasma haven't even come up to where Pioneer were back 3-4 years ago. The 2nd best TV would have to have been the 2009 Sony X series with it's local dimming RGB LED Backlit LCD. It has been the only TV to come close to what the Pioneers could do for a picture. The more recent Local dimming LED Tv's don't hold a candle to what that X series could do.
As for the topic at hand....
I have said in other threads that 1080p in my opinion was the best. 720p I find you get a lot more jagged edges on the dials/hud etc which I think looks ugly. At 720p I think the game looks artificially sharp as it seems like what a TV does when you bump up the sharpness setting, and I don't believe it looks right.
99% of games, when they output a 720p signal look great at 720p and don't look any different when forced to run at 1080p. GT5 is different in the fact that it's outputting 1280x1080 resolution signal. Sure you are upscaling to fill in the blanks to 1920x1080p (which is what the PS3 does internally with its scaler) But it also has to downscale to 720p from 1280x1080, which IMO is where the difference comes in, even with the extra AA. I think even 1080i on a 720p LCD or Plasma tv looks better than 720p.