On one hand I like the test since it familiarizes you the the tracks, notably the "new ones". But they are such a chore. I opted not to transfer anything from my GT3 save, wanting to "play the game" in it's entirety. I'm currently 4 gold and the rest silver on the B license and hammering 10 golds so far on the A license. Once I started the A tests I began getting into them. The B tests seemed harder to gold than the A tests to me. The few B's I golded were done within 3-4 attempts with the first typically being a silver, hence the push for gold. The A test I was able to get golds within 3-4 tries with the exception of only a couple. One of the full laps with the pace car was pretty tough. Can't remember which one.
Day day I picked up the game the Boss kept me working late, so I didn't get started until9:00 or so. All I could complete in licensing was the B test before the tempatation of what the InGame looked like was killing me. So I cleared the Sunday Cup with the Kusabi from the Silvers on the B test. The car looks like some kind of Halo personnel carrier or something but the thing drives great. The Sunday Cup was little challenge. I tried the FF challenge with the Lupo, hoping for more competition, I got hammered. After 4 tries, the best I could do is 2nd. Dumped all my cash on the Lupo, mistake one being that I got all mediocre upgrades instead of concentrating on getting the best a little at a time. I was looking at having to rerun Sunday a dozen times to get enough cash to purchase better HP upgrades, so I restarted. I am currently at the point on test above. I've cleared the Cup again, and the Kusabi, with a mere FC tranny blasted the FF challenge.
On an additional note. WARNING TO ALL THAT BUY GT4. You will have no life when you start this game. I freaking love it. I have been up until 2:00 the last two nights playing. Slip a couple of hours parousing the message boards during the work day. And can't wait to get home to dive back in. Needless to say the wife is not toooo happy.
Gotta get back to work.