A.I. way too aggressive

  • Thread starter capt_slow
I haven’t noticed any aggressive behaviour. Perhaps it depends on the type of cars they are using, or their skill level?

Here’s an example of how it looks at my end:

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The AI at Sardegna 800 will always try to swerve into you, spin you out through a PIT maneuver, or brake check you.

I know. I've done the race god knows how many times. :D

They don't try to pit manoeuvre you intentionally, as they're on rails.obliviousky/ignorantly following their set course regardless of you.

Good thing is it's extremely easy to avoid ie never go down right side of them before pit lane on the straight.
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Yup. After the last update I thought that it's pretty cool that they spiced up the AI a bit, but after a week long grinding session on Le Mans I can only agree... It got worse.
Specially Healy... At least for me