A letter to SCEE

  • Thread starter XPOWER180
Wrong angle, you cant go at it with the angle of "Im grinding the same race 10million times so i can get lvl40 and buy an X2010" because aquiring an X2010 is as simple as getting to level30, which does not require that.

Sure, getting to level 40 is absolutely ridiculous in grinding terms, but you don't need to be lvl40 to enjoy the game, the only exclusiveness of being lvl40 is the 24h Nurburgring event. If you have time to run that event you probably have time to get to lvl40.

If you're gonna moan about gifting, you need a different angle. The limit was imposed due to ebayers making money and cheaters.
I'll write from my angle, you write from yours. Can't please everyone but at least i've made an effort.

Can you share the contact email you've got so I can send an email to support the changes (I actually want to do this, it seems like mine and Kaz's visions of GT are the same).
I'll write from my angle, you write from yours. Can't please everyone but at least i've made an effort.

You write from your angle, but you don't have a point. They would stop reading as soon as they see you moaning about having to get to lvl40 for an X2010... because what you have written is not true.

End of, really.
Where are the patience?

Chill out and take it easy. You'll get the X2010 one day.

People seems to be rushed these days... :indiff:
nice letter!

Hey Kazunori Yamauchi... your behaviour is pathetic bro. Time to change it up jelly man, before you get put in the corner with Ben ali, Mubarek and soon enough Gaddaffi too!
Where are the patience?

Chill out and take it easy. You'll get the X2010 one day.

People seems to be rushed these days... :indiff:

Personaly i've got plenty of X2010's earned through the challenges and gained from trading. But many wont have and wont have the time and patience to reach level 30 let alone 40. Why shouldn't they be allowed to trade? It's not hurting anyone !

If people are offended by this letter somehow then i appolagise. My sole intention was to try and voice what seemed to be a majority concern. This letter was for the people that are angry about it all, not all the haters of trading !
Dear Sony,
I am upset that you won't let me trade a mire 8% of the cars in the game because I am too lazy to earn them.

Really people? I don't care about the restriction. my favorite cars are all under 1,000,000 credits anyways. SuperGT FTW.
I have no problem with you writing your letter, or your opinions on trading. But you must base your writing on fact, the full picture. Without that, it is meaningless.

They had a damn good reason to put in the trading ban, blame ebay.
I don't see the ebay thing being a legitemate reason for the ban - if people want to part with their own money for something then that's their freedom of choice.
Personaly i've got plenty of X2010's earned through the challenges and gained from trading. But many wont have and wont have the time and patience to reach level 30 let alone 40. Why shouldn't they be allowed to trade? It's not hurting anyone !

If people are offended by this letter somehow then i appolagise. My sole intention was to try and voice what seemed to be a majority concern. This letter was for the people that are angry about it all, not all the haters of trading !

There should be a reward for playing through the game as intended, even if its through grinding although thats not so bad now with seasonal events. If you dont want to play the game then bugger off and play COD. Welcome to the world of GT, sorry its not to your taste.
I don't see the ebay thing being a legitemate reason for the ban - if people want to part with their own money for something then that's their freedom of choice.

If you dont see the problem with the Ebay thing then you are either profiting from it already and have got upset because they stopped you scamming money off people or, an idiot. Probably both.
I don't see the ebay thing being a legitemate reason for the ban - if people want to part with their own money for something then that's their freedom of choice.

No, that is them breaching the contract/licence agreement. It is not their content to sell. People making money off of PD's work? do you really think that SCEE do not see that as a legitimate reason to stop trading?
If you dont see the problem with the Ebay thing then you are either profiting from it already and have got upset because they stopped you scamming money off people or, an idiot. Probably both.

Neither thankyou - no need to resort to name calling when all i ever set out to do was try to help, an innocent gesture.
I don't see the ebay thing being a legitemate reason for the ban - if people want to part with their own money for something then that's their freedom of choice.

Careful with that ''freedom of choice'' concept, man. Some people will have a hard time computing that.

Must follow and obey what the great leader decrees.
Dear Blizzard,

WTFOMFGZ I cant raidz 24/7 I needz dem epicz Longstaff to keep me L33t FTW.


XPower180 (aged 9)
Careful with that ''freedom of choice'' concept, man. Some people will have a hard time computing that.

Must follow and obey what the great leader decrees.

Its not obeying leaders, its profiting from someone elses hard work. Not a complicated concept is it?
Read my letter properly.

what you have created with GT5 ... You only made the game ...

Both of which appear in your letter before any request to forward it. If your letter isn't clear, it's not the fault of the reader if it's misinterpreted.

Of course you won't get any positive response, since it just looks like a rant and contains a lot of nonsense about "rights". No doubt you'll send SCEE a stern e-mail to tell them to "read my letter properly" too.

You've broken most of the key rules about effective letter writing and you're sending it to the wrong people. But it's your call.
RobGT1, i'm begining to think it's you who are aged 9 the way you are shouting and putting up such fuss about this. Why do people like you have to sink to insults when i have not insulted you or got personal in any way?

For the 2nd time, i'm sorry if my letter has insulted anyone - i did it in the intention to help those who want the trade ban lifted. Was that really such a terrible thing to do, to warrant abuse?
Open your eyes and read the boards and you will see that plenty care about it. It's not just you here, there's thousands of people who will be annoyed by this. If it doesn't affect you, good - i'm happy for you. This letter is on behalf of those who have been affected by it. Try not to look at things from such a selfish view point.
The cheaters deserve it. Including you.
I've composed a letter to SCEE. I couldn't find a direct contact address for PD but i'm sure this will find it's way there.
Things like this are why you couldn't find a direct contact address. When PD wants your opinion, they'll ask for it.

I know this sounds harsh and rude, but let's put that aside and examine a little history.

Recently, PD sent out emails requesting user feedback. Who or why is irrelevant, they got the feedback they were looking for. Furthermore, sites such as this have taken it upon themselves to be a collective voice, and Jordan was smart enough to offer an entire section of this site for just such a thing. Two years after GT4 was released, I participated in a local GT4 tournament presented by Sony. I was first in line, and stuck around all day talking to the rep, who mentioned that he was primarily there to guage interest and get feedback from people that already had the game. We spent hours watching kids take their chance, and talked about some of the things he'd seen at other tourneys.

Sony's marketing, and PD ARE listening. If you want your feedback to get noticed, put it where they're more likely to look. Here wasn't a bad idea, but don't expect a PD rep to call you tomorrow. Throw something in the Feedback section, and let everyone here vote in a much more civilized manner.

Regardless of intent, letters like this in forums are sure to get flamed.
Well what a friendly website this has turned out to be. Why is it in the nature of virtualy everyone now to be so negative against anything ? You try to do something in the sole belief that you hope will help people and instead all you get is damned for it. Reminds me of the cases of trying to give 1st aid and getting sued for it.
If over the years I were given a penny for reading every intended protest letter on these forums I'll now be able to buy myself an X2010 off Ebay. ;)

Seriously, I applaud your effort, but I believe your time would be better spent grinding. 👍

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