A letter to SCEE

  • Thread starter XPOWER180
Initially I had 3 free porn channels in my digital TV package.
Then one day the provider decided to make an erotic package from these 3 channels and now you have to pay to watch them.
They never consulted me. What was their right to do it, man?
Didn't that company realise I have feelings too?
So unfair!
It still hurts to talk about it.
Free porn is a human right for crying out loud!
I think I'm going to e-mail them. Bastards!
I got a life too besides watching porn. Job, wife, family, friends, 2nd wife, GTP forum....
They want me to waste that precious private time on downloading?!?
Do they even know how ****ing blurry Xhamster is?
I want my life back!
And my 3 channels of free porn.
SCEE are not really the right people to complain to. Whoever you sent this email to is probably not going to know what on earth you are on about and I doubt its going to go to the right person.
It's not our game. We all just have copy's of PD's game. They can do whatever they want to do with it. Like if I buy a copy of Star Wars on DVD. That doesn't mean I now own Star Wars and can tell Mr. Lucas what I what him to change to suit my taste. I've never duped or traded and don't care about it being changed. I just want to race my racing game.
According to the same poll 60% of the people on GTP don't support this new restriction, so what's your point? Just because people don't support this new restriction doesn't mean they want the old system back. The restriction wouldn't be needed if PD got the gifting system right in the first place. Instead they fix the crappy system with an even crappier patch (which hurts legitimate users more than it hurts the duping community!). I want PD to fix the crappy system, not introduce yet another crap 'feature'.

💡 Polish that turd PD! 💡
It's not our game. We all just have copy's of PD's game. They can do whatever they want to do with it. Like if I buy a copy of Star Wars on DVD. That doesn't mean I now own Star Wars and can tell Mr. Lucas what I what him to change to suit my taste. I've never duped or traded and don't care about it being changed. I just want to race my racing game.

"Luke, I am your father"

No he's ****ing not! It was that Yoda bitch that did his mother.
*writes mail at georgelucas@starwars.com*
They have every right to change the game, it's THEIR game, we just pay to use the software. I agree with the OP though, the 1,000,000cr limit should be scrapped so that it doesn't effect legitimate traders. The new one car per system trade limit was a good idea to stop duping, the credit limit wasn't really needed.
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The ability to dupe was obviously not intended to be in the game. Anyone who did not expect that ability to go away at some point is unrealistic. The game is their property and they will do with it as they see fit. You have no entitlement.

Besides, just play the game as it was intended. It's more rewarding to achieve something when it's more difficult anyway.
Excellent, well written. I'm not sure it will do any good. I think the reason that they did this is not the selling on ebay or the trading, it's because they plan on offering content on the Playstation store for purchase and download and the selling and gifting was going to be eating into their profits. Redbull X2010, $2.99. Unlock all cars, just $29.99. Just my 2 cents, I have no basis for this, just a gut feeling.

Finally, through all the countless threads and posts on this site bitchin' & moanin' about losing the ability to trade (i.e. dupe) cars, someone has the foresight to propose a perfectly valid and entirely plausible reason behind Sony/PD's intention to limit trading.

Well done Sir! :)
Yet another thread about grinding in GT5,apart from that very flawed if you ask me:

*An avid GT player will now that the right people to complain is PD,not SCEE,so first flaw.
*Getting skill,licences and playing online will give you experience,is a long game,not a COD that takes 6 hours to clear.
*The Cr. limit set is really well planed to avoid inexperienced players some "real skill" level to handle more advanced cars like the F1 cars,apart from that,you play to unlock things,not to expect everything unlock from the first day.
*MY GAME,sigh,your copy of the game.
*A letter written by very few people who cannot cope with some of the driving test and challenges.
*People will-rethink when buying GT6,that is quite funny actually,specially when pretty much everyone bought GT5 and everybody think is flawed,is yet the best selling PS3 game so :indiff: .

What I see here is some sort of trolling,honestly,just complains.
And mods please read and lock,is a dead end thread.
O M G! This small minority of dupers and cheaters are getting really loud!!!

I really hate the word 'cheaters' as it's not really cheating is it, the fact is PD are causing all the problems here by constantly changing the rules of the game. Yes, so maybe they have a right to but just because you can do something doesn't mean you should. The game was perfectly fine after the 1.06 patch, fixed a lot of problems and users were (besides the elitist mob, all 7 of them) very happy.

Then say hello to 1.07, which just undoes everything the previous patch did for goodwill to PD. If KY really does have the final say on the kind of changes they make, then I would seriously consider him taking a break for a while as whoever is in charge is making some serious mistakes in the PR department.

I say goodwill to all men, remove all restrictions and just let people play the game however they see fit. The brown cardigan mob can still be elitist (:dunce:) and play the game 'how they think it should be played', and everybody else can do the same. The traders do no harm, duping cars does no harm as everybody can play how they want to. I do feel some people on GTP need to relax, step back a bit and go get drunk or something. Accept the fact not everybody is the same, and that your opinion and way of doing things is not always the same as everyone else's.
If you're gonna send that letter, I'd suggest changing the name from Kaz to Mr. Yamauchi.

If you want them to take you seriously, you have to address the seriously.👍
Finally, through all the countless threads and posts on this site bitchin' & moanin' about losing the ability to trade (i.e. dupe) cars, someone has the foresight to propose a perfectly valid and entirely plausible reason behind Sony/PD's intention to limit trading.

Well done Sir! :)

I doubt Sony are so incompetent that they don't realize this until 3 months after release, thus losing most of the potential income.
It wasn't at first but it's only been used for cheating since save protection was removed, it totally destroyed the value of cars on the game (both their financial value and exclusivity), just look online how many X2010s there are driven by level <30's that have probably been bought with a 10k Daihatsu.
I didn't realize people cheating by trading directly affected you in a bad way.......oh wait. It doesn't. K bye.
Well what a friendly website this has turned out to be. Why is it in the nature of virtualy everyone now to be so negative against anything ? You try to do something in the sole belief that you hope will help people and instead all you get is damned for it. Reminds me of the cases of trying to give 1st aid and getting sued for it.

You´re getting it wrong man. Although I don´t agree with your letter, I do agree that you´re doing it not to bug people but to try to help them, which is very good, and I can feel your concern. The problem here is that you are going to have your opinion, others will have theirs, and not everyone has the manners to discuss your own opinion in the nicest way.

Its good what you did, but I don´t think PD will change what they´ve done. If they do, then good.

You know, there is a pattern here that no one is paying attention too... I don´t think thal all this controversy and complaining is something negative coming out of us GT fans... No, there is clearly something wrong, and something that came out from the creators of the game themselves...
I like how we've slid from "glitching/duping" to "cheating".

The haters weren't getting the response they were looking for so they have chosen to use a more aggressive word in attempts to insult.

Still boggles my mind why someone in Antarctica cares how someone in Brazil plays their game. It's a game. Get over it already.

Yes, I "dupe/cheat/glitch"... I also give away cars that I don't glitch/dupe/cheat because I hate standard cars. Duping does not alter the value of the marketplace. I was giving them away before you could backup save.

The only thing the 1 trade per day rule is going to do is prevent anyone from getting my fresh GT40's and all the other Standard cars that I don't want. I'll just delete them.
OK, clearly a work in progress as there is a lot of cleaning up to do, but I'll reopen it now.

follow the rules of the forum or simply don't post. It really is that simple. I hope you understand.
Hello Sony
I want to cheat, please can you change the game for me.



I hope they will detect and delete all Duped cars with all invested money in them (tuning etc.) this will raise respect to PD from fair users! thanks!

PS. SONY and PD owns the game. and they can do it what they want! If they want they can ban you from using online so you can dupe your cars alone!
Initially I had 3 free porn channels in my digital TV package.
Then one day the provider decided to make an erotic package from these 3 channels and now you have to pay to watch them.
They never consulted me. What was their right to do it, man?
Didn't that company realise I have feelings too?
So unfair!
It still hurts to talk about it.
Free porn is a human right for crying out loud!
I think I'm going to e-mail them. Bastards!
I got a life too besides watching porn. Job, wife, family, friends, 2nd wife, GTP forum....
They want me to waste that precious private time on downloading?!?
Do they even know how ****ing blurry Xhamster is?
I want my life back!
And my 3 channels of free porn.

Not trying to be Mr. Buzz kill here, but this isn't going to work. Yamauchi will do the updates and change the game according to how he wants it to be, and not at the request of a few hundred forum users so they can keep giving out expensive cars to others like a bowl of free candy rather than making people earn it. They're trying to make it fair for others.

p.s. It's great that you want to voice your opinion, but in this case I really don't think they're going to do what you're asking for bro.

p.s.s. Also, there's still plenty of fast cars worth less than 1 million that you can still trade o_O
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Has everyone lost their minds? Duping cars is cheating somehow? Really? I bought the game with real money and I want to have all of it's contents available to me in a reasonable amount of time, is that so wrong?

Give me a brake with all of this, it's way too silly, 20 mil credit limit when cars cost 20 mil, seriously, think about that for a moment. Credit prizes so puny you are lucky if you can afford a yugo after winning a race series?

Let's not forget that in all previous installments of gt it was possible to dl an uber save and be on your marry way, so cheating? ffs please, give me a brake, let me play the game I paid for the way I want to play it. And no, I do not enjoy grinding endless hours of indy to make enough money to buy a car, I do it but I don't like it, not one bit.

Sony: Fix all the online issues, bugs etc. let us have cars and tracks so we can get on with some racing.
Yet another thread about grinding in GT5,apart from that very flawed if you ask me:

*An avid GT player will now that the right people to complain is PD,not SCEE,so first flaw.
*Getting skill,licences and playing online will give you experience,is a long game,not a COD that takes 6 hours to clear.
*The Cr. limit set is really well planed to avoid inexperienced players some "real skill" level to handle more advanced cars like the F1 cars,apart from that,you play to unlock things,not to expect everything unlock from the first day.
*MY GAME,sigh,your copy of the game.
*A letter written by very few people who cannot cope with some of the driving test and challenges.
*People will-rethink when buying GT6,that is quite funny actually,specially when pretty much everyone bought GT5 and everybody think is flawed,is yet the best selling PS3 game so :indiff: .

What I see here is some sort of trolling,honestly,just complains.
And mods please read and lock,is a dead end thread.

I've composed a letter to SCEE. I couldn't find a direct contact address for PD but i'm sure this will find it's way there. Feelings are running strongly about version 1.07's restrictions and we can make as many polls as we want but i think it needs a more direct approach. Just finding a contact email for SCEE took me half an hour or so, they don't like being contacted! Hope it's ok and gets some approval from this forum, after all it's my sole intention to get our game back to how it was 👍

Hello, my name is ######. I’m an avid Gran Turismo fan and have ...

Yours sincerely,


Send away, but it's a waste of effort. If you were complaining about an actual problem with the game, then Sony might listen. As it is, it's just that you don't like one aspect of one of the games the publish.

You also need to look at the way your letter is written. I don't want to get a ll troll-y about this, but it is quite poorly constructed. You ramble a bit and you never really seem to come to a point. You barely make a complaint, to be honest.

What you need to do is clearly state:
1) what has changed - referencing how things were prior to the update
2) what the actual problem is with the change and what impact it has had
3) what you would expect to be done about this
and make sure you check your spelling, punctuation and grammar.

I would also take a different tack. The "I haven't got time to play the game" doesn't hold much water, but saying that the feature was something you bought the game for might get listened to.

When I was a QA manager, we used to get a lot of letters about our games (and they were actual letters, this was the days before emails were commonplace). The long, rambling, rant-y ones would get skim-read, then binned. The ones that were well written, well thought out and legible would get read and would often get passed to the relevant producer and would smetime even get a response sent.