A letter to SCEE

  • Thread starter XPOWER180
Yet another thread about grinding in GT5,apart from that very flawed if you ask me:

*An avid GT player will now that the right people to complain is PD,not SCEE,so first flaw.
*Getting skill,licences and playing online will give you experience,is a long game,not a COD that takes 6 hours to clear.
*The Cr. limit set is really well planed to avoid inexperienced players some "real skill" level to handle more advanced cars like the F1 cars,apart from that,you play to unlock things,not to expect everything unlock from the first day.
*MY GAME,sigh,your copy of the game.
*A letter written by very few people who cannot cope with some of the driving test and challenges.
*People will-rethink when buying GT6,that is quite funny actually,specially when pretty much everyone bought GT5 and everybody think is flawed,is yet the best selling PS3 game so :indiff: .

What I see here is some sort of trolling,honestly,just complains.
And mods please read and lock,is a dead end thread.

I have to disagree with this part of your post. Single player is severly lacking.
I agree that the lvling is tough, but that was helped by seasonal events.
What about people without an internet connection? more to the point its not the leveling thats the problem, Its the lack of credits to buy decent cars to actually enjoy the game, You know.....the reason people bought the game.

The trade block is wrong but i guess they are trying to combat cheating?
But no one is cheating anyone or cheating to gain an advantage, cutting corners, ramming other drivers, hacking your cars to have more power, thats cheating, people used trading to get the most out of the game, If i couldnt have been able to gift myself cars i would have taken the game back a long time ago and demanded a full refund because there was no acceptble game structure to gt5 at all
Dear PD please remove the $1,000,000 restriction so I can continue to sell duped cars illegally on ebay and profit from your hard work and intellectual property.

really? LOL
Theres your main mistake.

Its not your game, or our game or the public's game.

You purchased a license to use a software program and you purchased the media its on and the box it came in. You have no rights to how the software runs, its not yours.

Why is this thread still continuing? Answer was on page 1.

I hope they will detect and delete all Duped cars with all invested money in them (tuning etc.) this will raise respect to PD from fair users! thanks!

this is a pathetic view, it doesnt affect you, if you think it does then you need to get out and see the world or at least your local area, if my duped cars were deleted how would you know? would you really wake up with a better life tommoro or a better game? would the game be different for you?

as for raising respect for pd well that wont help because they if all dupers refuse to buy the next gt there would be no more franchise for people who moan about dupers which may be a blessing as this may force those people to get a life