A letter to SCEE

  • Thread starter XPOWER180
Like you, I disagree with the trade limit cap massively, but please, stop constantly defending your own opinion in such a harsh way because it is getting out of hand now.
If over the years I were given a penny for reading every intended protest letter on these forums I'll now be able to buy myself an X2010 off Ebay. ;)

Seriously, I applaud your effort, but I believe your time would be better spent grinding. 👍

Cheers :) I think i will, and i think i'll steer clear of this website - too many people have shown they would rather insult you and damn you than to live and let live.
Cheers :) I think i will, and i think i'll steer clear of this website - too many people have shown they would rather insult you and damn you than to live and let live.

Don't take it to heart. This is a public discussion forum with many differing opinions. You can't expect everyone to agree with you.
I've composed a letter to SCEE.

I agree that the lvling is tough, but that was helped by seasonal events.
I disagree completely about any right to own the X2010 and it´s even achievable..

"Level 30 unlocks the special event to win it, and you get one for free by getting to level 35 bspec"

The trade block is wrong but i guess they are trying to combat cheating?
Its not hostility, you're on a website with thousands of posters online all the time, from all over the world, different backgrounds, different ages, different experiences and mostly different opinions.

Your letter wasnt best written, it was also very much based on personal opinion and avoided fact, you didnt take into account or consideration any other views than your own, defending yourself against others instead of communicating with.

Doesn't matter what website or forum you are on, a response like this is not uncommon given the circumstances. If you can take a step back, re-write your letter and taking into account fact, you would have a better response.
Its not hostility, you're on a website with thousands of posters online all the time, from all over the world, different backgrounds, different ages, different experiences and mostly different opinions.

Your letter wasnt best written, it was also very much based on personal opinion and avoided fact, you didnt take into account or consideration any other views than your own, defending yourself against others instead of communicating with.

Doesn't matter what website or forum you are on, a response like this is not uncommon given the circumstances. If you can take a step back, re-write your letter and taking into account fact, you would have a better response.

yeah, i get where you're coming from. I'm not a great letter writer but i did take a lot of time composing it and i can honestly say that i didn't just try to write it from my point of view. I won't be re-writing, i don't think that will be a good idea as like you have correctly pointed out - their's too many different opinions to please and one big flaming today has been quite enough thankyou ! :)
I've composed a letter to SCEE. I couldn't find a direct contact address for PD but i'm sure this will find it's way there. Feelings are running strongly about version 1.07's restrictions and we can make as many polls as we want but i think it needs a more direct approach. Just finding a contact email for SCEE took me half an hour or so, they don't like being contacted! Hope it's ok and gets some approval from this forum, after all it's my sole intention to get our game back to how it was 👍

Hello, my name is ######. I’m an avid Gran Turismo fan and have purchased every single uk release to date gaining many years of pleasure from them. GT5 has been no different so far, it has bought a lot of pleasure. The game is far from faultless though; the lack of races in A-spec is baffling as are the poor rewards (both credits and XP). In effect, what you have created with GT5 is a game that relies upon you grinding away literally thousands of times on one circuit to gain enough XP to reach level 40 in order to purchase the prize car – the X2010. Of course, for those of us who have a life outside of the PS3 ( a family, a career etc) the gifting function was a wonderful method of gaining this car as well as many of the other machines on offer that are difficult to obtain. Indeed, a whole online community has been formed purely for trading such is the popularity and scale of this feature.
So, what gives you (or whomever makes such decisions) the right to remove the ability to trade cars over 1,000,000 credits? This is our game which we have all paid for with our hard earnt cash. By all means keep adding updates that improve the game but to remove a hugely loved function is just mean. What possible harm can enabling the function do to anyone? I don’t see how you can possibly justify to me or any member of the online gaming community how you have the right to impose restrictions upon our game after it has been released – surely you should be seeking to improve the game, not make a whole community angry? I was thoroughly enjoying this game but now i feel that i am being dictated to on how i can play MY game. You only made the game, it’s not yours - it’s the publics so therefore you have no right to restrict methods of gameplay that a community has established over the past quarter of a year. I for one will never ever purchase any future editions of GT; what’s the point if i’m going to be dictated to how i can play my game a few months after buying it?
Of course this letter could have been written by any one of the THOUSANDS of GT5 racers and traders that you have upset with this ridiculous update. I may be one man but i am positive that my words reflect the feelings of a whole community and therefore i ask you to take this email to the top – let Kaz, the game developer see it. We need the restrictions on gifting cars above 1,000,000 credits totally abolished as well as the restrictions between shared accounts on one PS3. Please see sense on this and remember who you made this game for. When it comes to a franchise such as this, can you really afford to upset so many loyal fans? The public will vote with their wallets a few years down the line when GT6 comes out. I think your sales will drastically suffer if we keep getting such backward steps as 1.07 delivered. So lets hope then that on March the 3rd instead of this backward step being re-implemented that you do the right thing by your loyal customers and give us back our full game to use as we want.
Thank you for taking the time to read this email,

Yours sincerely,


That is such an amazing ********, that the admins of GTPlanet should delete this thread to prevent the forum from finally getting ridiculous.
I am mixed on the new update, but if I had to write a protest letter, I would certainly not write it in this fashion. The entire letter seems like (as has been discussed) you are annoyed for finding an exploit and PD saying "oh, well, lets cover up this hole by restricting everyone from trading." This is not true. PD took the most responsible route and cut the parasite at the core. There were other methods, such as working with eBay to ban IPs and the like of these people selling these items (which not only go against PD laws, but are a direct violation of eBay rules of selling intangible property and intellectual rights not owned by the seller), but this method is a fix that is needed badly in order to stop people from profiting off of PD's work.
My main issue with the credit cap on trades is that the method to stop people duplicating high end cars has just been a lazy process.
They just thought "oh crap, people are cloning all th best cars and no ones playing game properly. lets just stop trading alltogether on thhose cars"

What they should have done, since the game is constantly connecting to the internet to annoy us with long loading times and apparently update data, is to have your garage sync'd with an online database of ur cars.
That way if u load an old save up which contains the car ID of a car u have gifted, the game reads this and updates ur garage when it connects on load up, thus eliminating cloning yet still enabling genuine trades.
Pretty sure games have done it before so i dont see how this should be any more of an issue to them. Or simply, just eliminate the ability to copy ur save game again. we lived without it before, surely when they introduced backing up your save they should have forseen the ability to clone cars cos everyone else was waiting fo rteh day to do such a thing
The 1 million dollar cap and 1 car per PS3 are great improvements.
- Nearly 40% of people on GTP support this new restriction: https://www.gtplanet.net/forum/showthread.php?t=185784
- GIFTING was intended for FRIENDS.
- I doubt PD ever expected trading between random people to get as out of hand as it did: an entire forum on GTP dedicated to trading with strangers, people complaining about being scammed, etc.
- The new system promotes sharing cars through the share system where you can borrow cars without needing to own them: i.e. interactions between true friends; sharing would be obsolete with the giving feature completely intact.
- It hinders duping cars by users who create (and so waste) an excessive number of PSNs created for only one purpose.
- Obtaining X1s before you were even eligible to earn one yourself is cheating in A and B-spec; I bet you most people who complain that A-spec is too easy thought so because they traded for cars that were excessively powerful for those races.
- This restriction prevents people illegally selling expensive cars on eBay.
- The trading epidemic wasted server space: many, many rooms on the server were dedicated to trading instead of racing and sending all those cars (perhaps hundreds of thousands a day) wasted server resources that should be limited to racing.
- Potentially PD could now increase the 500,000 CR cap on the value of cars that can be sold so players could sell any of their Premium cars (and buy them back later) if they happen to see a prized car temporarily sitting for sale in the UCD.
- And AGAIN: nearly 40% of people on GTP support this new restriction.

Those who want the old system generally want it for the sake of greed and ease and never seem to mention the other side of the equation, let alone make counter-arguments…probably because it is impossible for them to do so.
As the OP said “my words reflect the feelings of a whole community”: this is a lie, and just goes to show how far some people from this one side of a divided community will go to get what they want.
Theres your main mistake.

Its not your game, or our game or the public's game.

You purchased a license to use a software program and you purchased the media its on and the box it came in. You have no rights to how the software runs, its not yours.

I hate reading comment's like this.

So if i take a hammer and smash all my games and PS3 i can get into trouble from Sony since i don't own them. :nervous:
Hello SCEE

Could you remove the restrictions so i can use my other 2 billion accounts to duplicate cars again?

Yours sincerely,


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No, that is them breaching the contract/licence agreement. It is not their content to sell. People making money off of PD's work? do you really think that SCEE do not see that as a legitimate reason to stop trading?

And this is probably why they removed the Other OS option because a hacker was using it to hack the PS3. They're protecting their own interests.

And people are so ready to give up their OWN interests to safeguard the interests of a corporation. They make excuses and defend the corporation when its not your business to do so. Thats what lawyers are for!!! Pathetic sheeple.

To the OP: good job and I respect you, but it will probably bear no fruit and will be read by no one.
And AGAIN: nearly 40% of people on GTP support this new restriction.

Those who want the old system generally want it for the sake of greed and ease and never seem to mention the other side of the equation, let alone make counter-arguments…probably because it is impossible for them to do so.
According to the same poll 60% of the people on GTP don't support this new restriction, so what's your point? Just because people don't support this new restriction doesn't mean they want the old system back. The restriction wouldn't be needed if PD got the gifting system right in the first place. Instead they fix the crappy system with an even crappier patch (which hurts legitimate users more than it hurts the duping community!). I want PD to fix the crappy system, not introduce yet another crap 'feature'.

The mind boggles.
In all honesty ..... Do you really think SCEE cares about another rant letter ? Be truthful with yourself when answering this. The answer (in case you've not figured it out is - NO).
After my PS3 died just before Christmas, I sincerely wished game saves/xp/cash were stored online. Would've saved me having to start from scratch.

However, since I got a new PS3 I've been backing up my save on regular basis, so I'm glad they're not protected in any way.

I imagine PD will start selling cars themselves, so figured the eBay trade was going to get in the way of this. Any cars in the game are surely the property of the developers/license holders. We just get to use them within the context of the game.

I think most people who are bitching about seem to actually think they've been deprived of something. Incredible!

Now share your cars nicely and let's get back to the racing.
Honestly, i don't like very much this kind of letters because always are ignored. And only a few are answered with a template appreciating it, nothing else.

It would be better to do an uncommon action, something original to attract attention. Being japanese culture like it is, so proud of respect, i would sent the cover of the game to PD offices because the game does not deserve it.

Mr Kazunori Yamauchi
Poliphony Digital
Tobu Toyosu Bldg 2F., 1-10-19 Edagawa, Koto-ku, Tokyo 135-0051 Japan

Mmm... maybe i will do it :sly:
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haha! really?, OP no offense but you should spend your time doing something more productive

SCEE will not read or do what you're demanding.
Excellent, well written. I'm not sure it will do any good. I think the reason that they did this is not the selling on ebay or the trading, it's because they plan on offering content on the Playstation store for purchase and download and the selling and gifting was going to be eating into their profits. Redbull X2010, $2.99. Unlock all cars, just $29.99. Just my 2 cents, I have no basis for this, just a gut feeling.

