A-spec Expert Level Non-Race Car Challenge: Mount Panorama

  • Thread starter JogoAsobi
Lamborghini Miura with following tune

So after the romp with the Scirocco...
..I went back with the Miura after watching your videos! 👍

Great choice! Had loads of fun driving it with clutch/manual transmission.
Used @praiano63 's 550PP tune, walk in the park, but great use for H-shifter. :)


Great Onboard of Fabre Camaro @ Bathurst 2012...
...really conveys the strain this track puts on drive train.

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Haven't seen this confirmed yet so I'll go ahead and post. The Pearl Orange paint chip can be acquired from either the Lightweight Car Company Rocket '07 or the KTM X-BOW Street '12. As I've acquired both paints, I can't say which one matches the paint provided (provode?) by the seasonal event. Of course, this isn't to say that it can't easily be obtained from the event. Good Lord I hope this isn't a trend...purchasable paints as prizes.

I finally remembered to compare the paint swatch from the seasonal event menu with those from their respective dealerships. So for those wishing to keep track of what car provided which chip--there's little doubt in my mind that the reward is from the Rocket.
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No super fast laps, just conservative steady driving...
...tried to stay off kerbs, do clean laps & passes...
...backed off passing more than once when AI closed the door.

Caught up with Pagani Huayra L4 after Griffins/Quarry Bend...
...but waited over a lap to get a nice clean pass coming into Skyline on L5.

VW Scirocco R '10 @ 530PP/no ballast, 900º wheel/no steering or driving aids/0 ABS.

Superb driving! 👍
Well, I was first with a Huayra at the last lap till I got rammed by a McLaren F4 on the last turn and got past me without a penalty! That's awesome... Loved the competition from AI though on this event but ramming is bad...
Well, I was first with a Huayra at the last lap till I got rammed by a McLaren F4 on the last turn and got past me without a penalty! That's awesome... Loved the competition from AI though on this event but ramming is bad...
Same thing happened to me leading at the end and then got "the ramming"..LOL at the end. Best to get a big lead at the end of the race. But I do like that the AI cars are fighting back for one’s!!
Keep trying on CTR Yellow (Black) Bird, with the PP reduced to 520, which is easier in the twisty bid. Top speed can reach 280kph or so without draft. And I made 2:15 lap time at best.

Got 2nd place several times with major "Argh~ " moments.

Rammed off the track by that mad and crazy Hyura in the end of the straight, pushed off the tack at the final turn/final lap by the bully Mclaren F1, and of course my own mistakes under pressure... etc.

I told myself, this car is not to be pushed, so I force myself to cool down. Then I do better and better, more and more consistent, with results of shorter and shorter overall time. But even then, I've still been haunted by those 2 leading cars. Just can't get rid of them. I can catch up with them in lap 3 and take the lead in lap 4. But one of them always fight back like crazy, sometimes both of them.

I feel such situation is just like I've encountered in the previous Suzuka event. AIs got better and better in the repeated runs. I'm in significant progress but still in vain. They just rush ahead effortlessly or take turns to mess with me. Finally I have to accept I don't have the skill and consistency to keep the car at the limit and on the track at the same time with such a handicap. (an unstable car with low pp)

I give up, and need a rest. I jump in one of my favorite cars, BMW M5, 598pp.

Ah, such a smooth, confident, and comfortable ride. It's an amazing combination of agility, stability and speed. So I can get rid of those nasty AIs to take a clean and relative easy win.
For those of you getting rammed...

Conrod straight, when they come down behind you before the Chase...
...just pull over, let 'em by, suck the draft, then nail them going up S turn.

If I am in lower PP car, I almost always draft up the straights instead of leading...
...usually can make better time that way, & AI can be out-braked most of the time.

Nice that you did it in the BMW, take the credits and run. :cheers:
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I got rammed out of shape at 3 spots:

turn 2 (Griffins Bend) - the right hander after the 1st long straight
turn 20 - the end of Conrod straight
turn 23 (Murrays Corner) - the last corner


At turn 2, it's happening when I'm in hard braking. It's mostly the Huayra or Speed 12 comes with unbelievable speed and from nowhere. It's like I'm hit by a missile, and I'm already on the wall when I realize this. It's mostly OK because there's still a long road ahead, I have time to catch up.

Turn 20, or in the Conrod straight, it's relatively manageable to me. I can see them coming, and I can also block them successfully. They tend to be careful before the S. It's more difficult to deal with when I'm pushed at the side of my rear half, especially on unstable cars right before the turn. Sometimes they do this dirty trick on me. (like what the US policemen do to the criminal in the high way as I see on the youtube... )

At turn 23, it's similar to turn 2. They'd catch up with unbelieveable acceleration in the short staight after the S. Then there could be 3 situations:

1) one of the chasing car rams me at full speed when I'm in the braking zone, brings me to the sand with it, and the 3rd car takes the lead and win;

2) similar to the above, the following car is already sitting on my rear bumper before the braking zone, pushing me straight. I hit the brake earlier but still can't take 2 cars slow down properly because it keeps on pushing when I'm braking. Again, 2 in sand, the 3rd win.

3) I defend my position successfully at turn in, but the following car pushes me at the moment when I'm accelerating out of the corner. The oblique push with overwhelming power makes me spin. My car swaps ends right before the finish. Drop to 5th or 6th when I finally recover.

It's the most tricky at the final corner, annoying, actually. I lost count how many times they brought me down over here. It's dirty, I hate it.

Say, it's obvious that I have better pace in the previous laps, so I catch up. And I'm also fast enough to overtake. And then, they just fight back in a way that I feel suddenly disabled. Bad joke, not funny at all.

It can only be avoided by a lead of more than 3 or 4 sec., but I can't do that with handicap, or I'd need huge luck, which is usually not there.

I'd love to take some degree of challenges with the cars of lower pp and do the hard works and get the reward. However, with such a design of irrational AI and a moving goal, I lost the interest to dig deeper.

Unlike the S 10-lap Ascari in which I keep finding lower and lower pp cars to win, these tricky seasonal events just punish me when I'm with lower pp cars. I think I'll only do it with enough pp to keep away from those nuts.
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Simple steps to avoid getting rammed in Bathurst:
1. Before approaching the heaving braking points, check mirror.
2. If no visible cars in mirror, go on normally.
3. If at least one car is visible, move out of the racing line and brake two car lengths earlier.
After being rammed several times, I did try to be more cautious and doing my best to avoid them. The 3 steps mentioned above do help, but unforturnately, can't guarantee trouble free, I'm afraid.

For example, in the situation 2) in my previous post, I was in the left half of the track. Approaching the last (a left hand) corner, it's obvious not the racing line. However that hooligan just decided to mess with me and kept on pushing right behind me, instead of overtaking. (My brake and tires can't take the inertia of 2 cars plus the shove of several hundred HP, of course.)

And in the situation 3), AI simply out powers me at the corner exit, so it pushes me at the back. The finish line is right ahead, I need defending my own line, but not supported by the less pp car.

As to the situations near the end of (fast) long straight, at which I feel I was hit all of a sudden. I admit I failed to notice and deal with their coming. However, I was not in my leisure time but busy on handling the problem with the car in front and the wiggles of my own car. All of these things kind of make me overloaded.

And, has anyone seen that crazy Huayra or Speed 12 overshooting the apex in a stance of high speed side way? I did, several times. (just like those 'big fail' kind of video on the net... )

The funiest thing is, they act normally in the earilier stage of the race. And their rage would be switched on in the last lap, especially being overtaken.

Or, since it's very likely the AI is designed to mimic the player's driving, so maybe the major problem is on me, I guess.:lol: As I've seen there's no such situation in the excellent replays of WhoosierGirl & JogoAsobi...
For those of you getting rammed...

Conrod straight, when they come down behind you before the Chase...
...just pull over, let 'em by, suck the draft, then nail them going up S turn.

If I am in lower PP car, I almost always draft up the straights instead of leading...
...usually can make better time that way, & AI can be out-braked most of the time.

Nice that you did it in the BMW, take the credits and run. :cheers:
Good advice!!
Using the VW Scirocco R to beat the AI supercars is great fun!:)

Great idea @WhoosierGirl 👍

I have put the @BanditKarter22 / @WhoosierGirl tune on my VW Scirocco R, and I've been able to win at Mount Panorama with a 495PP tune. Race time was 11:49.xx against a Pagani Huayra.

I think I might be able to win with even more de-tuning because the AI can sometimes make quite a few mistakes which should mean I should be able to go even slower but still win.:)

Thanks for the idea/tune!
Have been busy with the Ascari race and only did this one (with a car I am using at Ascari, X Bow) just to gold it.

Haven't even looked at this thread before and started at the beginning....wow!

Back in GT5 some of us used to try and win with the lowest PP possible, I even started a thread for it. Back then the lower the PP the more credits, and you could win around $3 mill in some races if I remember correctly, but it was the challenge, not the money which drove us, as it is here.
I know I'll never get anywhere near WhoosierGirls achievement, but crikey, gonna hafta have a crack at it all the same.

And I do believe Cargo will 'man up' here and do the right thing, after all, we all stuff up sometimes. Ha ha, I'm sure I've said things I wished later I hadn't, or at least, wished I had rephrased.
AI Ram proof win (pun intended, lol).

And a Suzuki Swift just for fun :)
Ugh. I just got pole-axed by the AI F1 and penalised for the pleasure of the pole-axing.

As the replay confirmed: I'm in a stock LFA Nurburgring, and I gain the lead on the last lap after fighting through the Huyara and Cerbera that were in 2nd and 3rd, and coming down the Chase, the now second-place F1 moves left to overtake me on the inside (my left). He seems to change his mind and instead decides to try to overtake me on the outside (my right). So he dives down my right side, turns left while his front bumper is level with my rear bumper, which results in my car pivoting to the right. Immediately after the impact, he continues diving down my right side to overtake and my car (which he has caused to lunge to the right during a period that should involve heavy braking on my part) slides in front of his, causing his front left corner to impact against the rear-right side of my car again and then a third time against the middle of my car as he moves forward. Result: ramming penalty ... for me.

The lesson learned? -Think once. Think twice. Think don't let your opponent get sideswiped after he's performed a PIT manoeuvre on you.
I tried and won with this for fun, being an Aussie of course - Holden Commodore SS '04 590 pp punches out 731 BHP with all power upgrades and weight reductions. On SS tyres this car is smokin' :lol:. Hard to control but great fun. Just used the racing hard suspension setting and stock LSD so would be easier to control with a decent tune. 👍 Oh just used 6 speed trans as well .

Anybody else use this great Aussie car yet ? Good for 310 k's down Conrod :)
You guys from up North (of the Equator ) should give it a try :D


Managed a win in a maxed out Suzuki Swift also ( Thanks @WhoosierGirl ) 270 k's (290 drafting a ZZ11) down Conrod :lol::lol::lol: in a Swift :crazy: This is great fun trying all these different cars.
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Me too ... with a Suzuki Swift .... :crazy:

By the way wonder if you could do it in a Toyota 86 GT '12 with 495PP, 347hp and 1030 kg?
I can't do it better than the 8th place.


Just won with mine at 508PP, 374hp and 1030kg. With my skills I didn't think I can go any lower. She really dances in the hills. I overtook the leading Huayra as if it were stationary. :lol: I could go so fast in the downhill section I went airborne a few times.

I tried and won with this for fun, being an Aussie of course - Holden Commodore SS '04 590 pp punches out 731 BHP with all power upgrades and weight reductions. On SS tyres this car is smokin' :lol:. Hard to control but great fun. Just used the racing hard suspension setting and stock LSD so would be easier to control with a decent tune. 👍 Oh just used 6 speed trans as well .

Anybody else use this great Aussie car yet ? Good for 310 k's down Conrod :)
You guys from up North (of the Equator ) should give it a try :D


Bought a Monaro CV8 yesterday and won the event. Went the lightweight route -- 528PP, 462hp and 1332kg. With some tweaks to the LSD and suspension it is a very drivable car. 👍 Too bad they don't make it anymore. :guilty:
Yes it is, I didn't take pictures but I was able to win with the Plymouth Superbird, Type R civic, CTR2 and Ford Focus.
I was trying cars I hadn't really ever used between folding loads of laundry, lol.

“You are an inspiration to us all and you have taken GT6 to a whole new level of fun”! I do not have a lot of time to spend on GT6 due to race instructor summer schedule but I am going to see if I can win with a low PP Lotus and if I win I will post the race for you. Thank you for the inspiration.
Anybody else use this great Aussie car yet ? Good for 310 k's down Conrod :)
You guys from up North (of the Equator ) should give it a try :D

They'd probably rather drive the whole vette not half, wouldn't you?
I was doing prob 100k's down parra rd on sat night in back of taxi, does that count?

Anybody know the damage model for seasonals?
As in, does it follow the arcade model or free run model?

I don't even understand how those two models work to tell you the truth, any help appreciated.

Finding cars with no aero producing good battles in this race, for me anyway.
Like that ram win, gotta try that...
I have some good replay's, I will have to figure out what the capture card thing that @JogoAsobi is using. I'm not exactly tech savvy, lol.

El Gato Game Capture HD.
You'll need a computer too for it.
Becomes easy to use once you figure it out. :banghead: :lol:

Another one some GTP posters use is the Hauppage PVR.
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4 members and video proof

Meeeh I can`t find that video proof...I do believe of course, it`s just that so far has no one proved they won with that Scirocco at 500pp...Me?? Dunno, think i have that Scirocco somewhere, never tried it yet...

And hey, people really don`t need to prove themselves to me. It`s just that You mention a video that I cannot find...Link? :)

Oh that one. I already saw that...I thought mr joeledward referred to a video OLDER than Whoosiergirls, as his post is older than Whoosiergirls vid...

The video proves that:

She drives a pink Scirocco

She wins

She is an excellent driver

But it doesn`t show the actual pp...Not necessary to me anyway, I was just asking for a video that doesn`t exist...Never mind me...:)
Oh that one. I already saw that...I thought mr joeledward referred to a video OLDER than Whoosiergirls, as his post is older than Whoosiergirls vid...

The video proves that:

She drives a pink Scirocco

She wins

She is an excellent driver

But it doesn`t show the actual pp...Not necessary to me anyway, I was just asking for a video that doesn`t exist...Never mind me...:)

The minivan she showed maxes out at 482pp, and the Suzuki at 505 or less, the Scirocco at 500 is probably cake for her.

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