A-spec Expert Level Racing Car Challenge: Silverstone GP Circuit

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I will give it a go and get back with you. Thank you for the tune!! Did you win the expert race?
Yeah with that car and that setup. In the beginning of GT6 the R8 LMS was really hard to drive but I think a few updates ago they changed it so much that it is now one of my favorite car...

BTW I think if you get the TS030 in the draw you pretty much need a LMP car or something. Even at 600pp the car can run low 1:51s or 1:50s. I don't have anything thats remotely that fast at 600pp...
I only have the Base model, High 1:53's, low 1:54 lap times, no SFR.
I'm posting it as long as you stop calling me Pinky Girl :)
:)^^I just kidding about this part^^:)

IS350 GT300 600pp

616hp, Stage 3 tuning, High RPM Turbo, 97.3% power
No oil change or improved body rigidity, paint it pink.

4/6 Brakes


Final 2.750

350/550 Downforce

View attachment 258330

Thank you very much for your work on my favorite car, Pinky Girl. Can you drive slower :D Your time gives me mental distress to catch up! :D It is a compliment.

Very nice! I'm going to have to give this tune a try...I just haven't been able to beat that darn TS030 with my IS350 GT300 Base Model. :( I seriously doubt that it's because of my tune, but stranger things have happened... :lol: Now that I think of it...I never painted mine pink! I did put a racing number on, which is usually good for another couple of mph, but perhaps if I go pink I will gain a few extra tenths per lap!! ;) 👍

Go paint the car pink and you will be the first pinky guy ahahahaha.

Wow 1:53-1:54 lap times benchmark so let's see what lap times we can get, buddy. Let's practice.
I only have the Base model, High 1:53's, low 1:54 lap times, no SFR.
I'm posting it as long as you stop calling me Pinky Girl :)
:)^^I just kidding about this part^^:)

Pin... @WhoosierGirl... great tune! Very nice to drive. Nice, times too! My best was high 1:56, not sure where you're getting those other 3 seconds. It's good to have a goal to chase though :) Reminds me of when I first started with GT5, I would compare my times to @mike_gt3. Then I was happy if I could stay within 20 seconds of him on the Nordschliefe. (Now I'm down to 10.. so maybe I've learned a little something along the way :) )

For me on this seasonal the best car has been the TS030. I recorded a couple of 1:49.xxx laps which is about 4 seconds faster than with any other car. (You'll probably tell me you run 1:45's with the TS030) :lol:
Pin... @WhoosierGirl... great tune! Very nice to drive. Nice, times too! My best was high 1:56, not sure where you're getting those other 3 seconds. It's good to have a goal to chase though :) Reminds me of when I first started with GT5, I would compare my times to @mike_gt3. Then I was happy if I could stay within 20 seconds of him on the Nordschliefe. (Now I'm down to 10.. so maybe I've learned a little something along the way :) )

For me on this seasonal the best car has been the TS030. I recorded a couple of 1:49.xxx laps which is about 4 seconds faster than with any other car. (You'll probably tell me you run 1:45's with the TS030) :lol:
Damn...You're a lot faster than I thought if you're only 10 seconds behind mike_gt3 on the Nordschleife. He puts down lap times that defy logic. :D :lol:
Damn...You're a lot faster than I thought if you're only 10 seconds behind mike_gt3 on the Nordschleife. He puts down lap times that defy reality. :D :lol:

Fixed that :D In a game, there's always quicker driver ( another alien of aliens, and they are nothing but bragging rights in virtual world ) :) Be happy with what you have and work on your skills and consistency, what matters is when you are racing side by side / bumper to bumper against real people, stay clean and have a well honed race craft - parity racing ( where lap time do not really matters as all drivers will need equal times to qualify ) is a good place to practice, or maybe do a clean race against AI :P My usual recipe : Stock Cizeta V16T on CM tire, Bathurst, weather rain 100%, water on track 30-40%, 5 laps race, aim to win cleanly - no touching, no curb riding and no aids - ABS 0 ( only when ready ) :D The usual rabbit : Nissan GTR, Ferrari GTO, Ferrari 430, Saleen S7 etc.
Fixed that :D In a game, there's always quicker driver ( another alien of aliens, and they are nothing but bragging rights in virtual world ) :) Be happy with what you have and work on your skills and consistency, what matters is when you are racing side by side / bumper to bumper against real people, stay clean and have a well honed race craft - parity racing ( where lap time do not really matters as all drivers will need equal times to qualify ) is a good place to practice, or maybe do a clean race against AI :P My usual recipe : Stock Cizeta V16T on CM tire, Bathurst, weather rain 100%, water on track 30-40%, 5 laps race, aim to win cleanly - no touching, no curb riding and no aids - ABS 0 ( only when ready ) :D The usual rabbit : Nissan GTR, Ferrari GTO, Ferrari 430, Saleen S7 etc.
It's funny that you mention the Cizeta V16T. I haven't touched that car in probably 9 months or more. The only reason I even have it is because I was given a 15th Anniversary Edition version of the car. I can remember how terrible that car drove those 9+ months ago and for some reason today I decided to see if maybe I could handle her now that my skills have improved some.

I took her around Tsukuba, of all places, and boy was she a handful. Not quite as terrible as I remember, but I wouldn't say that I had "fun" either... :lol: I decided to purchase an adjustable suspension for my lil Cizeta V16T and that helped things quite a bit. It's driveable, for sure, but forgiving that car is not. Make one mistake and you'll be facing every which way but forward... :D :banghead:

On another note...This new update v1.14 is absolutely fantastic!! I can't wait to see how my friends setup their Community Sections and I just finished driving the new Subaru Vision GT car -- whoa! It sounds fantastic!! 👍
Damn...You're a lot faster than I thought if you're only 10 seconds behind mike_gt3 on the Nordschleife. He puts down lap times that defy logic. :D :lol:

I think I'm better at the Nordschliefe than other tracks, because I spent a lot of time there and really studied every corner. A lot of being fast is knowing the exact line to take. And it was just for comparison as I was reminiscing. As Ridox said, it's all about practice to improve the skills, and with time improvement comes. I still have a long way to go before I consider myself "fast"...and I may never get there. But the enjoyment is in the journey :cheers:
I think I'm better at the Nordschliefe than other tracks, because I spent a lot of time there and really studied every corner. A lot of being fast is knowing the exact line to take. And it was just for comparison as I was reminiscing. As Ridox said, it's all about practice to improve the skills, and with time improvement comes. I still have a long way to go before I consider myself "fast"...and I may never get there. But the enjoyment is in the journey :cheers:
I hear ya. I kind of feel like I've plateaued myself... I am always learning new things, but my lap times aren't necessarily improving much, if at all. That's fine too. I'm perfectly content with being at the level I'm at. Right now I still have to struggle to get Gold Medal times in a lot of events. I think the game would be awfully boring if every time a new Seasonal Event came out I could gold it with my eyes closed.

Granted, the Aliens have something else to shoot for. Instead of aiming for Gold, which they could get by accident, they compete for World Record times. So, I guess I should take that statement back. I'm sure when Stotty, SW__10, mike_gt3 and the other Aliens gear up for a new Seasonal Event it's probably even more exciting because they're actually competing against other real people and their time(s). Me? If I finish in the Top 2500, that's fine with me. If I really don't put much effort in and it's Top 5000, so be it.

The world needs ditch diggers too...right? :D :lol: :dunce:
It's funny that you mention the Cizeta V16T. I haven't touched that car in probably 9 months or more. The only reason I even have it is because I was given a 15th Anniversary Edition version of the car. I can remember how terrible that car drove those 9+ months ago and for some reason today I decided to see if maybe I could handle her now that my skills have improved some.

I took her around Tsukuba, of all places, and boy was she a handful. Not quite as terrible as I remember, but I wouldn't say that I had "fun" either... :lol: I decided to purchase an adjustable suspension for my lil Cizeta V16T and that helped things quite a bit. It's driveable, for sure, but forgiving that car is not. Make one mistake and you'll be facing every which way but forward... :D :banghead:

On another note...This new update v1.14 is absolutely fantastic!! I can't wait to see how my friends setup their Community Sections and I just finished driving the new Subaru Vision GT car -- whoa! It sounds fantastic!! 👍

I did posted 550PP Cizeta tune long ago, not sure if still works great on 1.14 :( Stock Cizeta is okay for me, got used to driving it on CM since 1.00 and it's a joy in the rain - lost some of it's charm with the silly stock toe update :grumpy:
I hear ya. I kind of feel like I've plateaued myself... I am always learning new things, but my lap times aren't necessarily improving much, if at all. That's fine too. I'm perfectly content with being at the level I'm at. Right now I still have to struggle to get Gold Medal times in a lot of events. I think the game would be awfully boring if every time a new Seasonal Event came out I could gold it with my eyes closed.

Granted, the Aliens have something else to shoot for. Instead of aiming for Gold, which they could get by accident, they compete for World Record times. So, I guess I should take that statement back. I'm sure when Stotty, SW__10, mike_gt3 and the other Aliens gear up for a new Seasonal Event it's probably even more exciting because they're actually competing against other real people and their time(s). Me? If I finish in the Top 2500, that's fine with me. If I really don't put much effort in and it's Top 5000, so be it.

The world needs ditch diggers too...right? :D :lol: :dunce:

Im even a bit slower than you, luv2druve and many many people on this board lol. That is why i keep my mind, my eyes, my ears open to learn instead of wasting time beating myself up.

I use many of the faster lap times to aim for as a realistic and attainable goals.

I actually feel like many many members on this GTP are very fast comparing to the vast majority of casual players.

I do really appreciate all the tunes and video replays to all who share them! They do tremendous help to a learner like me.
Yeah with that car and that setup. In the beginning of GT6 the R8 LMS was really hard to drive but I think a few updates ago they changed it so much that it is now one of my favorite car...

BTW I think if you get the TS030 in the draw you pretty much need a LMP car or something. Even at 600pp the car can run low 1:51s or 1:50s. I don't have anything thats remotely that fast at 600pp...

I will start working on this tonight but will have to purchase the race car. Just to make sure I have the right car you are talking about the Audi R8 ultra ’12 right?? I only ask as there are some three different versions of this car in the Audi dealership. I saw one in silver that is the Audi R8 ultra ‘12 so is this the one?? The others that I saw were team related Audi R8 if I am not mistaken. I am very much looking forward to working on this project. You are also correct that they changed the handling of this car as when I got the GT6 it came with the Audi R8 ultra 15’ and that car was just not right at all like you said.
Its the silver one in Premium trim. The Bilstein one I am assuming is the same also. There is a standard version as well but I don't know if they are different.
Well after 6 3rds. 4 2nds. I finally one this one against the Gulf Ford GT and the Citröen GT. Finishing a scant 1.03 sec. ahead of the Ford GT. He stayed glued to my backend until the last curve before the finish. He never bumped me but I was holding my breath much of the last lap. Many thanks to @shaunm80 👍👍 for his tune on the TS030. I had tried this before with the TS030 and @nowcontrol tune on the Furai. My 4 2nd. places were with the Furai the rest were with the TS030. I sure the reason why it took so long was to really learn the track. So to both @shaunm80 and @nowcontrol 👍👍👍 thank you so much.:cheers:

In total I ran this race 14 times. That's a total of 70 laps. I had a very difficult time learning the rhythm through the esses. It was only the last race that I really had figured out. Now back to 50 mil. credits again. No more cars to buy I guess until the next races. :gtpflag: is the best community on the net.
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Ever since the 1.14 update none of my HSVs have engine sound with this seasonal. I get transmission sound, and turbo if it's installed. Just no engine. I never realized this before, but I guess I rely on that sound somewhat in helping me to know my speed entering a corner. My lap times dropped about 3 seconds before I was able to re-adjust.

Anyway, weird stuff. Anyone else have this issue?
Yeah with that car and that setup. In the beginning of GT6 the R8 LMS was really hard to drive but I think a few updates ago they changed it so much that it is now one of my favorite car...

BTW I think if you get the TS030 in the draw you pretty much need a LMP car or something. Even at 600pp the car can run low 1:51s or 1:50s. I don't have anything thats remotely that fast at 600pp...
No go on the three R8 with no aids and 5 tunes. I did win with the Corvette Z06 (C6) LM Race Car. I will post the video later.
So close...


At least now I know the Lexus has potential to beat even the most fearsome foe. Had most laps 1:55 and best lap 1:54.1xx. Think I'll stop here since I'm more than happy with my improvement on lap times.
No go on the three R8 with no aids and 5 tunes. I did win with the Corvette Z06 (C6) LM Race Car. I will post the video later.

This was my last try, I think it really depends on your opponents. The car really isn't fast enough if there are cars like Zonda, McLaren or something. It needs help to do sub 2:00 lap consistently. Most of the time its a challenging 2:00 flat. Z4 is appreciably faster. As is the C6 if tuned to similar PP level(the C6 I use is more or less what I feel the C6.R in GTE/GTLM sort of performance, 500 something bhp, 1200kg.)

This was my last try, I think it really depends on your opponents. The car really isn't fast enough if there are cars like Zonda, McLaren or something. It needs help to do sub 2:00 lap consistently. Most of the time its a challenging 2:00 flat. Z4 is appreciably faster. As is the C6 if tuned to similar PP level(the C6 I use is more or less what I feel the C6.R in GTE/GTLM sort of performance, 500 something bhp, 1200kg.)

You are 100% correct I will give it a go with this lineup and see. Thank you!! FYI; I am having a problem with this R8 as when I purchase it and take it to the garage it has less HP than when I purchased it but it's only with this R8 when I purchase any other car it does not happen and I don’t know why. Anyway I will try to look for this lineup and see as I keep a log on lineup and did not run against this one when I ran the three R8. Can you give the power to weight ratios for this car??
You are 100% correct I will give it a go with this lineup and see. Thank you!! FYI; I am having a problem with this R8 as when I purchase it and take it to the garage it has less HP than when I purchased it but it's only with this R8 when I purchase any other car it does not happen and I don’t know why. Anyway I will try to look for this lineup and see as I keep a log on lineup and did not run against this one when I ran the three R8. Can you give the power to weight ratios for this car??



This may or may not be after oil change, not sure.
GT6 Expert Level Race Car Challenge Silverstone Corvette Z06 (C6) LM Race Car
No Aids. Tune By Me. P1 Viper GTS-R. P2 GT-R Nismo GT3. P3 Lamborghini Nomad. Fast Lap 1:59. Pass For The Lead On Lap 4 Over The Viper. The Viper Passed Me Back On Lap 5 For The Lead On The Last Corner Before The Start Finish Line And I Passed The Viper To Take The Checkered Flag For The Win. Super Great Race Mano A Mano With The Viper. Winning Margin .509.



This may or may not be after oil change, not sure.

I never did find this lineup during the weekend but will keep on it till they cancel the Silverstone race. I came in second with 8 different lineups. You did great with the R8 and my hat is off to you. I did post my Corvette race on the forum for you and the rest to see. Again great job.
I did this with the stock Audi R8 LMS ultra (Audi Sport Team Phoenix) '12 and used no driving aids. My lap times were slow, first lap probably about 2:00 something and other laps maybe somewhere in the 1:59's but still could get to overtake final car about half way through final lap. I guess I must have got lucky with AI going by how much faster people are going and still not winning or marginally doing so.
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Yeah with that car and that setup. In the beginning of GT6 the R8 LMS was really hard to drive but I think a few updates ago they changed it so much that it is now one of my favorite car...

BTW I think if you get the TS030 in the draw you pretty much need a LMP car or something. Even at 600pp the car can run low 1:51s or 1:50s. I don't have anything thats remotely that fast at 600pp...

I won it with your silver R8 with no aids my tune and a different lineup. Just needed to ge the rear end "real loose so I could pivot in the corners". I was able to run several fast 1:59 laps to do it.
Awesome tune SW_10 you set it up for Apricot Hill raceway. Wow does it sail around Silverstone in the 600pp race.


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Won this event with the GT-R GT500 Stealth model. Fastest lap of 1:58.287, total time of 10:33.XXX, finishing about 1.0 seconds ahead of the Zonda LM car. This is a fine car to use that has lots of grip, is stable throughout the curves and very easy to drive...

Also finished in first with the Corvette Z06 (C6). Fastest lap of 1:59.733, total time of 10:42.XXX, finishing about 0.6 seconds ahead of the Ford GT LM Spec II. I'll try and win with the RX-7 Touring car (hopefully before this event expires).

@K1LLD0z3R: that's a crazy-fast time around Silverstone! Just curious as to what your fastest lap time was...
Awesome seasonal, the HSV is such a great ride, sadly I never managed to get good times with the Lexus, the Denso painting is my ingame favorite.
Just one run surprised me: A single 1:51:4xx lap with the Mazda 787B :eek: with the rest around 1:53, I didn´t had the Group C Cars on my list.
Won this event with the GT-R GT500 Stealth model. Fastest lap of 1:58.287, total time of 10:33.XXX, finishing about 1.0 seconds ahead of the Zonda LM car. This is a fine car to use that has lots of grip, is stable throughout the curves and very easy to drive...

Also finished in first with the Corvette Z06 (C6). Fastest lap of 1:59.733, total time of 10:42.XXX, finishing about 0.6 seconds ahead of the Ford GT LM Spec II. I'll try and win with the RX-7 Touring car (hopefully before this event expires).

@K1LLD0z3R: that's a crazy-fast time around Silverstone! Just curious as to what your fastest lap time was...

Thanks, that TS030 with SW_10's tune is crazy fast. I managed two 1'49's the quickest being a 1'49.1xx.