Ok, why do you think humans have rights?
Wow. That's a big question. I will give the shortest answer I can. Just remember, any holes you can pick at it are because I do not have the time or motivation to give a proper ten page answer.
Basically it comes down to a combination of philosophy and sociology.
Human beings have rights because human beings say so. What rights are given by law are determined by your society's morals and ethics. What rights a person believes should be given are determined by their own philosophy.
One could say that human rights are just there, but one would have to ask where they came from and that discussion cannot be had without mentioning religion and dome form of creator. Since you are a self-proclaimed Atheist I am assuming that I do not have to broach that area of the subject.
In the United States we have a very broad range of rights that were laid out by our founding fathers, who believed them to be unalienbale and endowed by a creator. They separated church and state but held on to those rights in that they were granted by the Constitution. Whether there was a creator or not did not matter in the United States because the Constitution granted them to you and that could not be argued.
Bringing it home: This brings me to this:
This misunderstands the discussion quite severely. Nobody is killing anyone because their rights are being infringed. In fact, nobody's rights are being infringed until abortion becomes illegal (unless you give the fetus rights).
I highlighted the important part. Our argument comes down to; does a fetus have legally defined rights as a human? The Constitution does not specifically mention abortion, but neither does it specifically mention a fetus. You feel that the discussion is covered in that the mother has rights to her own body. I feel that the fetus should be given the rights of the Constitution - this would make abortion murder.
It appears that our difference comes down to personal philosophy/point of view. So, just as you feel the Constitution is ignored or misinterpreted in many property rights issues (most of which I agree with you) I feel the same way on the abortion issue.
But if the fetus is still in the womb and hasen't started crawling its way out, I don't really think of it as alive yet. It sounds mean, but its kind of like that saying--"out of sight, out of mind".
I wonder how many people have based their opinions on thsi without realizing it. It could explain why some peopel are overly offended when someone asks them to view images of an abortion or an aborted fetus but have no problems going home and watching a surgery on TLC. It's either that or they are too close-minded to try and listen to an oppsoing point of view. (For the record, I do not agree with protesters with billboard-sized signs with graphic images of aborted fetuses. I think they have gone overboard and are trying to shock people into changing their opinions.)
I also think that retarded fetuses should have these same rules, even if they are supremely messed up. I've always wondered, if we did abort all mentally and physically retarded fetuses, how long it would take until those mutations didn't occur anymore. Maybe we could rid the system of a few flaws. Maybe not, I don't know
As long as there are outside influences you will have these mutations. What caused these problems in the first place? The same set of parents can have two children and one have problems while the other be completely healthy. You are acting as if it is a matter of genetics, but a million processes happen duriong development that can cause this. What you are asking about is bordering on genocide.
What if they are born not breathing on their own? If they are hooked up to a respirator are they still fair game for abortion? They don't have any rights if their lungs need a jump-start? What is its first breath: inhaling or exhaling? Or both? Is it only a breath if the whole cycle has been performed? You can be fully alive but not breath--look, I'm holding my breath!
It would be called euthenasia, which many peopel also have no problem with.
Fetuses lungs work inside the womb, you know; they actually "breath" the ambiotic fluid. They don't extract oxygen from it, but their lungs do inhale and exhale it.
Are you talking about gill slits? Human fetuses have gill slits early on in the developmental process.
...because it isn't a baby until it is fully born. Or is it while it's on its way out, still in the birth canal? Is it a fetus until the unbilical cord is cut?
Some people do think late-term/partial-birth abortions are fine.
By law (in the US). At the moment a baby takes its first breath, he/she is then a citizen and has all the protections of the constitution. Before that, they don't have any rights.
Right. I think the point is that I disagree with the law. Why do people think that by quoting the law that ends the debate? I know the law, but that doesn't mean I agree. Why do you think politicians spend all that time arguing? Hell, if we said this is the law, deal with it, no debate, abortion would still be illegal as well as a lot of other things (slavery for one).
Seriously tho, to each their own. It's the woman's body, let her do with it what she wants. It's nobody's place to say anything different.
What about the fetus' body? It is unable to make a decision or even have a voice in a decision. And it isn't a part of the mother's body (different genetic code), but we act like it is and treat it as if she is just having a tumor removed.