About the April Fool's Joke

  • Thread starter Jordan
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^He hasn't contacted Jordan yet. According to sUn's now hidden thread, Duke just changed his user title to banned. He wasn't really banned.

I think the only people permanantly banned are Jon and sUn.
That's someone in invisible mode, you can do that from your profile.
Time for me to weigh in here. I've been offline for the last 6 hours or so.

This did start innocently enough with my original "I'm leaving" post just after midnight EST April 1st. It ran innocently enough until about noon EST. People pitched in a little, and there was some speculation in the Conversation thread, but it was pretty clearly a joke.

Up until that time, NOBODY was really banned in anger. Some of us were pretending; VipFREAK agreed to be actually banned for a short period to make it seem truer. Der Alta's account was actually downgraded for a time for the same reason. I put my Duke/extreme_duke account into Invisible mode and kept an eye on things all morning. Jordan's post played along, and he also got me with a similar post in the Mods Forum. Things were going well enough and popular opinion was about evenly split on whether it was a joke or not, with a few more people siding with the (correct) 'JOKE' opinion.

I went to lunch to celebrate a friend of mine's new job. Jordan was busy as well. We all planned to let the idle speculation percolate for a while and make a big announcement when Jordan got back later in the afternoon.

Unfortunately, during that time, I believe that Jon gave sUn his account information so that sUn could access the SuperMod account. I came back from lunch and immediately had to go into Damage Control mode while we figured out what was going on. This unfortunately prevented me from A) knowing what to announce, and B) having time to announce it. By the end of the afternoon I had 4 or 5 browser tabs open on GTPlanet and 4 separate MSN conversations going while everybody tried to figure out what was happening.

They posted the screenshot of my account page showing that I was not really banned. This screenshot could ONLY have been obtained with an account with Super Mod status. I recycled that thread.

sUn apparently banned a number of people against whom he held grudges, in addition to several innocent bystanders. He also deleted various posts to further complicate the issue.

I also used my Duke account to give Captain Coffee temporary admin status to try and regain access to certain controls so I could repair permissions, as Jordan says. The Captain is indeed my second 'tester' account that I experiment on. As soon as I realized that the new account was causing concern, I demoted Captain Coffee back to obscurity and recycled the post with his information in it.

During this time AO and I realized that sUn was doing more damage than simply trying to prank the pranksters. The sUn account and the other innocent bystanders had been banned by Jon's account - although it is possibly Jon who did that himself I have solid reason to believe it was sUn logged in as Jon. Either way, as soon as I banned that account (approximately 2:30p EST) the mayhem ended.

But the aftermath continued, complicated by the sudden slowdown of GTP service. During this time we were also trying to figure out the Jon/sUn connection, of course.

I unbanned Der Alta's real account and restored both of our names to the real thing. We set about figuring out which innocent bystanders had been banned and correcting that. I may not have gotten everyone back to their correct status; if not, please let Jordan know.

As soon as we felt the situation was somewhat stabilized, we posted information in the original "Hanging up my guns" thread. Fortunately, Jordan arrived back at that time and has made the explanations that you've all read.

I too apologize for what happened today, humbly and sincerely. I don't entirely see how the staff here abused the community's trust, since it was reasonably obvious up until about noon that it was April Fools, and since the actual damage was done by two particular members.

However, I recognize that it appears we did abuse that trust, and I accept full responsibility for that perception. As the initial instigator of the joke, I led the other staff to play along. It was I who gave the two problem members their cover or opening to damage the site. I did what I could to fix it as quickly as possible, but that genie will never go all the way back into the bottle. There's been damage done that likely would not have otherwise ocurred.

In that spirit I offer my sincere apologies to the community, my fellow staff members, and most humbly to Jordan, who trusted me in this position. Last year I was voted one of the most trusted members of this community, and I've punted that pretty far over the fence. I'll be communicating with Jordan about my status here and while I hope he sees fit to retain me so I can continue to help repair the damage, I'll accept whatever decision he chooses to make.
Thanks for your explaination Duke :).

I think all the crazyness that was going on made sUn go crazy, I cant understand why Jon would give his account away though?
Will you guys just get off my back?

And you guys wonder why I argue.

Because it's more fun to do it then not to.

On a serious note though, today was.... f'ed up to say the least. I just figured Duke was baked or summin and did anyone see the deralta and EH accounts? Today was indeed April Fools with Fools everywhere... not anymore.. way to get it under control Jordan. 👍
No kidding, I was getting IM's from people in different nations asking me ?'s... messed up.... stupid April Fool's... I so need a prank this year... bologna on principal's car anyone.?
I think that the reason I believed it was no April fools joke, is because in the GT4 drift section (and maybe other sections) there are MANY newbie's that post unecesarry question's without a search for over a month now, and we must tell them EVERYTIME that they should search, instead of posting a stupid question. Anyway I immedaitly saw and understood what Duke "meant" in his first post, and I must say that the way Der Alta entered the confusion, really convinced me that it was NO:dunce: joke.

Anyway, I'm an April Fool now, but I DO HAVE to say that I thought sUn was a good member:tup: This just happened for some reason, and I regret it that sUn has already been banned while he was still in school, because I wanted to hear his opinion on this just to look if he admits or if he had some proof for convincing us he WAS at school.

I still think sUn shouldn't have been banned so quickly, but it's just the way it is............
No kidding, I was getting IM's from people in different nations asking me ?'s... messed up.... stupid April Fool's... I so need a prank this year... bologna on principal's car anyone.?

That sux. You have to cover their windhsheild wipers and tires in Vaseline (petroleum jelly).
Long winded explanation and apology...
Thanks for the further explanation Duke 👍
I don't entirely see how the staff here abused the community's trust
Niether do I, and I am somewhat suprised that people have been so angry about this. I'm very suprised about this and I'm somewhat angry at sUn/Jon, but not at the rest of the staff or members.

I understood the initial joke but even after seeing sUn post Dukes info I was unable to see that he was doing anything wrong. I thought he was just using some VB feature that I was [Edit]NOT[/EDIT]introduced to (well that was right in a way).

I never had any problems with sUn before, and really have seen no reason to dislike him before the incident.

I haven't lost any faith in the GTP staff, and I really hope this event doesn't prevent the guys to have a little fun with us every once in a while. Well look back at this a couple of years ago and still wonder what exactly happened.

(unless of course this is an even greater april fools where jon and sUn were in with the mods.............NAW)

Wow. I never knew that much chaos occured. I can't really be selfish and let you feel sorry for us. I feel sorry for you guys who had to figure all this out. I was in a major state of confusion but I couldn't even begin to imagine what you thought. Thank you Jordan, Duke, Der Alta and all of the moderating staff for your efforts.
Niether do I, and I am somewhat suprised that people have been so angry about this. I'm very suprised about this and I'm somewhat angry at sUn/Jon, but not at the rest of the staff or members.

I, too, don't really think that ANYONE here owe's anyone an apology except for sUn and Jon because of what happened today. They're the only members that did anything which is deserving of an apology. Yes, Duke and the other mods started it as an April Fool's joke, it was a damn good one at that, but two members abused some powers and royally screwed things up. I understand that the admin staff feels the need to apologize and fix the public relations shenanigans which were caused by sUn and Jon, but the current staff has done nothing to warrant an apology. You guys are the best, I've never had a reason to lost trust in any of the moderating staff, nor has or will this cause me to lose trust in you guys. You handled the situation very professionally given the circumstances and a lesser moderating staff would have folded under the pressure and all hell would have broken loose over GTP; you all did a commendable job playing the gatekeepers of hell today.

Anyways, long story short, the only members I would like an apology from are sUn and Jon. I know they can't post the apology, but an email from Jordan to them or something like that, and then (assuming they are mature enough to comply) have their replies posted here or something.
This thing about sUn really boggles me. Always seen him as kind and pretty wise, and now this. I don't get it.

It's a shame.

Anyway, no need for any apologies from the mod staff. It was very fun, most of it. :)
Anyways, long story short, the only members I would like an apology from are sUn and Jon. I know they can't post the apology, but an email from Jordan to them or something like that, and then (assuming they are mature enough to comply) have their replies posted here or something.

Great idea:tup::sly:

B.t.w. I was very confused yesterday, but it seems allright now, realising I just can't trust anyone on April 1st 2006, instead of being suspicious all the time. I now realise from all the mods stories there isn't anything they could do about it:tup:
I used to have no problems with sUn but in last month or two he'd really become rather annoying and rude IMO.

Anyway, I'm an April Fool now, but I DO HAVE to say that I thought sUn was a good member:tup: This just happened for some reason, and I regret it that sUn has already been banned while he was still in school, because I wanted to hear his opinion on this just to look if he admits or if he had some proof for convincing us he WAS at school.

I still think sUn shouldn't have been banned so quickly, but it's just the way it is............

I agree. I wanted to hear his side of the story.
He should have been allowed to explain himself to us, the community too.

I did too, think sUn was a good member.
Just yesterday, he was telling me about how he wished he could have worked on his WRS time and make it better.

All in all, this whole experience has reminded me of 9/11. sUn/Jon hijacking the site and causing chaos, and in the end the Admins and Mods as the Police, Firemen, and such working to get things straight and they did as the US did with 9/11. I can't explain it really, but this, IMO, feels like a GTP 9/11.
no, I think s13drifting going nuts was like 9/11. This is like Pearl Harbour in comparison.
McLaren F1GTR
I agree. I wanted to hear his side of the story.
He should have been allowed to explain himself to us, the community too.

I did too, think sUn was a good member.
Just yesterday, he was telling me about how he wished he could have worked on his WRS time and make it better.

All in all, this whole experience has reminded me of 9/11. sUn/Jon hijacking the site and causing chaos, and in the end the Admins and Mods as the Police, Firemen, and such working to get things straight and they did as the US did with 9/11. I can't explain it really, but this, IMO, feels like a GTP 9/11.
I don't think you were here, but last 9/11 (2004), there was another "event" that occured that cause a MAJOR ruckus. sUn was a part of it, the fuel, if you will. It had to do with Darin's banning.
Wow. It was a complete mess here yesterday. I still trust the staff here and glad they're trying their best to get everything back to normal. Shame I missed the last part of it but it seems it was best to stay out of it all.

I was also suspicious when sUn posted Duke's profile. Show's what he was doing.
I think all the GTP Staff and people involved in this joke need a Kancho for confusing everyone for so long and causing such wild speculation (only joking, you put on a damn good show worthy of a soap opera) :D

sUn and possibliy Jon should recieve the Ultimate Level 3 Shin-Kancho-Ken for there sins.
McLaren F1GTR
I agree. I wanted to hear his side of the story.
He should have been allowed to explain himself to us, the community too.

I did too, think sUn was a good member.
Just yesterday, he was telling me about how he wished he could have worked on his WRS time and make it better.

All in all, this whole experience has reminded me of 9/11. sUn/Jon hijacking the site and causing chaos, and in the end the Admins and Mods as the Police, Firemen, and such working to get things straight and they did as the US did with 9/11. I can't explain it really, but this, IMO, feels like a GTP 9/11.

Yeah, you can see this as an internet terrorist attack:lol::sly:

But there are similarities:
-"anonious person" "hijacked" a mod. account, help was given from the "inside" (mod.)
- He flew with that account over to the heart of GTP: the mod section
- He caused immence chaos
- Lot's of victims/bannings (on a GTP scale)
- Now nobody knows how this could happen and a few members "died" out.........pretty sad

And I want a message from sUn cause I don't know how he could cause this trouble while beeing on school:irked: I really think that if someone has put THIS MUCH energy in ruining GTP, I think he wouldn't post a pic. of himself clarifying he knows a mod. password:
Maybe this person didn't want to get banned himself, knows a lot of passwords, logged in onto sUn's account because he was angry at him (as apparently lot's of people are right now) banned all OTHER members he hated, let sUn be banned himself, and completing the task:idea:

It's only a way it COULD have gone, but I think sUn didn't cause this trouble, is there any proof of this:irked:?!
Event Horizon
I don't think you were here, but last 9/11 (2004), there was another "event" that occured that cause a MAJOR ruckus. sUn was a part of it, the fuel, if you will. It had to do with Darin's banning.
I was here.

I had no clue to why he was banned but won't try to find out why.
I, too, don't really think that ANYONE here owe's anyone an apology except for sUn and Jon because of what happened today. They're the only members that did anything which is deserving of an apology. Yes, Duke and the other mods started it as an April Fool's joke, it was a damn good one at that, but two members abused some powers and royally screwed things up. I understand that the admin staff feels the need to apologize and fix the public relations shenanigans which were caused by sUn and Jon, but the current staff has done nothing to warrant an apology. You guys are the best, I've never had a reason to lost trust in any of the moderating staff, nor has or will this cause me to lose trust in you guys. You handled the situation very professionally given the circumstances and a lesser moderating staff would have folded under the pressure and all hell would have broken loose over GTP; you all did a commendable job playing the gatekeepers of hell today.

Anyways, long story short, the only members I would like an apology from are sUn and Jon. I know they can't post the apology, but an email from Jordan to them or something like that, and then (assuming they are mature enough to comply) have their replies posted here or something.


No hard feelings towards any currunt mods/admin. You guys are great :)

No hard feelings towards any currunt mods/admin. You guys are great :)

I second that 👍

This was the scariest, phunniest, weirdest, awesomest April fools joke EVER..

Can't wait to see what the Staff comes up with next year ;)
Well, having just logged into to be eduated about what transpired, I have to come to blakes conclusion:

I'm also curious as to why so many people don't trust the staff anymore, there was one bad member of staff, everyone else was just part of an April fools joke.

The fact is is was a perfectly controlled April Fools joke designed by DA and Duke and involving consenting members. Out of left field, and totally unexpectedly, a Super Mod divulged his profile details to a member. This could have happened (but shouldnt have happened ever) yesterday, today, tomorrow, next year...whenever. The fact of the matter is the divulging of confidential Mod details to a member should not have happened.

The April Fool's joke was totally separate to the actions of sUn and Jon. In my eyes, Duke and DA and the other mods have nothing to apologise for. sUn's actions were totally separate to their joke. People are also forgetting alacrity with with the mods involved in the AFJ bolted the doors and contained the situation. They kept their cool and did a great job of discovering the root of the problem. Period.

Those who feel angry at mods have no reason to be. They should however be extremely angry at sUn and Jon for betraying everyones trust. A SM giving out info like that disgusts me, even it it was for "good" intentions. A mistake without malice yes, on Jon's part, but an unforgiveable one nonetheless.
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