About the April Fool's Joke

  • Thread starter Jordan
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Let's not fight about this, please. I think enough people's nerves are frayed.
You're not going to die,
zOMG Blackbird die!!?!11
you're not going to have a terrible disease,
zOMG Blackbrird skin peel off?!!112211!!!
you're not going to suddenly seem attractive to a cliniclly obese, facially challenged and highly obseessed women.
Heh...happened to me once...

I can't imagine what happens when your pet dies? You wear black for a week?

He flushes it down the toilet.
Maybe I actually care about the well being of this site. I've been here for 3 years and sadly yes I go to here everyday but it's a place where I can talk have fun and play games. Maybe you don't. I don't care. Why should you?
I come here just about everyday aswell. I would be concerned. Such as I was during the hostage crisis (We shall not give your server back untill you have paid $400! MWhahahahahaha). But scared? No.

I come here just about everyday aswell.

[EDIT] Okay, I'll stop. BB, feel free to reply but this will be my end 👍
Yeah, the breech was a damaging blow. I think that even without the prank it would have been a damaging blow.
Well, seems good that I didn't visit GTP at all then...Oh and Blackbird, seriously get over it. It was something that went wrong, if you're seriously that affected by being banned by someone from a compromised account you need a little break from GTP...
Christ, quit arguing. This thread should be left to informing us as to WTF happened today.

Now that will instigate an arguement. So why not just delete all the posts and lock it to just show Jordan's post. ;) That would be the ideal thing to do.
Well, seems good that I didn't visit GTP at all then...Oh and Blackbird, seriously get over it. It was something that went wrong, if you're seriously that affected by being banned by someone from a compromised account you need a little break from GTP...

He just tried to pwn me on MSN. Maybe BB's account got hacked?
Will you guys just get off my back?

And you guys wonder why I argue.
Can we have a confirmation of who it was that instigated the chaos?
Not until it is fully settled.

Yes, this was an April Fools joke. I apologize for it getting out of control. It was well under control, right up until I posted with a second account. It was about that time the other member took it upon himself to begin banning other members. At that point that member (deralta) and this account were banned I had asked Sn00pie to do that, simply to further the charade.

The member in question took it upon himself to begin banning other members that he had conflicts with, as well as a few random people as well.

The moderator account that had been compromised is beign held in question, the member is being held in question and I am very sorry that it turned out this way. Through all of the end pieces, I didn't have access to my admin account (and still don't have the full features back (after this, I am unsure of that status overall))

Don't loose faith in the staff here, in fact this should show you that we can adapt and work together with little contact. Each one of the staff picked up a piece and worked with each other through very fast and accurate coordination. That's why Jordan wanted us. We all work very well together and support Jordan. Unfortunately a compromised account caused grevious reactions.

Rest assured, GTP is righting itself very fast.

I'm glad I was never banninated, but I got the joke and if I was I would have just assumed one of the mods was temporarily banning me for april fools. I would have came back on another account saying "OMG I g0t nubzoared!!!!111!!!!1. GTP is my hizz0us. I w4nt to cri!!!!"
The thread seemed fine at the time I was reading. But I had to get back to work and didn´t see how it finished. Not very good it seems.
You're lucky you've got your own website.

I think you guys owe sUn an apology.


If you keep spamming, I'm sure you will be.
All the more reason to apologize; he didn't do anything except maybe mouth off a little.
Who is this Burr guy? Man do I feel outta the loop, all I did was leave work and come home to play some GT4. I get on and blamey every thing went and blowed up. I was one of the ones who was banned for no good reason. So whoever it was I guess they had it out for me.
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